Blue Gem

Harsh words, rash feelings and negative emotions.

It wasent long before they returned home, Terra stepped through the door after Alura, panting and weak. Terra dropped her things and dropping into the nearest chair looked to the heavaly panting wolf next to her. Alura was rushing around franticly, grabbing this and looking for that and enchanting multiple items. Talia was assisting her with this, she seemed much calmer then Alura though. When Terra got her breath and her heart had slowed a bit she walked over to Alura and asked what she could do to help. Alura batted her away saying " You dont have the skills this requires, you wernt even smart enough to stop the last of them from getting away. Now you have put all of us in danger". Alura turned back to her work and started talking to herself, the only thing Terra could hear was her voice in a faint whisper saying, " Why couldent your daughter be more like you Soire? Why couldent you have sent me a smarter student." . Terra stepped back, hurt and shocked. She whirled around grabbing her bow and quiver, quickly hanging them both on her back and ran for the door. Somethign made her stop though, she turned to see the bag Alura had taken from the man. She grabbed it and ran out the door Luna close behind her. Alura saw her as the door shut " NO ITS NOT SAFE! TERRA COME BACK!"

Terra ran out of the city looking for the nearest pine tree. They where much taller then others and she perffered to hide in there highest branches then anywhere else. She soon came to one, the city was bearly in veiw now and the lights where dim. she slung the bag over her shoulder and started to climb. She was a few branches up when she heard a whimper and then a sharp yip. She looked back to see Luna jumping up up trunk and falling back down. She started to go on, leaving the wolf but when Luna yiped again she felt she needed her friend. She put her legs over a branch and hung upside down from it, her hands where outstreached and the wolf jumped again, Terra caought her paws and barley pulled her up onto a branch. "There, its ok for you to climb now, just dont fall." Terra said patting Lunas head. She kept going, higher and higher up the tree. Soon Luna couldent follow her anymore, she was to afraid to go higher. so she perched herself on a sterdy branch and watched Terra. Terra stoped only when the branches couldent hold her, she was so high up that the tree swayed with the wind. She sat on a branch and looked down. The sheer hight would have made anyone else dizzy, but not Terra, she felt safe near the clouds.

She always had, height never botherd her. Her father used to throw her up and catch her over and over again. It felt like she was flying, she was so upset when her father said she was to old and heavy to be thrown anlonger, then her sister would be thrown, leaving her to watch. Suddenly her mind dwelled on something it never had before. " Ever since Alaya was born, father and mother gave her more then me." She looked up to the night sky, it was begining to lose the pitch black darkness and th esun was begining to rise. " About an hour" Terra said to herself, guessing when the sun would be up and she would have to go back to Alura. Her mind stayed with Alayas fortunes though, then she started laughing. "I got my magic before her, mabye she wont even have it." She smiled then shouted down to Luna " I have a wolf! She has nothing! I HAVE A DRAGON! SHE HAS PLANTS!!!" her gaze snapped to the bag. " I have a dragon" She said again opening the bag and looking inside.

There lay a large bright blue egg, it was large and sparkled. Her eyes gazed upon it for what seemed like ages. Only a bark from Luna snapped her out of the daze. She looked down to Luna standing on her branch, tail wagging and ears perked. She smiled and touched the egg. The momment she did her jem light up brighter then ever, and Lunas eyes seemed to glow. Terra dident relize it, but her eyes were glowing too. She pulled back and almost fell out of the tree, she quicly caught herself and balanced herself. She looked at the sky, a deep blue now stained the once pitch black night, she sighed, relizing she had to go. She closed the bag and put it back on her shoulder, carefully climbing down. Luna was waiting and started down right behind her. It dident take long to get down, and when she did she watched as Luna made the last jump down. With a sigh and a grin to her wolf Terra started back to Aluras.

It was only early morning but the city seemed to be in full swing, people where out running errands, children where playing and running around. Terra was shocked at this, her village dident ever look like this even midday. She got many strange looks now, but no one came to greet her, many just whisperd to someone esle as she passed. The children seemed scared of Luna who was being as least frightening as possible. Terra soon reached Aluras and burst inside. Alura was at her table in the kitchen with Talia right besid her. Terra dropped her bow and quiver next to her other bag, but kept the egg close to her. She looked to Alura, her eyes where closed and her hands where on a cup of steaming tea. Before Terra could say anything Alura spoke " You must never leave like that, esspecily with the egg. You are unaware of how much danger you put yourselves in. You could have been killed or kidnapped, then the egg would have been lost, and Luna slaughterd. Do you understand me?" Aluras voice was calm and in tone as if a young child was being talked down to. This drove Terra over the edge. " First off, dont talk to me like Im a baby! Second, I want an appologie for what you said before I left!" Terra was discusted with the womens behavor. Luna had her ears back, not supportting Terra, nor Alura.

Alura stood her fox at her feet. " You are a child I am a adult who knows more and is much more respectable, you will appologise to me for the way you just spoke." Terra glared at Alura, and opened the bag, taking out the egg, " This seems to mean a great deal to you, well its mine, and Ill leave again, Im a egg holder now, wich puts me above you!" Her voice was rash and unforgiving, her eyes where full of furry and now Luna had made up her mind and aggread with Terra. Aluras calmness quickly vanished " You may be a holder CHILD, but I was a rider!" Alura snatched the egg away from Terra, "you are not ready for such a title as rider. Daughter of the mist, and you will not be. Now unless you can take orders from me and respect me, you will never gain title of this dragon!" Terra felt a loss, her body suddenly weakend, and Alura sighed. " You have already been with the egg for to long, your relient on it. I need to train you otherwise before this egg hatches. " Terra leaned on a wall slightly dazed. She finally nodded, to weak for words. Alura nodded as well and put the egg in the bag, disapearing into a nother room.

Terra looked to Talia who smiled at her, the young girl jumped up and took Terras hand leading her into another room. "Here" She said leading Terra to a bed " you look tired, Daughter of the mist,sleep a while". Terra wanted to ask why they were calling her that, but she couldent speek ,so she just smiled to Talia and nodded. The young girl smiled and ran out of the room lightly closeing the door, letting Terra and Luna rest.