Blue Gem

Off she goes

It had been three days since the incedent, and the town and its poeple seemed to be back to normal, a few cattle and sheep had gotten lose, the crys of the oeners had scaryed them and a fence was demolished. Though now fixed up there where still sharp poles laying about the area, the farmer wasnt known to finish anything quickly so everyone knew that the wood would be there for a while, cluttering the path to the venders and merchants.

Terra was on her way to the markets, her mother had asked her to go and see if she could make some money. Terra wasent really in agreement with this idea, but she did what she thought she had to. Upon ariving at the market place, all doors where shut, all windows where borded and signs everywhere were posted with the messages " OUT OF STOCK" or " OUT OF BUSSINESS, NO WORK " Terra looked up and down the street to find no one was open or even there, soon though she came upon the butcher, Tidle. " Why is everyone gone, its midafternoon, the shops should be busy" She said in a half hush, just enough for Tidle to hear her. " Well the shops were all robbed, the money from all of us and most of the goods had been taken." He said shuting the door and putting a sign up on his door as well. Terra was shocked by this, his food was abundent, she could see through his still open window. " Why are you closeing? You havent been terribley robbed" She exclaimed pointing to the food in the window. Tidle followed her direction to the food and nodded frowning, " Well even though my goods are still here, no one in the village has money or enough to buy anything. Everyone was robbed, left with nothing, most of the towns young men are gathering to cross the mountains to find work and bring back money and goods, I dought that many will return though." He said mostly to himself walking away after a time.

Terra sighed as his voice was to hushed to listen anymore, then started for home. On the way back, she saw boys and men alike gathering, then it hit her. She began to run as fast as she could to the house. Upon her return she quickly talked to her mother, " NO! i wont alow you to go Terra, you know the dangers in thoughs mountains" She exclaimed, dismissing her daughter, with no luck. " But mother, we havent anyone who can go for us, anyway, I need to go, a healer should accompeny them!" Terra urged following her mother to a back room where plants where kept and dryed. She stoped and looked into Terras eyes " Alright, but this is only because I want you to find better then this small town. Say goodbye to Alaya, but dont tell her your going" with that she started to gather things quickly, but Terra had already rushed tp her room, grabbed a deer skin bag and packed cloths and cloth. she wraped cured meat and also stuffed it in her bag. She ran into her mothers room, grabing an quiver and swinging it to her back, then took a short bow from its case, it was a yew bow that had belonged to her father, and she was skilled with it. After grabbing a hunting knife, she left her mothers room.

Her mother was there with another bag, one to drape down her side, she knew what it was and took it with a smile. " Be carefull, and let no man at you, remember, I have been around and am well known and in some parts hated, use my name if you must but me carefull with it. It may be the most powerfull wepon you have. Remember who you are, Terra, daughter of Soire and Lishick." Her mother had begun to tear, and so had she. She hugged her mother just as Alaya came into the room. " Whats going on?" She asked looking at her mother and sister. Terra grabbed her up and huged her tight. " Ill be back soon, cant wait to see you again" She said as Alaya was about to ask another question she said one last fair well and bolted out the door, to meet with the other men and boys, to start off through the mountains that had taken her fathers life.