If Only Those Fan-Girls Knew

Cloud Nine

As Zack and I walked back stage, we laughed and chatted casually with no awkwardness at all, hand in hand. I must admit, Zack is one of the only people I have ever met that I feel totally comfortable around the second I laid eyes on him...I don't know what it is...he is just so friendly I guess, not to mention smoulderingly attractive.

As we rounded the corner and saw everyone, well we saw Katia and Alex first as once again they staring at each other, which I must admit was sweet and I was happy for her but geesh, it did seem a little creepy. As I looked round more I met Jack's gaze, he didn't look happy at all...I have to admit that my shunning him earlier was rather harsh but the others found it funny. Rian was the one you couldn't miss, the one sat there with the cheesiest grin on his face ever known to mankind!

As the minutes passed and conversation flowed in was in a bit of a blur, all I could think bout was Zack. In this short space of time that I have known him, he has turned it upside down already.

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We walked out onto the gig floor and looked around

"Well come on you four you did agree to help clean it with us so that we can come to the gig, but, you honestly don't have to, we can manage" I ushered the guys into an animate state.

Zack just looked at me and smiled, walking past me to go and get a broom, he ran his fingers down my arm and lingered for a while on my hand. I looked round and Alex had a broom and was stood next to Katia chatting, Rian was already sweeping and Jack sat in the corner looking glum.

I must admit that I really liked Rian he seemed like a really nice guy and he was a good mate to everyone. Jack, I must admit annoyed the hell out of me, I thought that he was a stuck up little brat and a so called 'womanizer' but we needed to get this floor done and we needed his help so time to build a bridge.

I walked across the room towards him

"Hey Jack. Look, I know your pissed about what I said earlier and I am sorry, can we maybe start again?" I looked straight at his slouched figure that leant against the black wall of the side of the standing area for the gig.

"Look, Alishia, what you said back there was pretty funny and if it hadn't been aimed at me I would have loved it. Just a shock, no-one has ever done that to me before, I didn't know what to do...mates?" Jack explained to me whilst he walked over to get a broom and start, we swept and carried on talking.

"Mates" I replied with a smile across my face. we shook hands. We smiled at each other and carried on sweeping. Everyone was now and we were getting through it pretty quickly.

"Alishia, why don't you and Katia come and spend the night backstage with us?" Zack scooted over behind me and asked me with a pure look of glee on his face.

"Urmmmm, that would be amazing" I replied trying to hide how happy I was to be spending more time with Zack.

"Katia, we can finish up here can't we? Guys go do dudes stuff." I shouted to them all as they put their brooms back and we ushered them away. Now to just clean the bars.

"Alishia, I think I really like Alex...what do I do? And you and Zack seem to be getting pretty close as well!" Katia beamed at me, looking so happy. I carried on wiping down the bar and then looked at her, so happy as well, we were both on cloud nine, happier than we had been in a very long time!

"What you do? Well I was talking to Zack and he asked if we would go backstage for the whole gig...I said yes so you talk to him and tell him how you feel or make something happen" I smiled. She looked at me wide eyed and then let out a little squeal.
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