Status: Very Much Alive

My Kingdom for a Kiss


''... Can you show me...?'' Arthur asked of Evangeline warily, after a few more moments of her explaining her magic and a short silence.

Evangeline didn't look at him, but fidgeted uncomfortably as she said, ''You already saw it...''

Truth be told, she was still nervous of his motives. And after all the years of hiding it, it would was strange for her to just come out and show someone.

''I understand.'' Arthur could tell she was apprehensive and waved it away. He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. Especially when she was at last speaking civially and spending real time with him.

Evangeline bit her full lower lip, peeking up at him from under her long, dark lashes. He was hiding a slightly disappointed expression and that made her sigh.

''Okay...'' She breathed, closing her eyes lightly and slowly lifting her arms toward the sky.

''ic i abregdan'' She muttered, just loud enough for Arthur to hear and opened her eyes as they burn liquid moonlight.

The dew from light rain the morning of today rose slowly into the air, hovering in their places around the two.

The droplets of rain water seemed to have stopped time itself and Arthur felt wonderful chills at her powerful abilities and the beautiful things she used them for.

They slowly descended back down, elegantly and gracefully.

''Arthur...?'' Evangeline sighed after a short pause of silence. ''Why are you here?''

''I told you, I love you. I want to be with you.'' Arthur said sincerely, his eyes soft as he peeked over at her.

''Well, sometimes we don't always get what we want. I'm afraid we can not be. Your Father would never allow it if he ever found out what I am.''

Evangeline shrugged, willing her heavy heart to become weightless, though, her attempts were mute.

''Evangeline, he has nothing to do with us.'' Arthur spoke, firmly, yet softly all in the same moment.

Evangeline scoffed. ''Arthur, if he ever found out, he would have me executed. Like he did all my innocent kin. I think that does mean he has something to do with 'us'.''

''I would never let that happen.'' Arthur said unshakeably, his eyes firm with a strong sincerity.

''Some things are out of our control.'' She said calmly, as if her own execution was something to not get upset over. She was merely sad he would not let her go.

''Not that.'' He replied, his tone unmovable.

Despite her chills, Evangeline shook her head lightly, but did not say a word.

''I must go.'' Evangeline stood, glancing out into the twilight. Her Father, or even Beatrice would soon be looking for her.

Arthur stood as well, thus standing several inches taller than her.''Wait.'' He requested, biting his lip.

Evangeline turned to face him, reluctantly. She glanced up into his eyes, a lingering sadness in her own.

''Well I see you again soon?'' Arthur asked breathlessly, hoping against hope that the two would share more moments, such as these.

Evangeline sighed, glancing back in the direction of her kingdom. ''I'm not sure... ''

Arthur took her hands in his, attempting to recapture her eyes. ''I would do anything to make you stay, if only for a little while longer...''

''This is a conversation I just can not have tonight.'' Evangeline took her hands back, a frown tugging on her full lips.

Arthur sighed. ''Why not, Evangeline?'' He asked in a sad, pleading tone of voice.

''Because, Arthur. I just don't want to talk about it. Okay...?'' She sighed, biting her plump lower lip.

''I must go. Beatrice will be looking for me.'' She glanced back toward her castle, but it was hiding my a mass of heavily leaved trees.

When she looked back at Arthur, she saw his distressed expression as he intently watch the still ground.

''Arthur... I- I think it would be wise... if you started to look for a new princess.'' Evangeline said with difficulty. ''One who can give you what you seek.''

Arthur shook his head vigorously, repeating the same word, 'no'. ''I don't want another.'' He said firmly.

Evangeline wallowed in her mixed emotions over his statement, biting her lip as now she watched the leave-filled ground under her booted feet.

Her lips were starting to hurt from all the stressed biting, of course, she wasn't biting hard, though they still ached.

Evangeline took Arthur's hands slowly, as if she wasn't sure how to do so, frowning down at them, attempting to muster up all the courage left in her to say and do what she was about to.

Lingeringly and reluctantly, she looked up, into those baby blues. ''Arthur, I really think you should, because... I don't love you. Now, nor ever.''

Evangeline tried to hide her hurt and sorrow upon saying these false and vicious lies, but it peeked through ever so slightly.

''I'm sorry...'' Her voice was barely audible as she let go of his hands, and turned, leaving Arthur frozen in terrible pain, alone and devastated in the middle of the trees of the Darkling Woods.

Evangeline didn't look back once, it would pain her beyond repair. Her feet were sure to fail her as she walked, numbly and in inconceivable hurt.

She had to say those words, even though they hurt the both of them. It was for the best, in the future.

Evangeline's heart broke every step she took through the thinning woods and it took all her strength to prevent herself from breaking down right then and there.

Once she was safely hidden behind her chamber doors, she wept relentlessly, her tears mercilessly blinding her glossy eyes.

Arthur stiffly, and without rational emotions, walked home, his heart pounding in it's broken ruins.

He didn't want to think anymore. He didn't know why he was so foolish. So naive.

He wanted to stop loving her, it would cause him less pain, but he couldn't, and the more he thought of not loving her, the more he knew he couldn't stop. And the more pain he was sure to be brought.