Blue Gem

Off, to a bad start

Terra stuffed the last of her bedding into her bag and swung it on her back. She then turnee to Brath who was telling her the way for the fifth time this morning. She grinned about half way through his oral map and put her hand up, quickly silencing him. " Brath, I remember, thanks" She said turning away and started to the north, as they all started east. Brath ran up to hr and huged her tight, this time Terra dident let him hold her.
"Stop" She said puching him off quickly " Im sorry" She said and before Brath could say anythign to her she turned and started running down the oath. Some of the men had saw Brath being rejected and most sneered but some gave him a reasuring pat on the back and a push to the front of the group.

Terra stoped at a bend in the path and looked back to Brath and the group one last time, then as they themselfs turned bend and wanderd out of her sights she started walking along the ridges and curves of the eroded pathway. Terra dug into the bag her mother had given her and pulled out the note, looking for the name again. " Alura" She said as if someone was next to her and listening to her ever so closely. " Then thats my first stop." She stuffed the note back into her bag seeing it had no more valuable information and looked down the closeing path with doughts that she would make it through.

About twenty minutes down the path it closed up leaving rough and rocky terrain. Terra Sighed and groned as she made her way up down and around peaks and edges of the increasingly diffucult path. " So much for a simple walk down a precut path Brath" She said under her breath sliding down a smooth rock, cuting her pants. She looked down and cursed, thankfully only her pants where torn, not her. She looked up ahead to see that the path got only worse. She stoped and looked around for a alternet route. About twenty feet above her and to the right she saw a ledge with folege peaking out over it. " There" She said jumping up to climb the seemingly easy slope to the welcomeing forest above.

She started simplily walking up the side of the moutain, but that only lasted for a few seconds, about half of a minute into teh climb she found her self, liek a dog, on all fours griping any rock for support, and it only got worse. From there she slowly went from walking on all fours to scaling the smooth and dangerous mountain side. Terra looked behind her to see at least a twelve foot drop. She turned back now frantic and scared, she coulent control her breathing and with one ill thought move, lost ehr footing and remaned hanging there on one rock. She looked about her for help. Nothing on the ground, no rock in her range, but about three more feet up and just slightly to the left was a thick vine, multiple vines lay draped over the side of the leadge, she was thankfull this one had grown so long.

With a deep breath she ran her feet slowly up and down looking for a place to step, she found one and pushed off hard, launching herself tward the vine. With one lucky snatch she grabed it, and clung to it for fear of her very life. After climbing high enough where her foot also wraped around the vine she looked down, and laughed. She looked back up and laughed harder, then witha wide satified grin she continued to climb the vine. As her hand grabed the rocky, stable ledge, she heared something just over the side. She peered up to see a small pack of wolves, one sleak black wolf cornered another odd looking white one, Terra was shocked at the beauty of this wolf, it was something she had never seen or heard of before.

The wolf looked a few years old, due to its long sleak legs and well build body. It was a she, it was easy to tell from her position.. Though it was moslty white, Her paws, the tips of her ears and the tip of her tail were black. The shear movments of the wolf kept her eyes on it. Then as it turned around, and Terra cought a peak at her face, she saw deep saphire eyes, and on the right eye was a black cresent, like the moon. Though as Terra peered closer she saw this cresent wasent natural, it was a scar.

As Terra lost herself in the danceing of the two wolves, she dident relize that the white one was in danger and dramaticly out numbered. The poor thing submited after being slamed into by the black brute. THe male seemed done with her, she must have once been the alphess, but now a new fea had come and pushed her aside. The white wolf lay on the ground looking defeated, when the black one growled at her and turned away. Terra looked at the white one, wanting to do something, but staying still. Only untill she felt the warm breath of a silver brute on her face, she looked up to see a wolf, fangs and all stareing her down, and his growls wernt welcomeing, and they seemed to be drawing the black one to her, as he too bared his teeth and stared to run towards her.