Blue Gem

Wins and losses

Terra finished eating and looked down to Luna. " I wonder whats wrong." She said patting the feas head and walked back into the main room. There she saw Alura sitting at a large table flipping through the pages of many large books. Terra slowly and quietly walked around the room to Talia and sat down next to her on the ground. She was just kind of staring at Alura. Luna sat next to Terra and also stared at Alura, as if one of the pages would uncover a untold secret of great power and streangth.

Finally Alura turned around, rubbing her eyes, talking multiple deep breaths as if trying to tell someone that a daughter or son had passed. Terra stood up, so did Luna, and Talia sprang up just as fast. Alura looked each of them over and then buried her eyes in Terra, an almost jelous, envius look. She took a deep breath " Terra, have you ever heard of dragons?" Terra stood there shocked, only nodding her head, her thoughts raceing with the thought that a dragon could be the other image in her jem. " Yes, its a dragon, your very lucky, but also misfortunet." Alura said walking to a more comfortable chair and falling into it.
Terra quickly turned " Why is it so bad?! A dragon! This is very exciting, Ive only heard of dragons in old storys, I dident think that they were still around." Alura cut her off with a simple hand in the air. " There not, well not anymore, they are almost all gone, and finding her will not be easy. Though that might be why your jem is still glowing, but the glow is dimming. " Alura put her hand to her mouth and thought long and hard. " Terra, when you were traveling here, did you feel any different? Did you feel like something had begone to bond with you?" Terra thought for a second and nodded slightly. " I almost dident notice it, but it did make me feel stronger." Alura nodded and darted into a back room.

About ten minutes later Alura darted from the room and grabbed up a long red robe, swinging it on and motioning for Talia and Terra to follow. Talia did as Alura, grabbing a long robe and darting out the door after Alura. Terra looked at Luna who was right next to her and wasent going to be persuaded to stay there, so she dident fight it and struggled to keep up with Alura in the dark. " Shouldent we wait untill morning?" Terra asked running up beside Alura. "Nope, we have no time, now tell me if and when your jem glows brighter and you feel stronger, well follow her that way." Terra nodded and looked down at the jem which was beggining to gain back power and its bright glow.

After about an hour of wandering through the dark on a path, Terras jem pulsed, but only when she turned to the right of the path, into the woods. Terra tugged on Aluras robe and signaled that the jems power was increasing in that direction. Alura hesitated, then darted in. Terra followed, but almost tripped as Aluras fox ran under her. Talia giggled and patted Lunas head. Luna seemed to know where she was going just fine, and Terra followed her glossy white fur. The moon was nice and bright so there sight wasent in total darkness. Alura looked back to see that Terras jem had covered them in a vail of blue light, she smiled and thought to herself how strange it was that it was so close. 'Very strange indeed, dragons dont live out here, especilly with eggs.' Then as Terra signaled that the pulse had changed direction, a ugly thought had overwhellmed Alura. ' Someone is carrying it.' Alura looked back to see Terra dident bring her bow. She stoped for only moment then turned back and handed it to Terra along with her quiver, she also hand a sword in her hands now.

"Terra", Alura whisperd " We may have to fight for it, alright? Now if there are more then one, aim for the one that dosent come after me, Ill take care of the rest." Terra was in shock but understood, this was a important matter, and the thought that someone esle had her egg enraged her. She looked at Luna who was also in attack mode, the wolf's ears where back and her lips pulled back in a snarl. Talia had a knife at her waist and was very vigulent.

Before long Alura stoped and told them to do the same. Terra readyed her bow, nocking one arrow, but not pulling back. Alura stood behind a tree, and everyone else ducked down as well. Terra grabbed her jem so that the light could not be seen, it was so bright now, and she felt stronger every second. They dident wait long, three men in robes and one with a bag on his back came walking by. Alura looked to Terra who nodded and pulled back aiming for the small group. Alura walked out, very calmly, concealing her wepon and started talking to the men. Only a few seconds passed before they pulled swords on her, and she did the same. Terra aimed and fired for the man in the middle who had the bag on his back, he instantly fell, and the third man ran. Alura made quick time of the first man, a few percise steps and blows and he too fell.

Alura grabbed the bag and looked around, suddelny sceptical " Where is the third body?!" Terra shrugged and looked to where he ran. Alura cursed under her breath and snatched the bag off the man corpse and started to run. Terra slung her bow over her shoulder and followed, as did Luna and Talia. " They will come back for this, it is a very important item, and im sure they wont surender it with out a fight."