Here With You

Interlocking Hands

*Zach's P.O.V*
I sure took a lot of naps today. I woke up in the best moment. My hand was interlocked with Chanelle's. I didn't move except my head to turn and stare at Chanelle. She's angelic. I felt her pain, Jamie told me everything. Her ex-boyfriend, Andrew came because he wanted her back (only because his latest ex broke up with him). She refused and he went crazy. That's all Jamie said that Chanelle told her but we know the hurful things, mentally and physically, he did to her. I also knew because I called her and he picked up. I then heard screaming and he hanged up. I didn't know that he was actually hurting her. I had mixed emotions bottled in my mind. Angry. Bad. In love. This is crazy. A fan of ours, one that felt like I've known her for years, and I'm in love with her. I believe in love at first sight now. This is crazy. Crazy Stupid Love.

The rest of the guys and Vic came over. Nathan with balloons, shaped of her favorite animals, colored in her favorite colors. Cameron with turkey sandwiches, her favorite. Michael with her iPod. Lastly, Victor with a big stuffed bear from Costco and his dinner from the foodcourt since we didn't come home for it. Once we set it all down, the doctor came in.

He told us that there were only 2 visitors at a time, so Nathan, Michael, and Vic left. I asked the doctor tons of questions. "Is she going to be alright?" "Where does she have injuries on?" "Are her parents here?" "When can she go home?" I got all the answers. "Yes she is" "A few on her face, but the rest on her hips and arms." "They're in the waiting room" "In a few days. We're still not sure if she's still weak"

What was on my mind now was to tell her parents that I'm in that band that's she obsessing with, and I'm in love with their daughter and want her to come on tour with us when she's all better. This is going to go smoothly. She's been asleep for 2 hours, since I woke up, and never, not once, let go of her hand.
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Sorry I haven't updated in a few days!