Blue Gem


Terra looked back to see Alaya standing in front of the door watching her go with a confused and sad look in her light blue eyes. Terra's smile dropped to a frown. She realized she was leaving the only family she had, the only life she had, but knowing that she was there only way of making a living, so she kept walking toward the center of town and towards the group of men. "They will be glad to have a girl around, to bad for me", she said to herself with a grin trying to make light of the situation.

As she neared the center of the village, she looked in the bag her mother had given her, she was right, bandages, herbs and other medical instruments lay in the bag. Searching deeper, she found a note, and a necklace with it. She read as she walked.

I always knew this day would come, and I always dreaded it.
I couldn't stand to lose you, like we did your father. Now,
there are things you must know, beyond these mountains and
beyond the natural walls, they use magic, we don't because
that's how we decided to live, that's why we left the open
world, that's why we left the kings dictatorship, magic has
become dark and evil, but this necklace is still full of good
magic. You have magic in your blood, this will help bring it
out, your healing abilities are magic, the herbs do help, but
its always been with you girls. If you travel to the city
of peaks, look for the healer named Alura, she'll help you.
I love you with all my heart, return safely to me.

Terra looked at the note in shock and confusion. After reading through it one more time she looked at the necklace in her other hand. It was a fine chain, silver that glimmered when the light hit it. A object that looked like a little dragons claw griped a light blue jem in its three claws. It was surprisingly detailed, the scales and claws seemed real and the jem was round but inside was an interesting pattern that she couldn't clearly make out. She tucked the note back deep into the bag and put the necklace over her head. It draped well about half way down her chest, she grabbed the jem and it began to slightly glow. She grinned as a feeling of calm and peace swept over her. Terra snapped her gaze upward as she heard the boys talking and ruff housing, she quickly tucked the necklace under her shirt and ran to the leader of the group.

Brath was in the front of the group, sharpening his sword and looking to the mountains every few minutes, almost frightened. There where larger and older men in the group but Brath was the most fit to lead, and he was also one of the strongest in the village. His slightly thick figure and taller then average hieght made him a good fighter. His gorgeous face and looks caught the eyes of many girls. He only wanted best of course and the two women he did ask to marry said no. Some girl who was having relashionship issues and Terra. Brath looked up as the boys started quieting down, he saw them all staring at Terra who was approaching Brath. They seemed as if they didnt want her there, and she knew it.

Terra had her head down, she gazed at them all as they glared at her. She stopped as Brath stepped forward. " Why are you here Terra?" He asked, more gentle with her then she thought he would be. " I, I'm coming with you" She said, her voice started hushed but became louder and she stood more straight. She wanted him to allow her to go with them, she knew they woulden let her if she would be just another to protect. Brath didnt laugh like most of the men, instead he walked around her, looking her over, tapped the bow on her back and started to look in her bag. She backed away and quickly said something before he could. " I'm a healer, I'm sure you'll need me as you travel. I'm a hunter too, but you already know that." She said as she opened the bag at her side revealing the medicinal items.

Brath nodded and looked at the other men who where giving her dirty looks behind her back. " She is coming, shes right, we will need a healer. If anyone gives her a hard time, they will be left on there own." At this the other men left there mouths wide with shock. Terra smirked knowing he would never do that. She wandered away to a secluded area and pulled out her knife, sharpening it. Brath came over to her, and bent down her her height and whispered ever so lightly in her ear, " You see how well I can protect you", then walked back to his place in front of the group. Terra fr owed at the comment, knowing this journey was now complicated and it would be hard to protect her innocence.