Blue Gem


Brath raised his sword over his head and shouted some jummbled comand to his men, acting as if he was leading them into some grand battle. The men raised there hands and some shouted and others just wanted to get going to use the most light they possible could, Terra stood near the back of the group rolling her eyes at the barbaric ritual that Brath insisted on performing. As the group began to move she looked back to the town that she had grown up in, grown up alone in, her face quickly saddend as she realised only her mother and sister would miss her. She sighed and looked forward, " To a better future" She mummbled to herself gripping her bags strap.

They traveled north for about half an hour until the terrain stared to get difficult. Brath turned to them, " Listen up, anyone who doest think they will be able to cross the moutains, or deffend yourself agenst the beasts turn back now, theres no shame". No one moved, but they all seemed to turn to Terras position. She sclowed at them and they turned back. Brath nodded and started to walk on, behand his shoulder he yelled " There are two paths, one is to the City of Peaks, the other to the Town of Sharks, I need a volenter to take those who want to go to the City of Peaks". No one answerd, Terra looked to everyone, but no one volentered, no one said anything. Brath turned around, bringing the group to a halt. " Wont any one go? Dose anyone even want to go?" No one anwserd, they all seemed to want to go with him. Terra paniced, and threw her hands up " I WILL!" She shouted, and ran up to Brath. " I want to go there" she said panting infront of him after rushing from the back of the group. Brath sighed " Wont anyone go with her?!" He said alowed to the men who now where talking under there breath to one another. Terra saw there amussed looks, She turned to Brath " Please, I have to" She pleaded. Brath sighed, " No one will go, and you wont go alone, when we return Ill take you there, Im sorry." He said starting to walk away, but Terra dident let him. " NO," she screamed " I have to with or with out you, any of you" She said her voice increasing, " When my path come tell me so I may go, dont wait any longer then that, any furthur then that, for I will go back, and it will just be more dificult." She said, and he knew he wouldent be able to stop her.

The sun had greatly changed in distance when Brath stoped, the whole group complained, so did Terra, there was still enough light to start into the more difficult ledges and peaks of the increasing range. A man approched Brath who was already makeing himself a shelter. " why do we stop now?! Theres still plenty of time to travel!" He shouted as if Brath could not hear him. Brath looked up from his work " Because this is where we must leave Terra and I wont leave her for with such little light, all alone in this dangerus terrain". He looked to her seeing if he would scare her out of going alone, then seeing her unfased he sighed and went back to work. The men looked annoyed but nodded and made camp, they dident like Terra there but there was no use in putting her in deaths hands. Terra wandered over to Brath, she knew if anything, he would protect her from the other flesh hungry men.

She unsheathed her knife and outting beside her near her beding, then looked to Brath he had asked he to marry him so quickly, without reason, it puzzled her ever so. " Brath" she said ever so quietly, as if all the other men where listening to them, " Why did you ask for my hand?" She wasent one for heart break and she knew that this answer may hurt her, but hurt was so numb to her anymore. He looked up to her from his wepon and sighed. " Because I loved you, for a long time, it was just then I felt strong enough to ask." His words sounded as if he was dieing, she gaped at the anwser with disbalife. " Brath..Im sorry, I had no clue" she said putting the sheath by the knife and taking the bag from her back. He nodded and went back to his sword. Terra knew heart break but she never knew she had caused it. She wanted to say so much to him, but it would only hurt because she dident feel the same about him. She walked over to him and hugged him, he hessitated, but wrapped his strong arms around her as well, She felt as if her father was holding her again so she dident pull back when she intended to. After he whisperd a faint " I love you" In her ear she pulled back, she looked into his eyes saying " Im sorry" And went back to her beding, and went to sleep, she knew she wouldent need that knife, she knew he wouldent touch her, that he wouldent let anyone touch her. Though she had trouble sleeping, she knew he was staring at her, all night, she could feel his eyes sinking into her back.