Blue Gem

A new companion, and more to come.

Terra stepd back in shock, "What, how did you know me and my sister?" She asked. The woman laughed " Im Alura, and Ive been expecting you since before you where born. Terras eyes narrowed and she looked aroud, backing up to lean on the wall, she was exostied. Alura pulled out a chair " Her my dear, sit." Terra was a little weary of sitin in a strangers house, but her mother said she would help, so that helped put her mind at ease. Terra took the seat, and the wolf was right next to her, siting on her haunches. Alura smiled at the wolf and then to Terra. " Did you mother give you her , or did the necklace?" She said walking into the other rom. Terras jaw dropped and her head snapped to the door that Alura had left threw. " How...How did you now about." Alura came back in cutting her off. " The necklace? Dear girl i can sence it for one, and its still glowing." Terra looked down and grabbed the orb.

The little girl came back in with a large book, and handed it to Alura.
Alura grinned and set the book on a table on the other side of the room.
Terra looked around then to the wolf patting her on the head. The little girl walked over to her and smiled, she seemed about Alayas age, mabye a little younger, " Whats your puppys name?" She asked crouching down next to her, " Thats not a puppy Talia, its a wolf." Alura said over her shoulder. Talia smiled " Oh, sorry, whats your wolf's name?" She asked petting the wolf's chest. Terra grinned, " She dosent have one, shes not mine shes just following me for a bit. Talia frowned then looked to Alura who had found a page and was walking over. "My dear, shes chosen you, shes yours, well actualy, your more hers now." Alura laughed and set the heavy book on Terras lap. " Oh, I still dont know your name." ALura said walking into the other room. Terra gasped " Im sorry, its Terra." She said watching as the wolf rolled over on its back as Talia petted her tummy.

Alura came back a few minutes later with two cups, Terra knew the smell right away, tea. Alura handed one of the cups to her and Terra nodded a silent thank you, quickly drinking the tea, " Terra, stop, not so fast!" Terra pulled the cup away, with a sigh. " Sorry, its just so good, and I havent had any hot food in a day or two." She said looking in the cup. Alura nodded and looked to teh wolf. She ook a sip of her tea and motioned her head tward the fea. " Whats her name? have you asked her?" Terra looked surprised, and Alura sighed. " Right no magic..blast Soire, why send me a student with no idea why shes here." She said taking a seat next to Terra. " Student? What are you talking about?" Terra asked severly confused. Aluras eyes widend " My dear, do you even know why your here?" Terra shook her head and Alura set the tea donw, rubing her temples " Well your magic, well can use magic, and your here to learn, why did Sorie send you here anyway!" Alura said calmly.

Terra explained the whole village being robbed and why she had come here, she handed Alura the note her mother had given her. Alura fliped to its back and set her palm on it, suddenly more writing apeared. Terra gaped at the sight watched as Alura read over the new note. "Alright" Alura finally said with a sigh, " So you use magic to heal, thats a start, but you dont know how you do it right?" Terra nodded and picked the book up seting it on the table next to her. " Well, for starters you need to ask her name, she will tell you if you listen." Alura said pointing to the necklace to clue her off.

Terra sighed and got on the floor with the wolf, Talia backed up smileing. Terra grabbed the necklace and looked to the wolfs briliant eyes. " Umm.. Whats your name wolf" She asked feeling silly. The fea stood and took a step to her, seting her nose on the jem. Terra felt tingling all threw her body, then a voice ran threw the air. ' luunaa'. Terra smiled, it sounded like the wind, " Luna" She repeated and the wolf nodded. She stood up and patted her head, giggling. " Her names Luna" She said not really beliving any of this. Thinking it was all just a dream.

Alura came back in with a red fox following her, " Its no dream" She said, Terra started at her " Yes dear I can hear your thoughts. This is Rican, he found me like Luna found you, Talia will also find a giude to help her, and it should be soon, you mother has one, and your sister will have one. They have magic like we do, they saw the glow and are to help us threw what ever we may have to do. Your lucky, a wolf is very helpfull, so would have been a hawk or falcon, or even a fox would have been ok." She said teasing Rican, who looked up at her anoyyed. Terra looked to Rican, then to Alura, " What dose my mother have?" Alura smiled " Have you seen the black stallion she keeps in the barn?" Terra nodded, and so did Alura. Terra sat down on the floor with Luna next to her.

Alura smiled and looked at Talia who frowned and exited the room. Terra watched her go and saw a red glow under her shirt and gasped, then she looked to alura who had pulled her chain out, revealing the silver glow. " All magic users have them, our mothers make them for us and your mother made yours." Terra sighed and set her hand on Luna who layed down and set her head in Terras lap. " This is.... to much" She said looking to Luna who only looked back up to her. Alura nodded " Yes I understand, we will start training when you want, Ill tell you everything when you feel you are ready, but for now, lets get some sleep. Terra nodded and stood up, her stomach though disagreed very loudly, Alura laughed. " Alright, we can eat something first." She said walking into the kitchen, seating Terra next to Talia.

Talia smiled at Terra. " Well, what do you want to find you?" Terra asked. Talia looked at her necklace. " Id like for a wolf or a hawlk, but a falcon will find me." She said. Terra looked confused. "If you look into the glow, theres a patern inside the jem, it shows what will find you." She said. Terra looked at her jem, it wasent at bright as she had thought before, but looking very closly she did see a faint image of Luna and gasped, but there was something else there too. She tryed to figure out what it was but just couldent tell. She looked up as Alura set a plate down for her with some bread and cheese, also a little meat was there. She looked up to Alura and gave her the jem, Alura looked to it and gasped, she looked to Terra and then to Talia who also knew what the other item in her jem was.

Alura rushed out of the room as Talia, for the first time since Terra had arrived, had a frightend and serious look on her face. She looked to see if Alura was near and leaned over to Terra whispering. " You have another to find you, a big other. Terra looked at Talia confused, but all Talia would say is "Eat, youll need it".