Blue Gem

The start

It howled at her, blowing her from side to side, trying relentlessly to knock her from the tree. She clung tight though, the night never bothered her and it was her one place to get away. The almost clear night memorized her, the few clouds hovering around and in front of the full moon, it kept her eyes attention and forced her body to stay as it was, it was as if she could move if she wanted to. Though it was a warm night the wind chilled her skin and forced her breath to fog as she exhaled. She let her hair fall around her face, and allowed the wind to play with it, her eyes seemed glazed as the hazel coloring almost vanished into a light blue and back to light Hazel again.

Her gaze shipped to the bottom of the tree as she heard her name being called, well almost sounded like a whisper from her position, but the relatively quiet night allowed the voice to be heard. she started to shift as she heard the same voice again. " Terra, come down from there, you know its not safe" The voice was a girls, a young girls and it seemed more irritated then worried at that point. She sighed as her feet sunk to the next lowest branch, " I'm coming" She screamed at the top of her lungs, scaring a blue jay from its nest. A muffled response was given but not understood, then the messenger seemed to leave Terra alone to her descend.

About half way down the expanding trunk of the tree, her hair was caught by a branch and with a shallow curse she stopped and untangled herself. when she was free, she untied a strap of cloth from her wrist and quickly tied her hair back, allowing a few strands of light brown hair to fall in her face. Her hair was long and beautiful, and because of it and a few other properties, she was wanted by most of the villages young men. She denied them all, her mother allowed it, she wasnt one of the petty maids who wanted to inherit good land or wealth. She wanted love, and she knew she would find it here.

The branches where getting wider and wider and soon she found her self, instead of carefully descending, jumping from one branch to the next. Soon she found her self on the ground with a hollow thud. She stood high and proud, as if she had accomplished some great feat then headed for home. She was the daughter of the villages healer. Her mother was the only one qualified well enough to know the plants and herbs to make into medecins. Terra and her sister, Alaya, where always sent to find plants for her, so they too where good with the natural remedies that had saved children and parents alike.

Alaya was two years younger then Terra and much better with people. She had always been the dramatic girl who caught peoples eyes, even she had suiters asking for her hand, but their mother would allow a girl that young to be taken just yet. " What good is a wife who needs a babysitter?" She had said when Alaya asked why she wasnt given permission to marry. She was only thirteen anyway. What good was a young teenager as a wife.

Terra, on the other hand, had just had her fifteenth birthday, and was trying to escape the people in the trees. She was Alayas opposite, always turning the head away from people walking past, never one to be the first to say hello to anyone who might feel the need to start a conversation with her. She had been cast aside at an earlier age and never really opened up to anyone again. Though men thought her perfect figure and features where enough to chase after her to ask her to be their wife, though she thought this disgusting and wrong. She was always hiding but never alone.