Blue Gem


Terra rushed home, it was dark enough she was no, so she felt safe no one would run into ther as she headed for home. She neared the bushes that marked the start of there land and decided to start running. Just as she felt confident enough to smile about her birthday, she was slammed back to the ground. She looked up to see a dark figure on teh ground as well, she had aperantly taken him out as she was lost in thoughts. She quickly strugled to her feet and walked to him, helping him up. He got his balence and jsut as Terra took a breath to appoligize, he had pushed her away and kept walking at a faster pace, before Terra could gain her thoughts he was gone into the dark of night. She cursed under hr breath and started to walk, this time more aware of everything around her.

It was only a few minutes until she reached her door, but the light that was always left out for her wasent lit. She quietly walked inside, very wary of everything. She shut the door and gasped at what was layed before her.

Her house looked as if it had been shaken by a giant, everything was turned over and nothing was left standing, not even her mother and sister. Terra ran to them as they lay there on the floor, surrounded with items and possesions. Terra saw that they both were still breathing and first checked to see if her sister was injured. she was ok, just nocked out. Next she checked her mother, who was also fine and still slightly awake. " What happend? Who did this?!" Terra urged to get her mother sitting up to talk to her. " It was....some man who be let in..." She started to trail off in a mumble and terra slighty pulled her straighter and she began to talk clearer. " He pushed us aside and surched the whole house, he took the copper coins from each hiden creves and corner, but it was as though he wasent looking for the money. " She woke up more and saw Alaya on the ground beside her, and lurched to grab her up, pulling her over her lap and started to gentaly rock back and foreth.

Terra stood up looking around when wails and moans where heard from outside. She rushed to the door to see villagers wandering around outside, most wemon crying and men curseing to the night sky. Terra knew at that moment they wernt the only victams. She whiped around back inside and shut the door, quickly returning to her mother and sister on the floor, though manovering through the recked home was proving difficult. " Were not the only ones," She said kneeling beside her mother who was still rocking Alaya in her arms, " Everyones seems to have the same problem, or one like it" she said crossing her arms as she always had when in deep thought.

Terra sighed and stood again, looking through the house for a herb that might help Alayas condition. ' Who would do this...and why', she thought to herself picking up the table, that was now one leg short of four. ' What was so important to come all the way to our small hiden village to plunder every home for'. Her thinking did make sence, there town was hiden away from the rest of the vast kingdom by natural means, to teh east a vast desert meet your afer ten miles. To the west, five miles from the village a river was all to see, and this part of the river was all ruff and rapid. To the north mountain peeks and to the south, well no one knew what was in the south, just dangerus creatures who wouldent think twice abut letting you pass the deep lush woods.

Terra thought one other way was by flying, but dragons had left, the only one left was in the kings dungens, deep under the palace, it was only used in times of war, and when a neighboring empire caught wind, or flame, of its first apperance no one dared challenge the dictatoring king again. The only other flying beasts where in the far east, in the other corner of the contenent, and they where to large to tame...or so say travlers brave enough to cross the moutains, the safest way to the village.

Terra dident know, but she knew she had to find out, and with this thought brought on a uncontrolable grin, for this is just the kind of adventure she had always wanted.