Status: It's coming eventually. :)

The Planetary Chronicles

I've been having a slight crisis with my writing lately. So in order to get over it, I've decided to take a break from writing long stories and instead writing ficlets.

These are more little exercises to make me better. There's a small chance that any of them will be related and they will be rated individually. The rating will be set at PG-13, but if it goes higher, I'll put it in the title description.

You should also be warned that I'm trying out slash, so if you're uncomfortable with that, I'd suggest you turn back now. Though I don't think they'll be any boisecks on here. I don't know yet. *shrugs*

I'm pretty much living in the Supernatural fandom (it's the only one whose fics I read) so these will most likely all be slashes of various characters from the show. They will most likely be original AU's, also.

I hope if you read these you like them. :) I'd really love feedback. That's kind of what I'm doing this for.

This is a sad description, but it's hard to describe something that will be different each update. Also, there will probably only be 10 of these, varying in length, unless my drabbles are liked, if so there may be more.
  1. Rebuild Until God Shows
    Rating: PG [Supernatural-Dean/Cas]- Rebuilding from the ground up.
  2. Some Things Are Worth the Consequences
    Rating: PG-15 (mentions of sex) [Supernatural Dean/Cas & implied Sam/Gabriel, Bobby/Crowley and pre-Jo/Ash]- You know, sometimes detention is worth it.