Status: Active


Part Three...They Love

“So....hows it been going with little Miss Spookiness?” Sam teased Trevor as he came through the office door. He frowned, glancing around the table also sat, Darren and Timmy. They were chuckling too. Trevor chose to pretend he didn't hear Sam as he sat down and said hello to everyone- he noticed Zac was absent.

“Um, where's Zac? We're suppose to be going over his skit today.”

“He called in sick, left me a message last night saying you had your phone turned off- or he would have told you himself.” Darren spoke with a slight smugness, Trevor lowered his eyebrows. “I wonder why he had his cell turned off...” He added, crossing his arms and stroking his chin.

“Yeah, I wonder why....”Sam joined in turning his head towards him and looking suspicious.

“Were you boning your vampire girlfriend last night?” Timmy snickered in his weird way. Trevor glanced around the table at his friends and peers and sneered.

“You guys are all just jealous because my girlfriend is really hot.”

“But at what price?” Sam recounted, “She's smoking, but the smoke is black. She's kind of scary.” Trevor was reaching the end of his patience.

“Look guys we just need to get to-” Darren interrupted Trevor as he tried to bring them back to the topic.

“Hey yeah she is scary. Whenever she comes around I want to piss my pants and than I have the urge to get down on the ground to lick her boots....” The three others stared at Darren for a few moments before Trevor got up and broke the silence.

“Darren, that is not her being scary, that's on you. Sam...can't you just be happy I'm happy? And as for you Timmy...” Timmy held his tiny hands up,

“What? What did I do?”

“Stop calling Eve and hanging up on her, she knows it's you...she can tell from your breathing.”

“Oh....sorry than.” He smiled, Trevor shook his head, this wasn't getting them anywhere.

“Well gentlemen because of your obsession with Eve, we got nothing done today...again. I have to go met Eve for dinner so I suppose we'll have to reschedule.”

“But we needed the script for the next episode completed last week.” Sam was serious. Trevor got an idea while rubbing his neck.

“You guys can still work on it, I'll go over it when I have time. I'll see you losers later...” He existed the office smiling. It wouldn't be long before he was looking into blood and chocolate eyes. It surprised Trevor that his feelings grew so quickly for Eve. They had been 'dating' for almost a month- they hadn't even gotten to third base yet, and the anger he felt flair up at Sam's comment was so strong. Normally he wouldn't give a shit if the guys ripped into him-hell he gave it right back...but not when it came to Eve. They were just being idiots, but what else was new?

Eve waited by her door after checking her makeup for the fifth time that evening, she was waiting for Trevor who was due any minute. She had everything ready for dinner. The table she normally used as a desk for her laptop and art station, she turned into a dining table placed near the biggest window in her apartment, which happened to be right in the middle of her living -room. The very same window the night before she met Trevor, she considered suicide by leaping from it. She hadn't thought about hurting herself or destroying her art in a long time, since that night. Eve knew she'd become more than just very fond of Trevor, she had been trying to decide if she loved him yet. She figured that he'd know when to tell him because it would be the first moment she felt sure she loved him. Of course there was always his annoying trait of almost always joking- and using his acting skills, making it impossible for her to tell if he was being serious or not. However he still made her laugh more than he got her pissed off.

Lost in thought, Eve glanced over the table and realized she didn't light the candles. She had dressed the desk with an old black lace skirt and one of her many, many shinny scarfs over the lace skirt. The scarf was red as were the tapper candles and they all matched her floor length, taffeta ballgown. Eve glided over to the table and taking a match from the box, struck it against her sliver bracelet, she lit the candles and blew out the flame.

Trevor had never been to her apartment before, he thought maybe she was embarrassed that it was so small, he just wanted to see where she lived so he could better understand her.
He knew he had the right apartment when he saw the stone sign hanging over the door: “It is better to be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”~ Oscar Wilde. Trevor could tell quite a bit about what the night had in store just from the different smells coming through the door. One of the many smells being lavender and rose incense. Than there was the dinner, garlic, basil, mint, cheesy...Greek perhaps.

Eve jumped and do did her heart, as she heard the knock at the door. Putting the matchbox down on the kitchen counter, she went to the door.

“Who's there?” She called out, her peephole had gum jammed into it since before she moved in.

“It's the police,” Eve smiled, recognizing one of Trevor's fake voices. “We have some bad news, it seems on the way to your apartment, your boyfriend Trevor was stabbed, mugged, and raped. “ She rolled her eyes and played along.

“Oh no! That's ...unbelievable... so are you saying that the murder killed him first, robbed him and than raped him?” she could make out a soft chuckle on the other side of the door.

“No, not quite, I said he was stabbed first, than mugged, and they raped him while he bled out. I got there just as he said his final words and took his final breath- he gave me a message to give to you, but mam, please open the door.” Eve unlocked and unbolted the door and her grin widened seeing Trevor standing there wearing the black leather coat she liked and the dark red button-up shirt she had bought him. His expression was completely tense and mocked seriousness.

“What were his last words?”

“He said,...” He switched to his normal voice, “Don't fear the reaper.” Eve shook her head and closed the door behind him. When she turned back, he was looking over her apartment. It was small, but she had did what she could with it. Long purple and green fake silk curtains hung on the windows and she tacked same of the same marital with blue instead of green to the ceiling, making a canape. Strands of white and blue Christmas lights were also strung from the ceiling. He was a little surprised at how much color she used, the walls he finally noticed were covered in black velvet cloth. Accept for the kitchen area which was just white tile and plaster. She had a classic Nosferatu poster on the wall above her TV, and a original Amy Brown watercolor above the small, beat up lavender loveseat. He found the candles, incense and Blue Oscar Cult playing in the background- all very amusing.

“I think you might think I'm a teenage girl from the 70's...” Trevor spoke as he walked over to her bookshelf shoved between the space between the hall way to her bedroom and the bathroom.

“You don't like my hippie incense and my hippie music?” Eve asked, coming up behind him and wrapping her arms around his waist. Trevor smiled, and turned around to look down into those pretty, dark eyes. He lifted his hand to caress her cheek and gently he brought her face up to his, before their lips touched- Eve stepped away and cleared her throat.

“Are you hungry?” Her voice was slightly shaken. Trevor almost said yes...for you, but he quickly changed his mind- she had been pulling back physically more and more over the last few weeks. He thought maybe she was still shy or maybe she was on her period, but whatever it was it only allowed him to put his tongue in her mouth-sometimes. He had became so wrapped up in his sexual frustration it took him several seconds longer to answer her than it should have.

“Ah yes, and whatever it is it smells really awesome.”

“It's Greek pasta, vegetarian.” She went over to the table and uncovered the dish. Trevor took the chair, and sat down.

“Are you Italian?” He asked, Eve frowned as she took the seat opposite.

“No, I'm German on my mother's side and Scottish on my father's.” She didn't really want to talk about her family.

“Oh, hmm...I never hear you talk about your family.” Trevor commented, sensing her discomfort.

“Well, you never talk about yours either.” She had a point, Trevor tilted his head to the side and smiled.

“Fair enough, fair enough...So my mother was a shallow, self-obsessed OCD nut, and my father was a lying, useless sack of shit.” Trevor split his guts to millions of strangers, why not his girlfriend?

“I'm sorry...There's nothing really wrong with my parents...they have flaws of course but the reason I don't talk to them anymore is because they disapprove of who I am. They had high hopes for me, I was going to be a Doctor or a Lawyer, something useful and respected. When I started taking art classes in high school, my art teacher told them I wanted to be a professional artist and that if I worked hard enough that it may happen...but they pretended like they never saw that part of me until I graduated and told them I was going to art college.”

“What did they do?” Trevor hadn't imagined that Eve's past had been so stereotypical.

“They told me how disappointed they were that I preferred a hobby as a career. I was working since I was thirteen when I started baby-sitting and when I was sixteen started working at the cafe, my grandparents own it by the way, and if it I hadn't been driven, I wouldn't have any work ethic. They wanted me to be babied, and turn into someone they both wished they were and could tell other parents- people they envied-that their daughter made more money their there kid.” Trevor nodded.

“I'm glad you chose to rebel.” Eve raised a priced eyebrow.

“I always had the feeling that you would like me better if I was more...normal?” Trevor couldn't lie he did try to imagine her looking like every other girl...but when he found himself unable to picture an image of her he liked- he wondered if it really mattered. The way she dressed and did her makeup was part of who she was, and he had grew to love that just like he was growing to love her. The fact she felt like he wanted her to change, kind of shocked him. Leaning forward, he reached out to hold her hand under the table and looked into her eyes.

“I wouldn't want you to ever change, you're perfect.” Eve smiled, a blush coming to her cheeks.

“You can be so sweet sometimes, and other times....” she shook her head and laughed softly, “I wonder if you really like me at all or if this is just some big joke your playing on me...I know that's not true, it just feels like it sometimes. “

“I'm sorry if I get carried away,” He cracked his cute lopsided smirk and they continued to discuss about their families.

When they had finished dinner, Eve stood and cleared the table. She put the dishes in the sink and started rinsing them off so it would be easier to clean in the morning. Trevor's eye was caught by a purple glass bong about a foot tall with blue and green spiral swirls. It was sitting on the small table beside the loveseat. He smiled as he stood and carried his dishes over to the kitchen.

“You smoke weed?” He asked casually, before he put his dishes in the sink. Eve finished rinsing, and turned to Trevor as she dried her hands on a purple dish towel.

“Yes, do you have a problem with that?” Trevor frowned,

“You've seen the show, right? I wouldn't call myself a stoner, but it use to be ritual that me and the guys would get totally fucking blazed before writing anything. We still do it occasionally,” Trevor wasn't so surprised she smoked, as he was over the fact that she didn't tell him she did.

“Oh, well in that case, instead of the cheap wine I have,... wanna get high?” She arched her eyebrows and smiled.

Eve sat down on the loveseat and Trevor sat beside her, she shifted over slightly to ut more room in between them, before reaching for her stash box. It was a black painted wooden box shaped like a coffin. She opened it and out came that sticky sweet scent. While she loaded the bong, Trevor took the moment to really look at Eve.

The purple and blue string-lights tinkled behind her, her long ebony hair falling over the right side of her face. She must have felt his eyes on her because she looked up and their eyes met. She smiled at him before handing him the bong with a purple lighter.

“Guests get the green hit.”

“You know, you haven't shown me any of your art yet...” Trevor spoke in a slightly suspicious tone, while watching Eve take a hit off the bong. Gray smoke clouds erupted from her lips as she coughed a few times before handing him the bong and answering him.

“Yeah, I keep my paintings in my bedroom where I do most of my painting. I find having them in my main living space sometimes influences my mood when I'm trying to relax...however when I am creating I want those intense emotions to inspire me.”

“Could I see your bedroom?” Eve raised an eyebrow at Trevor's word choice, she could even hear the smile in his voice.

“I suppose so...” she got up and lead him down the short hall way through a beaded curtain into her room.

Inside the room it was dark and reminded one of a womb. Like the rest of the apartment, tinkle lights and fabric hung from the walls and ceiling, but the only colors were red, hot pink and black. If there was a window it was hidden. The bed was in the center of the room opposite from the door, it was of course black like almost everything else. Trevor realized this was where all the black was hiding. The was an unfinished painting standing in the corner opposite from the closet. All three and a half walls of the room had several paintings hanging on them.

Trevor couldn't stop the comment from escaping his mouth once he took a glance around the room.

“I was half way expecting you slept in a coffin.” Eve giggled, she was almost flattered. He moved closer to one of the paintings, it was dark colors with splashes of neon pink and yellow. It showed a fairy woman in red hanging from a noose that was attached to a tree. She held a rose in her hand and she cried bloody tears. The night sky was foggy swirls of navy blue and dark purple. The mood was dark and Gothic of course, but the colors were so rich and the strokes so soft it seemed like the painting was sad and deary in an-almost beautiful way.

“I'm no art critic, but I did do some comics when I was I have some understanding of balance and color....and in my opinion your work is really good. Have you had any formal training?”

“Thank you, that means a lot...I only took a art classes in high school. I always wanted to go to Art College and really get a sold background in the basics...but my parents wont pay for it and I can barely pay my bills now I'm working full time.” Trevor went from painting to painting, looking at each one closely.

“Why don't you apply for financial aid?” Eve shook her head.

“My parents have the money, they just wont give to me for school. Until I'm twenty-five I don't qualify because if your family has money their expected to pay for it.”

“Well, it's the American way, the right way.”

“I never thought I'd ever tell anyone this...but I feel like I can really trust you...” Trevor spoke softly, gazing into Eve's eyes as he held her hands in his. They had smoked one bowl and two joints and had fallen to snuggling on the loveseat. The Cult album she'd put on earlier had repeated it's self three times already but they were having too much just looking at each other to care.

Eve stroked Trevor's palms and looked back at him with her head tilted and a small smile twitching on the corner of her lip. She had a feeling this was going to turn into a joke, so she didn't say anything and just waited.

“I can trust you...right?” If he was joking, he was too good at this. Eve nodded and leaned her head against his shoulder, snugging closer.

“Of course you can,” Trevor's eyes were downcast as he prepared himself to speak;

“I like girls...” He whispered into her ear, a wheezy, slightly creepy voice. Eve closed her eyes and laughed a little she savored how happy she was right now.

“You're a goofball,” Trevor kissed the top of her head.

“I thought we'd already established that?” They just looked at each other and grinned again. Trevor's grin softened and the softness spread to his eyes-which were at the moment, deep mossy green- and he opened his lips to speak.

“I honestly do want to tell you something, it may come out a bit cliche.” Eve liked watching his lips move and she noticed he had nice teeth- they were straight and white and she could make out his canines which seemed longer from the smaller eyeteeth beside them. She barely heard what he said before she responded with;

“I like you're have natural fangs, like me. I like your voice too- it's calming to me when you're not being annoying.” Eve raised her hand up and caressed the side of his face. Trevor felt his heart beat quicken.

“Thanks, I didn't know I had nice teeth...but what I wanted to say was...I really have enjoyed the time we've spent together...” Eve smiled and padded his cheek three times.

“I feel the same way...” Eve found her gaze locked on his mouth again. Trevor took the chance and bent down, pressing his lips to hers. Eve kissed back, and raised both hands cupping his face, tangling in his hair. His tongue lapped at her lips, she sighed opening her mouth to him. Their tongues stroked one other as Trevor lifted her legs onto the sofa as he laid over her, pressing her down into the cushions. Eve felt tingling all over her body and the tingling grew worse in a certain area, the more he kissed her, the more aroused she became. Sneaking a hand up her hip, he left it there for a moment or so before moving his kisses to her neck- a place he was sure she was sensitive- and began moving the hand slowly upward. Eve was running one hand through his hair and the other she was feeling his body, his arms, his back, his chest. He might have been a bit boney, but he still felt good to her.

Eve gasped as Trevor's teeth nibbled on her throat, she thrust her hips up, and met with his thrusting down-she froze for a second when feeling his clothed erection against her thigh. Biting her lip, she put both hands to his chest and ran them up and down the front of his shirt before deciding to start unbuttoning it. Trevor's eyes flew open as he felt her hands undressing him and cool air on his skin, he raised his head and looked down into gazed and hooded eyes. Her hands finished with his shirt so she ran her soft, warm hands over his cool skin. He was very thin, but she actually enjoyed feeling his ribs. Slowly Trevor drew back,

“This is a nice surprise but...are you sure you don't want to slow down a little?”

“I'm sorry if I'm confusing you...I'm not quite sure what's right and wrong in these situations. I do know that right now I really enjoy kissing you and part of me wants to do more but the other part is worried it's too fast and would it change things between us...I just think I might need some more time...” Her voice was shaky, and she regretted the words too late as Trevor moved off of her and stood up.

“I have no problem taking things slow...” Trevor wasn't being completely honest with her, but he didn't think he needed to be about this. He had been wanting her since their first date and she'd been so alluring, but distant physically and so it was easier to not think about how horny he was. Now that he'd tasted her passion, felt her body against was going to be much more difficult. He did really like her though, so he though the sexual frustration was even with the enjoyment he received from being with her.

“I'm sorry for sending you mixed messages,..” Eve sat up and sighed. Her body was still hot and she felt the familiar dampness between her thighs. Okay, soon than body, soon...she told herself. Trevor buttoned his shirt back up and glanced around for his coat which he spotted, hanging on the back of chair he sat in during dinner.

“Don't worry about, you don't have to be sorry...I do really want you, but it's always better if both parties want it as badly as the other...I suppose I should head home than, I need some sleep tonight since I'm working tomorrow...” Eve stood up and wrapped her arms around Trevor, giving him a tight squeeze. She pulled her head from his chest and smiled up at him.

“I don't mind if you stay night...we could just cuddle.” Trevor bit his lip from telling her something nasty. Cuddling with her all night with the raging boner he had was just the night of restful sleep he had been hopping for, not. He bent down and softly kissed her.

“Not that I wouldn't love to stay with you...I just need to get good sleep and I don't think that would happen if I was holding you all night...” Eve frowned for a moment as she figured out what he meant. She let her arms drop and she nodded,

“You're right....I had fun tonight though, will you call me tomorrow when you can?” Trevor headed for the door.

“Yes, and I did too, can I get another kiss goodnight?” Eve went to him with her hands up and reaching out to cup his face with her palms. She cupped his cheeks and kissed one corner of his lips, than the other and than kissed him full on. Her tongue just barely running along his bottom lip. Trevor shuddered and pulled Eve back by her shoulders. They looked a each other in the eyes for a moment before saying goodnight.

Trevor didn't get any sleep that night.
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Thanks for reading and please let me know your thoughts.