Here With You


*Cameron's P.O.V.*
Jamie and I left with Michael and Elizabeth to hang out. We went to this Cupcake Shop since the girls, including Jamie, LOVED cupcakes. Michael was all awkward in this, he didn't know what to do since he didn't really have much girl friends. I told him just to play along.

"Babe, are you sure this is all on you? I could pay for half." Jamie offered.
"No. I would never let a girl pay. This is all on me sweetie." I said back.
"You're sweet."
"Nothing's sweeter than you." Corny but she loved it.
She gave me a one-arm hug and went to Elizabeth to look around for their favorite cupcakes.

"Bro, I need to talk to you." Michael whispered.
"Ok hold on." I told Jamie to surprise me with any flavor and told Elizabeth the same for Michael and handed them the money. We went outside the shop and he told me...

"How should I ask Elizabeth on tour?"
"You just met the girl. Wait for a few days, since we're leaving next week. If you think she's good and you can trust her, just straight up ask her."
"That seems like a plan. Ok. I will. Thanks"
"Not a problem. Since we're in this topic, I need to ask Jamie."
"That's easy. She'll say yes to anything you ask her to."
"That's kinda true. But I still love her. I'll casually ask her. Hold on"

I grabbed my iPhone out my pocket and texted her 'Wanna go on tour with us? ;)'. No more than 5 seconds later, she ran out with her arms spread wide and kissed me and kept shouting 'YES. YES. YES!'
"Haha, calm down. Go back in there with Liz and finish paying. We'll wait out here then we'll go walking around this town."
"Ok. I love you."
"Love you too."

Michael gave me a thumbs up when I looked back at him. We waited on one of the tables outside and saw a group of fans coming our way. It reminded me of how we were going to tell them. They were going to find out one way or another, and if we waited until they found it, they would be depressed. I would NEVER want that to happen. We had to tell them soon. I quickly recovered from that thought and Michael and I then signed autographs, chatted, and took pictures. Once they left and said goodbye, our girls came out.
"Long line. Sorry." Liz announced.
"Not a problem babygirl." Michael said and put his arm casually around her.

They kissed and started walking a few feet ahead of us. I could hear Michael struggling to talk about a topic. It was unlike him, because he was always the one that had good conversations. They stopped for a second and she grabbed his face and kissed him. He was blushing so hard. I tried not to laugh and covered Jamie's mouth because she was already laughing quietly. We were behind them so they couldn't see or hear what Jamie and I were doing or talking about. I wish I could be kissing Jamie the whole time, but that would mean stopping and tripping over things. All I could do now, is hold her hand tight and kiss her every 5 steps we took together.