If Only Those Fan-Girls Knew

Always Running Out Of Time

Have you ever noticed, how much of an asshole time is? When you want something to last forever, it goes by so quick, in a blink of an eye. It's over, just like that... and when you want something to never come... well, it does. The more you dread something, the quicker the time passes. The more you wait for something good, time drags on painfully.

Sitting in my last period class was a perfect example of that.

I stared at the clock, begging for the hands to move, just a few more minutes so the bell would ring and I would be free of this god damn hell hole they call high school. I looked around the science class room, staring up at my bland old woman of a teacher, before looking over a few desks diagonally from me. My friend Alishia looked over at me, her dark hair falling gently over her pale shoulder. She smiled at me sheepishly, shrugging, sliding her cell phone from her pocket, putting it under the desk, only so I could see it. She pointed to the exact time on her phone. 2:36. I sighed, biting down on my lip.

Alishia and I had been friends for a long time. We met when we were young kids, probably six or seven years old, and had been best friends almost since the very first time we met. We were very similar when we were younger. We were both shy, sort of quiet, and we just fit together perfectly. We grew over the years, opening up more. I became an energetic, silly teenage girl, and she was still quiet around new people, but she was just as fun as they came around people she knew.

We were in our last year of high school, unsure of what was ahead of us. Lately, we'd been doing almost everything together, half in fear of the fact we might get to once we graduated, and half just because it was fun. Currently, we were looking for jobs.

The teacher listed out the homework, and finally, a bell chorused throughout the room, and everyone gathered up their books and ran out of the classroom like it was on fire. Alishia and I were no exception.

I clutched my books to my chest, walking down the hallway with Alishia beside me. I tucked a strand of blonde hair, a few black hairs intertwined in them, sighing. "I hate science."

"I know," Alishia groaned, as we walked down towards our lockers. Coincidentally, they were only a few away from each other.

"Honestly, what do I need it for? I'm not gonna be a scientist. I hate science." I said, putting the combination into my lock, juggling my books on my arms. Alishia already had her stuff put away.

"You ready, Katia?" She asked, grinning over at me.

"Yup." I said, slamming my locker shut. "Let the job hunting commence."


Seventeen job applications later, and we were still shit out of luck.

I mean, it wasn't like they told us right on the spot that we weren't hired. They would "give us a call", or something like that, but both Alishia and I both knew that they wouldn't. I mean, we didn't have a very impressive resume, and we were both sort of awkward with our potential employers. Not to mention the fact that we were not even close to being the only ones looking for jobs. Half of our grad class, and below were, too.

We left the small local restaurant we had just applied at, the bell in the doorway tingling pleasantly. I groaned, dropping to the curb with my chin in my hands. "This is never going to happen."

Alishia sighed, leaning against a street light. "You never know, Katia... they might call."

"I doubt it." I said, fluffing my blonde and black hair. "We need these jobs, Alishia. Like, really bad."

See, we weren't just trying to get these jobs for spare money, or something. We were trying to get these jobs for money, so we could travel. We wanted to go somewhere when school was over, a road trip or something if you will. Our last big trip before college. We were going to make it big.

Well, we would if we could find a job.

To be honest, if you were to give the name "Katia Scout Davids" to someone, the last thing they would think would be employment. I'm not well known, of course, but the people that know me know that I can be loud, crazy, and energetic. I can also be lazy. Painfully lazy.

So, I guess I'd just have to prove myself otherwise.

"Well, I sort of have an idea if all else fails..." Alishia mumbled, looking at me.

"What would that be?" I asked her.

"You know Tyler from our math class?" She asked, and I nodded. "Well, he used to work at this like, venue, and there is all these concerts there and shit. He just quit, and he says they'll hire just about anybody. There is a big concert coming up, so they're desperate."

I raised my eyebrows. "Why didn't you mention this before?"

"Well, Tyler quit because it was awful. Apparently, the boss is an asshole and the place can get pretty gross. It pays well, though."

I thought about it for a moment. I mean, there wouldn't be anything wrong with working there, despite the obvious. If it was that awful, we could quit, and still gain work experience for or resume. Why not check it out?

"Well, let's go, then."

Alishia's eyes widened. "Huh?"

"To that venue. Let's go." I said, standing up. I looked at her expectantly, and she looked at me, sort of hesitant at first, before rolling her eyes with a grin on her face.

"It's this way." She said, jamming her hands in her pockets and nodding to our left.

I took out my resume, looking over it one more time, before we headed off in the direction of the venue, some new hope be stilled in us.


The boss was a sour looking old guy who hardly even seemed glad we were applying at all. He looked over our resumes, asked us a few basic questions, and told us we'd first start working Friday, the day of the concert.

Our hours so far sucked, and our boss seemed like a dickhead, but nonetheless, we were excited.

Sadly though, the excitement only lasted about an hour until work officially started.

Before the fans started arriving, we had to clean the bathrooms. Not fun.

I leaned against the tiled wall of the girl's washroom, seeing all the puddled up soap on the counter and the paper towels on the ground, and I let out a groan. "Changed my mind. So not worth it."

Alishia came up behind me, patting me on the back. "Wait till you see the guys bathroom."

I sighed, putting my hair up in a ponytail, before walking up to the sinks. I wiped up the soap, changed the garbage, flushed all the toilets and wiped down the seats (Ew , ew, ew, ew). It was pretty gross, but it was over soon. Part of me wished it wasn't... I wasn't exactly excited for the whole men's room concept.

The venue was a big place, lots of places to clean. We would be pretty busy while working here. There were carpeted hallways leading to the big room where the stage was, all sorts of different floors, dressing rooms, etc. It was a huge place, and I would be lying if I said I didn't want to explore it. But of course, I had to focus on the task at hand, as hard as it was for me.

I really hoped no one I knew was going to be at this concert tonight. My hair was up in a messy ponytail, I was wearing sweat pants and a t-shirt (clothes I wouldn't mind getting dirty in), and I was cleaning bathrooms, for god's sake. It was humiliating.

"We're all done in here..." Alishia said to me, looking over her shoulder. I sighed and nodded, wiping my forehead with the back of my hand.

"Well, let's go then." I said, pulling on a new pair of rubber gloves and exiting the washroom, with Alishia at my side.

"This is gonna be fun..." She said sarcastically, running her fingers through her dark hair as we wandered over to the men's room.

"Oh definitely. From my experience with men and toilets, this is going to be splendid." I groaned, as we turned the corner onto the white tiles. We were giggling nervously, looking at each other, and not paying attention to much else, when we ran into some one. Or rather, a few people.

And when I say ran into, I mean ran into, like full on collision.

Naturally, it's pretty embarrassing bumping into someone in general, but when you're dressed like a janitor (and I guess, technically you are one), and walking into the men's restroom, it's quite a bit more embarrassing.

Especially when the guys you run into are the band you'll be cleaning up after tonight.

All Time Low.