Status: Ongoing

Evelyn In Wonderland

The Trio

When Evelyn woke up, she wasn’t sure exactly how long she had been asleep, but she knew it must have been a great deal of time for the sky was now dark and speckled with stars.

"I must have been more tired than I thought." Evelyn was disappointed that it was night time for she knew she would never be able to find her shadow at this hour.

"I shall go back to the beach and wait until morning," thought Evelyn "Who knows what creatures could be in this wood."

And so Evelyn started to walk back in what she thought was the direction she had come from. However, though Evelyn walked for a very long time, she could not find the beach.

"Oh no!” cried Evelyn "I must be lost! How could I have been so foolish as to have forgotten my way out?" And then Evelyn began to cry, for she was really quite frightened.

But as Evelyn was crying she heard what sounded like a very large animal running through the woods towards her, making a great racket as it did so. Evelyn stopped crying immediately, she most certainly did not want the animal to hear her. She clamped her hand to her mouth to stop any noise at all from coming out then she ran quickly behind a plant with spectacularly large leaves.

But as the sound of the breaking branches and rustling bushes came closer to her she was able to make out a voice. "It was over here! There were most definitely crying noises!"

Evelyn peered over the leaves of the bush and saw the most peculiar looking trio she had ever set eyes upon. At the front was a bird (though it was not like any bird Evelyn had ever seen before), it had bright orange feathers and a shiny gold beak.

Behind him was a thin, bright green lizard wearing a small hat and a waistcoat and then, strangest of all, came a fish! Evelyn had never seen a fish walking on land before, especially not a vivid purple one (as this one was).

They all looked so ridiculous that Evelyn let out a small giggle. Immediately, all three of the strange creatures turned to look at Evelyn. As they began to stride over to her, Evelyn wished she hadn’t made any noise as they were all a lot taller than her and the bird’s beak looked awfully sharp.

"Who are you?" asked the bird pompously when the trio reached her.

"I’m Evelyn, sir," Evelyn told him, thinking that if she were polite he might stop looking at her so beadily.

"Have you seen a tiny animal running around this area crying?" the bird asked Evelyn while looking around at the surrounding floor. "We heard it only a short while ago; it looks exactly like this here lizard," the bird motioned to the lizard behind him, "only smaller, if that helps."

"Oh, sir, I’m sorry but that was me crying." Evelyn apologised.

"That was you?" The lizard piped up appearing incredibly upset.

"I told you!" the fish wailed in a defeated yet somehow triumphant voice, "I told you we wouldn’t find him!"

"Don’t say that, Ervin! Of course we’ll find him, Philip, don’t you worry. Come now, let’s keep looking." And with that the three of them all turned and started to walk away.

"Wait!" called Evelyn, they turned to her as she ran after her, "Please let me help you! I’m lost and I’d really rather not be alone in these woods. I’ll help you find the little lizard!"

"Well we could use an extra pair of eyes..." murmured the bird.

"We need all the help we can get!" cried the fish, Ervin.

"Oh stop it, Ervin. I suppose you can tag along, I’m Orvil, by the way," the bird held out a large orange wing to Evelyn and she grasped some of the feathers as they shook. "How did you come to be all the way out here?"

"Well, I came with my shadow but I appear to have lost it." Evelyn explained sadly.

"Not to worry, not to worry, I’m sure it will be back by morning. In the mean time we really need to start looking for Pilip."

"Who is Pilip?" asked Evelyn

"He is who we are looking for!" cried Philip the lizard, "I do hope we find him soon, he shall be ever so scared and crying fit to burst."

"If we find him at all..." muttered Ervin, but Evelyn was the only one to hear him as Orvil and Philip had already begun to march off into the dark of the Forrest.
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I'm going on holiday tomorrow so I won't be updating for a while, but I'll start posting again as soon as I can.
Thankyou to my subscribers! Any comments appreciated