Here With You

Sharing A Room..For The Night

*Chanelle's P.O.V.*
Zach's family, Zach, and I had a fantastic dinner. We had many laughs and many memories we shared. Zach's parents approved of me being Zach's girlfriend and I was in tears. The way they told me was indescribable. They said it like I was the most the most perfect girl in the world. I was helping Zach's mom wash the dishes while Zach and his dad were watching a Baseball game.
"You know. I have never asked any of Zach's date this, but if you want, do you want to sleep over tonight? So we can have more bonding?" I saw she trusted me.
"I'd love to, Mrs. Porter. But can I make a phone call to my mum? She'd be very disappointed not knowing where I was."
"Go ahead, dear. I would be disappointed too, also with my child."
"Thank you. I'll just finish up these."
"Thank you, sweetie. I have a lot of other things to do around the house. You're a big help."
I one armed hugged her, careful not getting her wet with my gloves. Once we broke away, I turned to Zach giving me an approving smile. He mouthed 'I love you' and blew me a kiss. I smiled and mouthed it back at him.

Once I was done with the dishes, I called my mum, and with a surprise, she said yes. I let Mr. and Mrs. Porter knew before going up the stairs. I felt like family. Zach offered to share his room and bathroom, since the only guest room was being painted. Zach's dad told him to 'watch himself' then said yes. I waved his finger at him, "Don't You try anything, mister."
"You KNOW I wouldn't do that yet, babe."
"Just letting you know."
Zach asked me if I wanted to use the bathroom first and I said "No go ahead."
"Okay. Just grab one of my shirts and boxers. And once I'm done, I'll give you an extra pair of a toothbrush and we'll share toothpaste."
"Thanks love."
Before closing the door, he gave me a kiss and half way through closing it, he said
"I'll miss you."