Status: Ongoing

Evelyn In Wonderland

The Island

Much to Evelyn’s delight, the tunnel began to brighten. “Well, this must mean the tunnel is ending!”

As the tunnel got steadily lighter, Evelyn turned to her right and saw that her shadow had returned, "Oh, hello, Shadow! I was quite lonely while you were gone, you know." Her shadow waved happily to her.

Then, as Evelyn turned a corner, she found herself suddenly out of the tunnel and on what looked like a small island, though there wasn’t any sand or trees or anything at all really, apart from the hard, incredibly cracked rock she was standing on – the tunnel appeared to have entirely vanished. All around her, in every direction, all she could see was the sea.

"Oh dear, I shall never be able to swim as far as that!" Evelyn wailed. She turned to look at her shadow, "Can you swim at all?" she asked it but the shadow just shrugged its shoulders.

As Evelyn was wondering how on Earth she might get off the island without drowning, the ground beneath her began to move. Evelyn fell over and looked at the ground in surprise. It appeared to be breaking apart along all of the cracks.

"Shadow, dear! What on earth is happening?" but her shadow shook it’s head in panicked confused movements.

Evelyn tried to hold onto the ground as it broke into lots of little pieces, but she was just picking little bits of rock up.

But as Evelyn looked closer at the little fragment she was holding, she noticed that the rock had tiny, beady, black eyes!

"Why, I’ve never seen a rock with eyes before!" her voice trembling slightly due to the huge vibrations beneath her. And then suddenly, the piece of rock she was holding gave a giant leap out of her hand and the scuttled off, and so did all the other bits of rock!

All Evelyn could do was watch as they all scuttled off and reformed themselves into a path, a path on top of the sea! Soon, the only pieces of rock remaining were the ones Evelyn was sitting on.

Eventually, the ground stopped moving and all the little rocks seemed in the place, leaving a path from Evelyn out across the sea. Evelyn glanced at her shadow before she started walking along the little path on the sea.

"I must say, this is the first time I have ever walked on water, Shadow. Though I suppose you have done it before when I have been beside a fountain or the likes of that." Evelyn chattered along to her shadow as they walked down the path. The path took a lot less time to walk across than Evelyn thought was normal for such a long way, she wondered if the waves had been pushing them along but she hadn’t felt any movement beneath her. Either way, Evelyn saw land only a few minutes after they had started walking and they managed to reach it only a couple of moments after she first glimpsed the land.

As she stepped off the path, Evelyn found there was no sand here either. There was just slightly damp dirt, and about a metre away from the sea, incredibly dense, black forest.

Evelyn tilted her head back to look up at the vast trees wondering how long it would take to climb one of them; she was thinking so intently that she almost missed her shadow scampering off towards the trees. She ran after it into the forest. As soon as she entered the forest a great quiet overcame the air. She couldn’t hear the sea anymore, she could only hear the wind and the leaves and the occasional bird.

Suddenly, Evelyn felt very sleepy. She looked around for her shadow but couldn’t see it anywhere. She decided that her shadow wouldn’t mind if she had a little sleep, so she found a tree with lots of soft moss beneath it and curled up like a cat and fell asleep in seconds.
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