Here With You

Spill Everything

*Chanelle's P.O.V.*
I woke up and had this strange feeling that made me not want to talk about what happened to me. I tried to forget this all happened, because I absolutely hate dwelling on the past. I told the doctor that nothing was that severe anymore and said I could leave that day and rest at home. My parents, Zach, and I were all in the room. It was so awkward because we weren't talking. And it would be more awkward that Zach has to drive me and my family home because the guys and Jamie left on the van. BUT, it would be MORE awkward when we get home to bring all my stuff in my house with Zach, and my parents start questioning him.

I was in the car and looking out the passenger window. We were at a stop light and could feel Zach looking at me from the drivers seat. I looked in the backview mirror and could see my Mom looking at Zach with a weird look. Then looked at my dad with the same look. I just let out a sigh.

We drove up on the driveway after I gave Zach the directions to my house. He got all my stuff from the hospital; life-size teddy bear, my tote bag just in case I slept at the hospital, and the balloons. My dad unlocked the door, followed by Zach, followed by me. No one was still talking. My mom closed the door behind us and now we all were standing in the living room in a oval. We all had a lot of explaining to do. My mom said I could explain later so I could rest and take a nap. I nodded, went upstairs, but right before secretly leaving a note underneath Zach's iPhone to 'text me later if you make it from my parents safe' . Once I was in my room, I fell right asleep because of all this stress, hoping nothing bad would happen.

*Zach's P.O.V.*
I was looking down on the floor waiting for one of Chanelle's parents to speak. I wanted them to start because I had nothing. Her mom spoke up minutes later.
"Spill everything" She said calmly and smiled sweet. I can see where Chanelle got that smile from.
"I'm in love with your daughter."
♠ ♠ ♠
Nathan left. Not to be rude, but all of us kinda saw it coming. I'll miss him so much and sad that I NEVER got to meet him D:
But, I'm a true Adubber, and I won't 'unlike' Allstar Weekend because of it. I will support ALL the boys' choices in life., including Nathan. I don't care if he's not in the band anymore, he STILL is a part of it, in my heart. I will miss him so dearly.