Blue Gem

New way

Terra was frozen with fear as the black brute chargeed her. She couldent even move. The silver brute had backed away and watched her, his teeth still out and taunting. 'What do I do' Terra thought to her self, her eyes darted all around her, no escape. ' Should I just fall? Should i try to scare him off?'. She paniced and climbed over the ledge and stood tall, positiong herself where she wouldent fall back if the brute slammed into her. Shedroped the back that had been swung around her shoulder and tenced up.

Only a few feet away, the black woulves ears shot up, and he stoped dead in his tracks, well alomst, the now smotther terrain by Terra made him slide a few inches before he could stop. He quickly backed up, and with a inward, more frightened growl, his pack started to carfully run off, back into the increasing folage. He was the last and before he left he lowered his head slightly, then turn and ran off. Terra stood still, she hadent moved. ' Wait' she thought to herself calming down now, ' Did, did that wolf just bow to me???' Terra grabbed up her bag and looked to the direction where the pack had disapeared to. Her gaze only left when she heard a rock fall over the edge, she looked to see the white fea approching her. Terra backed up from the wolf, but she just kept coming. Though it wasent charge, it was more of a crawl. Her body was down low to the ground, but sdhe dident seem threatining or threatned.

Terra Looked her over, then crouched down, extending her hand to it. " I wont hurt you" she said in a soft, almost motherly voice. The fea seemed to belive her and stood up still approching. Terra smiled as the feas wet nose came in contact with her hand. But she still dident stop, her nose continued to terras shirt, poking at it the licking it. Terra tried to stand up, but stumbled backward, falling of her butt. It was only then she realized that her necklace was glowing through her shirt. Terra gasped and pulled it out, looking it over. It glowed so brightly she had to let it fall untill the chain caught it and held it by her body.

Terra watched as the fea looked it over then looked to Terra, her eyes where so briliant. Terra reached her hand out and stroked the feas head, which the wolf slightly pulled back from at first. Terra sat there with the wolf for a while then jumped up as she relized how late it had gotten, and she dident want to spend a night out here alone. She jumped up, forceing the fea to do the same. Then with one last pat and a smile she started off, looking back to see the fea watching her. She sighed and looked around " Poor thing" She said to herself, only to break the uncomfortable silence. " No home to return to now little wolf." She said looking about trying to find her place, she walked close to the edge to follow the path hopeing that it dident curve away from where she had worked so hsrd to get.

Brath had told her that if she kept going at a constant pase, she would be there by sunset. Unfortanetly, she had taken atlest half and hour to climb the wall, then sat with that wolf for a whole hour by itself. She sighed and seeing that the path would continue along this edge for a while she out the bag by her side behind her and began to run. Not for very long though, she soon ran out of breath and forced herself to at least walk instead of siting down to rest. She walked untill she calmed down and got her streangth back and began to run again. She did this cycle three times before she saw that the sun was agenst her, it would be gone in a few hours. She leaned up agenst a tree, this time very exausted and needed to rest. She was so intent on her breathing that she hadent noticed the fea at her feet. The wolf nudged her leg, and she looked down sartled. " You again" She said between breaths. The wolf yipped and wagged her tail. Terra sighed and pat the wolf on the head. ' Great' She though " It thinks im her new pack.' She looked a the wolf, who seemed to mean her no harm, and grined. "Well, Id rather be with you then alone" She said and the wolf tilted her head, as if she had understood.

Terra walked and the fea walked beside her. Terra looked ahead to see a flat area under them and to the west a little. " Well that cant be it, the city of peaks wouldent be flat right?" She said looking to the wolf who was intent on the flat area. " Must be further" She said looking ahead of them. The fea stoped and looked over the edge, Terra stoped and turned back to her. " What" She said wlaking back, the fea only wimped at the long way down, and pased about as if looking for a safe way to desend the drop. Terra patted her and continued to walk. " Dont worry, you wont fall, come on", but the fea only barked loudly, makeing Terra jump and swing around. The fea was barking at the flat area. Terra sighed and looked to it too. With a closer more consitrated look, she saw that he path lead to that area. She gasped and looked to the wolf amazed. " Good going, come on lets find a place to jump down." The wolf jumped up in fright, Terra giggled " Im, just kidding" She said finding a more sutible way down.

The vines where definitly long enough, but teh wolf couldent hold on so Terra had to find another way.Soon she found that the leadge formed sort of a ramp, they would be able to walk, it was still prety steep, but at least not virtical. it dident take them long to get down, since gravity pulled there pace into a run. And they soon found themselfs on a better, more sutible path again. Terra looked ahaed to see small houses and lights, since the sun had begun to go down and tourches where visable now. She smiled and ran, the fea right next to her. She stoped at what seemed the entrance to the town, jsut in time to, for teh sun wasnow setting and it stained the sky in a blood read.

She entered the village, looking for any sign of a healers. Though it wasent much diffrent from her village, yes it was bigger but most of the shops wernt marked. She kicked some dirt as she realized she would have to ask for help. She looked for the nearest house and nocked on the door. A young girl answerd, " Yes, what do you want" She said keeping herself half inside as if she was afraid of being snatched away. Terra grined " Do you know a woman named Alura. " The girl narrowed her eyes," who are you? What do you want?". Terra seemed surprised " Are you Alura?" "NO!" the girl answerd Terra steped back 'should I tell her my mothers name?' She thought to herself. The girl began to close the door "WAIT! Soire, she sent me to find Alura" The young girls eyes widend and her mouth dropped, She swung the door open and Draged Terra in " Shes here, come in come in! Your cute puppy too" The girl squealed, as soon as Terra was inside the girl closed the door and ran off. A womans voice as heard, "WHO WAS IT!" The girls voice and the womens where heard conversing, then a crashing noise was heard and the woman burst inott he room " Youve finaly come, Terra? Or Alaya?" She asked panting " Oh my dear Ive been waiting for you".