Status: Ongoing

Evelyn In Wonderland

The Shadow

Evelyn was in the garden, as she usually was during the day. She didn’t like to remain inside as all the curtains had to be shut and she had to be very quiet because her mother was sick. She had something called migraines, Evelyn wasn’t entirely sure what they were, all she knew was that her mother had to lie in bed all day and could never play like she used to.

It was quite an ordinary day; Evelyn was facing the brick wall around the perimeter of the garden creating shadow puppets. She had been doing this for around five minutes before she got bored and plonked herself down on the hot ground, her head in her hands facing the wall with a perplexed frown on her face.

"What ever is there to do?" Evelyn wondered to herself downheartedly.

It was as she was taking a particularly great sigh over her unfortunate situation that something incredibly strange happened: her shadow stood up.

Now, Evelyn was entirely certain that she herself was still sat on the ground, so it confused her a great deal to see that her shadow was not doing as she was.

"Sit back down, Shadow! And stop acting so inappropriately!" She told her shadow sternly. But her shadow did not sit down; it merely motioned with one finger for Evelyn to follow it.

Evelyn, being a very curious child, decided that she probably should follow the shadow, as it must have something very important to show her if it was acting this way.

As soon as Evelyn stood up, the shadow ran off along the wall, occasionally looking behind itself to see that Evelyn was keeping up as it was quite hard for Evelyn to see it, what with all the plants growing on the wall.

Eventually, Evelyn and her shadow reached the corner of the garden, where two sides of the garden wall met, there, Evelyn saw a little iron door (or was it a gate, it was hard to be sure). Either way, it most certainly had not been there before as Evelyn had spent many hours exploring the vast garden. Evelyn wondered how on earth it managed to get there.

It really was a very small door, only up to Evelyn’s chest and Evelyn was a very small girl to begin with, much to her annoyance. However it was very pretty, it had little iron flowers growing up the metal rods, they were so well crafted Evelyn almost believed them to be real.

Evelyn’s shadow hopped through the door and onto the other side where it motioned for Evelyn to follow. Evelyn tried to open the little door but it was locked and she most certainly wouldn’t be able to slip through the metal poles like her shadow had.

"How do I get through, Shadow?" Evelyn asked, but her shadow merely waved its arm more vigorously.

Evelyn tried to shake the bars but it was no use, it wasn’t opening.

"Oh, please, do help me, Shadow!" Evelyn begged. Her shadow was moving its arm in very purposeful movements now; Evelyn was worried it might be having a fit.

But then she realized what it was doing, its hand was going from its mouth and out again, it was trying to tell her to speak!

"Oh, I see! Please will you open, little door?" she asked very politely. Immediately, the metal flowers unravelled themselves from around the poles and the door swung open with a slight creak.

Evelyn quickly clambered through the door on her hands and knees and followed the shadow through.

As she looked around, she saw she was in hallway filled with flowers and trees and bushes and absolutely everything you could think of for a garden. The walls were covered in ivy and vines and the floor was slightly bouncy due to all of the moss. It was quite beautiful Evelyn thought.

"Oh, Shadow! This is marvellous, how on earth did you find this place?" But when Evelyn looked around, she couldn’t see her shadow anywhere. And then Evelyn realised that it was far too dark in the hallway for a shadow.

"That is a shame; I was rather enjoying its company." Evelyn thought.

Evelyn decided to continue on her way down the corridor. However, the further along she got, the sparser the shrubbery became, and soon she was walking along a tunnel made entirely of dirt.

"I much preferred it when there were plants," thought Evelyn, "I do hope that this tunnel doesn’t go on for much longer."
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