Status: Very Much Alive

My Kingdom for a Kiss


Arthur was pleasantly surprised, and the night seemed a bit colder with the chills her touch had brought him.

Evangeline mindlessly pushed herself closer to his body, and instantly, he worried of the cold no longer. His entire being was set alight against her and he wished to be even closer.

But just as he wished for more, she gave him less.

Evangeline pulled away, and stepped back, her face hidden behind her long dark hair as she stared at the leaves on the forest floor in shame.

''Maybe I shouldn't have done that...'' She frowned, disappointed in herself.

Arthur bit his swollen lower lip, the lips she had kissed, and sighed. ''Why do you do this to me, Evangeline?'' He begged, his sadness the only emotion audible in his hushed words.

She glanced up at the use of her name, slightly surprised and then she sigh. She never meant to hurt him, but it seemed that was all she was capable of.

''Why kiss me if you plan to leave me? It only makes me happy before you make me sad.''

Evangeline took a small breath, ''I'm sorry. I will not kiss, or touch you again. It's a good thing we live in two different kingdoms. You need not worry no longer.'' She said slightly crossly, half hurt by his terrible wording.

''It's also a very good thing that I only met you to say goodbye. So, goodbye, Arthur Pendragon. I hope I never see you again.''

Evangeline glared, before turning on her heel toward her castle.

''Wait! Evangeline... I did not mean to hurt you.'' Arthur plead, frowning.

She turned to face him, her defensive mode activated. ''You didn't hurt me. Don't think for a second that you have that effect on me.''

Arthur's eyes cast downward and a sigh escaped his full lips.

''What I said was wrong. I didn't mean it the way it came out.'' ' Arthur glanced back up at her, surprised she even stayed put. ''How can I make it better?'' He plead, biting his lip.

''You can't. There is nothing to make better. I say farewell for the last time. Goodbye.'' Evangeline turned her back to him, once again.

Arthur moaned. He should never had said anything.

''I'm sorry! Please!'' Arthur rushed to catch up with her angry, fast pace.

Evangeline did not look at him, but said, in a dead tone, ''There is nothing to be sorry about.''

''Stop that! Please, Evangeline! I know what you're doing!'' Arthur took her shoulders gently, stopping her from her escape.

She shook him off, glaring at his chest because she was too stubborn to look into his eyes.

''I'm sorry.... I am...'' Arthur said with serene sincerity, and cupped her cheek with his right hand and with his left he pulled her closely.

He did not want to fight. He just wanted to hold her close and never let go. Arthur was deeply sorrowful about hurting her and wished never to do it again.

His embrace was not returned, but she had softened somewhat in his arms and even leaned into him ever so slightly.

That was slight enough for Arthur and he held her closer against him.

Evangeline's constant fighting was no doubt taking its toll on her, and she found herself accepting his embrace.

Arthur closed his eyes lightly, taking in her kindness, while it last.

He tightened his hold of her gently, afraid to let go, or even ease his grip ever so slightly.

There was a loud drumming noise inside her ear it pumped down toward it's source, in her chest and she could hardly bear it any longer. But it wasn't the slight pain of it, it was why it do so.

Evangeline could feel and hear his own heart beat and she could feel he wasn't close to letting go.

''Okay, Arthur, please ...?'' Her slow tone plead for him to release her, but he wished to never let go.

Alas, he did as she hauntingly asked, and reluctantly set her free from his arms.

''Thank you.'' She took her first real breath since he embraced her and stepped away. He had remained too close for her comfort.

Arthur thought to speak, before she pardoned herself like she usually did when they share a moment she didn't plan to happen.

''Can you just do one thing for me? I won't ask again.''

Evangeline glanced up at him, curious, but doubtful. ''What?''

Arthur took a deep breath, praying for her acceptance and not rejection. ''Spend the day with me. Just one day. We can do whatever you want and we don't have to talk about us. I won't kiss you unless you ask. I won't touch you. I just ask that you spend one day with me.''

Evangeline thought for a moment, her brows knit lightly as she bit her lower lip.

It couldn't do much harm, she thought. No touching, kissing, or talking about them. So it just be like they were friends.

But she would have to lie to her father... She never liked doing that. But maybe she wouldn't have to lie, maybe just leave Arthur out of it?

With a slightly deep breath, she glanced back up at Arthur, who was waiting her answer with anxious patience.

''Where would we go?''

Arthur couldn't help but feel slightly relieved, even if she wasn't saying an absolute 'yes'. ''Anywhere! Everywhere.'' He breathlessly answered, biting his lip and hoping against hope she would accept.

Evangeline was hesitant, but finally answered with a small pause of her heart. ''Okay.''

The fair haired prince smiled wildly, close to embracing her again, but stopped himself. ''Okay. Tomorrow. I'll met you here at 8 in the morning. Is that a good time?''

Evangeline frowned, even more reluctant than before. ''That's fine.'' She shook her head, hoping she wasn't making another mistake.

After leaving a very happy Arthur, Evangeline felt even more downcast than the dark clouds moodily cramping the night sky.

A part of her was anxiously awaiting the next day, but the other wanted to sleep through the rest of the year. She was constantly in conflict with herself and it exhausted her beyond belief. She was strong to withstand it.

The next morning, Evangeline hesitantly found her father, who had counsel in the throne room.

The guards opened the doors for her and she slowly walked in, wearing a white linen dress that hide her feet and trailed a few inches after her, the only pattern being small vines made of white yearn trailing down her long sleeves and tail of the gown.

''My daughter!'' Odin smiled sweetly, the counsel room fell silent as they each gave her a bow of the head and stood.

She smiled a genuine smile, and bow back, but soon her sadness returned, though she hide it well.

''Father, I thought I might go out for the day. If that is alright?'' She asked kindly, raising a dark brow.

''Of course! I'll have a guard go with you.'' He motioned to one of the guards standing behind him, but Evangeline quickly protested.

''Oh, father, I thought I might go alone?'' She looked up from under her lashes and bit her lip, giving him a subtle pouty look that roped him around her finger.

Odin was hesitant, but obliged.

''Thank you, daddy.'' She smiled, bowing out of the room.

She found Morgana then, to tell her she had taken her advice and to tell her that Arthur asked to spend the day with her. She told the conditions in which he had convinced her and Morgana hide her smug happiness, though not well.

When Evangeline made it to the spot they agreed to meet, she did not have to wait for Arthur, for he was already there.

He smiled at the sight of her, but reminded himself their conditions and did not move toward her.

''You know, you're supposed to be the strongest warrior in Camelot, yet you can't carry your own bag!'' Merlin appeared, straining under the weight of several things.

''Merlin!'' Evangeline smiled her second real smile that day and rushed to him.

He smiled his goofy smile and it seemed to drive her troubled from her mind.

''Let me help you.'' The smile still playing on her full lips as she felt Merlin to carefully put them down.

''Are you staying?'' She asked, after a brief hug.

Behind her, Merlin saw Arthur give him a look that clearly told him his answer. ''No. Just helping out, then I'm heading back to Camelot for a day off.'' Merlin smiled over at Arthur, silently blackmailing.

Arthur clenched his jaw, giving him yet another threatening look. ''Fine. Enjoy your day off. But a 'day off' does imply that you work at night.'' He smirked.

Merlin glared, then turned to Evangeline and smiled. ''Well, I'll leave you two alone now.'' He smirked his own discrete smirk and waved goodbye to Evangeline.

Evangeline turned to Arthur, once Merlin had disappeared in the trees and asked, ''So, where are we going?''

Arthur forgot all about Merlin and rushed toward her. She stepped away, though Arthur was going for the bags at her feet.

She breathed an inaudible sigh of relief and watched as he picked them up, having to use less effort than Merlin. He pulled the two horses gently closer to Evangeline.

''We're going that far?'' She asked, gesturing toward the horses.

Arthur smiled and nodded, then tied the bags to the horses saddles.

''There.'' Arthur said once he finished and glanced over at Evangeline.

She took the reins he held out to her and walked to the other side of the pale horse, away from Arthur and slowly stroked it's mane of gray hair.

''Do you need help?'' Arthur asked, biting his lip as he tried to remain friendly only.

Evangeline scoffed lightly. ''Well, I wouldn't normally. But what I'm wearing is difficult.''

Arthur began his approach, but she quickly stuttered a protest. ''But I-I can do it.'' She tried smiling reassuringly, then, with more difficulty than it looked, she mounted the horse.

''See?'' She rose a brow, but her dress was too restricting and it was pushed up near her knees. Thankfully, she wore long leather boots that reached her mid-calf and made it a little better.

She worried none the less and bit her lip as she attempted to pull her dress down over the small amount of exposed legs.

Evangeline couldn't help but wish she had worn something else. Something more free.

Though Arthur was distracted by the bareness of her soft, long legs and tripped over a root sticking up from the ground.

Evangeline tried not to laugh, but failed and a soft laughter gracefully ride the wind in the pale blue sky.

Arthur smiled despite his slight embarrassment. He was happy he had made her laugh. Honestly, he had never heard it before and instantly, he fell in love with the sound.

And with his cheeks blushing, Arthur mounted his horse as well.

Arthur lead her to the shore of a lake. The Lake of Avalon, she recognized it well. All that the High Priestesses had taught her in her childhood came back to her, but she pushed away the sadness of nostalgia for just this day.

This day was just Arthur. As he requested.

Arthur dismounted his dark brown horse and tied it to a nearby tree branch.

Evangeline dismounted her horse as well, happy to have her dress down to her ankles again.

He took the reins from her and tied her horse as well, despite her protests and many 'I can do it' s.

''Come.'' Arthur smiled brightly, holding out his hand in vain. He was hoping beyond hope, that was all.

Evangeline glanced down at his outstretched hand that he clearly intended she take. She looked at it for long seconds.

When she looked back up at him, a mixture of emotions whirling through those emerald green eyes. Sadness, fear, reluctance, but there was something else Arthur could see. Hardly, but he could see it.

He didn't quite know what it was, but it have him hope.

Evangeline slowly placed her soft, pale hand in his, wary and hesitant.

Arthur didn't feel his heart beat for a second, but when it restarted, he heard a loud, marvelous drumming in his chest. A smile tugged at his previously fallen lips and his hope was restored sevenfold.