Status: Very Much Alive

My Kingdom for a Kiss


As Evageline's sobs started to die down, he feared she would push him away.

Arthur picked her up bridal style, much like when he carried her to the psychicans chambers many moons ago.

Much to his pleasant surprise, she didn't fight him, she just hid her face in his shoulder, her breathing uneven from crying. Though, that wasn't the only reason.

He carried her into her room, and took a seat on the edge of her bed. He wasn't ready to put her down.

She still hid her face, she didn't like that she had lost control in from of him, that she was letting him hold her. But she didn't have even strength or desire to push him away.

Realizing her arms were still wrapped around his neck loosely, she slowly dropped them, her fingertips trailing away from his neck and down his chest.

He couldn't restrain the shiver that made his breathing shaky, he didn't want to. He embraced it.

She rest her arms against her chest, her eyes heavy as she fought sleep.

Evangeline hesitantly peeked up at Arthur, sadly biting her lip.

He smiled lightly down at her, tucking a stray lock of hair out of her eyes.

But that gesture only made her more sorrowful.

Arthur brushed it away, refusing a frown to take its place around his lips.

One last tear fell down her cheek and she looked away from his eyes. She regretted ever excusing herself from Sir Alexandrus.

She never would have thought they would end up here, in this situation.

''Arthur, please put me down now.'' She asked quietly.

He reluctantly stood, Evangeline still in his arms. He gently laid her down on her bed.

''Thank you.'' She whispered, for that was all she could do.

''Could you just do me one favor?'' Arthur asked, thinking it could be worth it to push his luck.

She glanced up at him, thinking. ''What is it?'' She asked, her voice almost inaudible.

''Just let me lay down with you until you fall asleep. Just lay there. I want to be with you. I just want to be here for you. I can't leave you. And I swear I'll be gone when you wake up in the morning.''

Evangeline didn't really want him to go, but she didn't want him to say either. She was so conflicted and tired.

One harmless night of sharing a bed couldn't do much. She tried telling herself.

''Okay.'' She said quietly, attempting to shake off her hearts racing pace.

Arthur laid down beside her, his heart beating mercilessly against his chest as she glanced over at her, hardly realizing he had been holding his breath.

He attempted to caught her gaze, but she was avoiding his eyes harder than ever.

She didn't look at him, she simply couldn't.

Arthur frowned, biting his lip. ''Goodnight, my love.'' His voice low and soft. He knew this was the only time he could get away with saying those words.

Evangeline frowned, despite the way his words made her feel.