Blue Gem


Terra blinked as sun shown threw her window and layed across her face. She sat up in her bed, compleatly better now. She looked around and saw Luna curled up next to her still asleep. She smiled and stroked the wolves head once. Terra gentaly sliped out of the bed and tryed to exit the room without waking Luna. As she neared the door, Luna nudged Terra with her snout and softly barked. Terra grined " Sorry to wake you, lets get some food." Luna nodded and followed Terra into Aluras kitchin. Terra looked on the table to find Aluras book. She smiled and started to head for it, wanting to open it and read its secrets. Just as she touched the cover Alura and Talia walked in. Alura with the egg, Talia with some sort of bracelet. "Good morning Terra, Luna" Luna nodded to Alura and Terra smiled, not yet ready to speak. "Terra i know you can talk, I made sure you could so you might as well." Alura said setting the egg on the table. Terra began to anger, but Luna nipped at her shirt, trying to persuay her otherwise. " What training, when will it hatch?" Terra said, not so nice but not demanding either. Alura looked up from her book. " Soon, it will hatch when it sences you can handle it." She said opening her book and fliping to a page. " If you listen and do as I say, that might be today." Terra looked on with intrest now. " How" She said looking at the egg. " Wait, Daughter of the Mist, dont be so pushy." Terra sighed " Why do you call me that?" She asked. Alura looked to her shocked, " Your mother never told you who she is? Your mother is the mist, the Mistress of the Mist, thus you are the Daughter of the Mist" Terra nodded, her eyes far away thinking.

Alura found the page and looked up to Terra. She snapped her fingers " COme on fouces!" She said grabbing Terras arm and bringing her closer. " Now the first thing we need to do is teach you how to hold your magic. Your necklace shows when it is present, the glowing. All you need to do is keep the glow"She said motioning for Luna to come. Alura made Terra kneel down so she was next to Luna and her necklace glowed. "Good, now hold that feeling" Alura said waveing her hand for Luna to back up. The glowing stoped. Alura sighed and Luna went to Terra again. " Try holding your necklace Terra" She did and when Luna backed up the glow remained, not as strong but it was there. Alura smiled and they went on from there.

The day was comeing to an end and Terra was tired, but Alura kept going. The sun was going down when Alura sat back and smiled. " I think thats good for now, theres only one more page of training left anyway" Terra nodded. ' It feels like that book is crammed into my head' She thought sitting down at the table. Suddenly the egg jumped, and so did Terra. Alura came up beside her with a huge smile on her face. " Looks like that one page can wait awhile" She said as the egg began to crack. A piece of shell fell, then another, and then a tail poked out. Then a foot. A wing unfolded then the egg compleatly broke apart revealing a dragon, small and curled up. Its scaled where light blue, almost like the afternoon sky. Her little horns poked out from behind her eyes, and her large saphire blue eyes caught Terra in them and held her there. Terra smiled and looked down to her necklace. It was so bright Luner had to look away. The magic energy 'Lesson 43' was so strong, she felt it corsing through her veins.

She looked at the hatching " Whats your name?" She asked and ALura laughed. " Its a baby, it dosent have a name yet, you name her" She said looking at the horns to tell it was a girl. Terra thought hard. " Kira" She said with a smile reaching out for her. The hatching looked at her hand and set her little claw in it, her wings wher unfolded and drying. She was shakeing under her own weight. But her eyes seemed old and wise. Shocking Terra. Alura smiled and said " Well now that shes hatched the training has gone from one page to.." She fliped almost half the books pages in her hands and Terra groned.