If Only Those Fan-Girls Knew

Running Away With His Tail Between His Legs

Alishia's POV

As we rounded the corner to go and clean the men's restroom, which I can't exactly say I was looking forward to, I bumped straight into four guys...all the cleaning products flew into the air, making a break for it, trying to fly away and hide from the humiliation. Bumping into four, I must say, VERY attractive guys whilst dressed in trackies...well that's alluring, isn't it?

In an instant my cheeks flushed bright red. I looked round at Katia with widened eyes. We both knew who we had just come face to face with...all the four members of the pop-punk band, All Time Low, Alex, Jack, Zack and Rian, those Baltimore dudes that every teenage girl wanted in their bed.

"Well, hey" Jack winked at me, trying to look seductive. All I could think was 'player, player, player'...Jack was known as the ladies man, the one that always went round chatting up all the girls, well that is what everyone thought he was like, anyway. I just stared at him and raised one eyebrow in an unimpressed response and he giggled.

Alex instantly put a hand to his face and looked directly at me "I'm so sorry about him...I'm Alex, by the way, this is Jack, Zack and Rian. Know who we are?" Alex apologized and pointed out the members in his band.

I gulped. "Yeah we both know who you guys all are. We never realized you were playing here tonight...sorry for running into you as well. Oh, I'm Alishia and this is Katia. We're just trying to get some money for traveling, first day and everything..." I explained. The second Alex's eyes met Katia's he couldn't seem to look away, like he was hooked on them, and her. He just stared intently. During this Jack kept looking me up and down with a smug look on his chops, truth be told it was creeping me out.

"Just ignore him, he'll get bored Alishia." Zack said smiling at me.

I laughed, "He thinks this sort of thing works on girls?"

Zack, Rian and Alex burst out laughing as Jack's mouth hit the floor and went red, a few seconds later Jack walked off to go back stage to their dressing room.

"Alishia, Katia, are you coming along to the concert tonight?" Rian asked. I looked back at Katia.

"Urmmm, maybe." She replied, not being able to stop looking at Alex, as he couldn't her.

"Oh okay, well, why don't you? Come back stage when your done and we can hang out before and after if you want...to be honest seeing Jack get floored like that was hilarious, Alishia." Rian, Zack and I looked over at Alex and Katia staring at each other, looking each other up and down and both fighting the urge to jump upon each other.

Zack stepped towards me, "And I think Alex and Katia would appreciate some time as well, if you can cope with sticking with me?" Zack smugly smiled as he whispered that in my ear, and I giggled

"See you later then guys. Come on Katia, we have stuff to do".

She just looked at me for a split second and then back at Alex. I looked back towards Zack who it seemed had kept his eyes focused on me during my exchange with Katia.

"Alishia, I know I shouldn't but...look, why don't we let Katia go with Alex now and I will help you out. I can't see her being much use to you now."

I laughed and then turned to him "You're part of All Time Low and your offering to clean the men's restroom?"

Zack blushed and Rian shouted before running off with Alex and Katia, "Watch him Alishia, he wants you girl. Now you two behave in there!"

I turned and looked at Zack who went bright red and moved his head to the floor so I couldn't see his face. Zack likes me? Me? Mind you he has probably had hundreds of girls...I'm no-one special...

"Come on the Zack, let's get those loos clean." I nudged him and began picking the cleaning products up.

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Ten minutes later we were done, we stumbled out laughing hysterically.
"Come on Alishia, lets go back and find the others." He took my hand and lead me backstage.
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Hope you all like it :)
Comments are appreciated :)
Alishia's Cleaning Outfit