Status: Very Much Alive

My Kingdom for a Kiss


''Wake up sleepyhead!'' Merlin sang, ripping open the curtains, causing a sleeping Arthur to stir in his bed.

''Wake up!'' He shouted, startling the Prince, he withdrew his sword upon instinct.

''God Merlin!'' He threw something at his servant, who chuckled when he missed.


Evangeline left her chambers, she was ashamed of allowing Arthur to see her cry and wanted nothing more than to put him under a spell, to forget that night.

She exited the castle, and wandered about in the town square.

She waved enthusiastically at Sir Leon, who was speaking with a few Knights. He waved back, smiling brightly.

''Vangeline.'' Arthur suddenly appeared in front of her. Her expression became one of deep sorrow.

''Please, don't call me that.'' She looked down, her brother was the only person to name her that name.

''I'm sorry.'' He realized the raw pain displayed on her downcast face.

''I didn't need you, you know.'' She spoke, a hint of anger in her usually soft, delicate voice.

''I can take care of myself. I don't need a shoulder to cry on.'' She walked around him, hating that he saw her so vulnerable and broken.

She retired to her chambers, purely because she had absolutely nothing else to do.

Gwen brought her her evening meal, with it was a single red rose.

''My Gwen, I didn't know you liked me that much.'' Evangeline teased, a smile gracing her deep red lips.

Gwen laughed quietly, shaking her head slightly.

''No my lady, it would seem you have a secret admirer.'' She smiled widely, placing her silver tray on the wooden desk.

''Thank you Gwen.'' Evangeline stood, smiling politely.

''No problem Princess.'' She bowed lightly.

''Please, call me Evangeline.'' She smiled, waving it off.

Gwen smiled widely, nodding as she repeated: ''Evangeline.''

After Gwen left, she picked up the rose, looking at it with great confusion. She wondered who it could be. She laid it on the desk, hoping it was just a kind gesture from one of the palace kitchen's chief.

She experienced her fair share of secret admirers, but her brother was always there to scare them away.

She shed a silent single tear as those memories came crashing back.

That night she cried into her pillows, hoping Arthur wouldn't hear.