Here With You

Here With You (Part 2)

Steaming warm tears came running down my face after the First two surprises. The last one, shocked me.
"Before you say anything!" He paused. "This is not just a commitment. I really love you, I really really honestly do. I don't know where you have been all my life. You've made me the most happiest guy on Earth when you came into my world, on that day we met, thinking it would just be a regular normal day, even though it wasn't. I'm glad that happened. Without that day, we wouldn't be where we were right now. Carrying on. I know it's crazy to get married right now. I know jewelry can't prove love, but I just didn't know how else to show it right now and it's the old-fashioned way sooo...Chanelle, my love, my princess, my soon-to-be wife. Will you marry me...someday?"

He was so anxious. He was fidgeting badly and whimpering. He was looking at me with hopeful eyes. I couldn't speak at all. I tried to say yes, but it wouldn't just come out. Instead, I just nodded my head and threw my arms around his neck and kissed him several times. He put my arms down and got my left hand. Slowly, he put it on, on my ring finger. It was so perfect.

The rest of the night, I laid in bed with Zach, admiring the stone. He just watched me and laughed.
"Costed me a fortune..." I looked at him.
"But it was worth it." He carried on. I smiled and kissed him again.

Turns out that Cameron went with him the other day to buy the ring. They had to choose through several and said that it was the hardest choice of their lives. I just kept laughing. I could imagine them being frustrated and awkward while picking it out.

Zach's phone was vibrating on his nightstand. He turned around to get it. It was Cameron.
"Buddy! Did you give the ring yet?" Cameron practically screamed into the phone.
"I just did!" He turned to me and kissed me on the forehead.
"Nice. I don't have to ask, but I know that she LOVED it." Zach and I heard a girl laughing in the background on the other end.
"Is Jamie there?"
"Yeah. We're just at the beach. I plan to bring a tent, sleeping bags, and sleep out here with her. Also, find some raccoons to keep as our pet."
"Good luck with that, my friend. Well, I have to go. Tell me how it goes on your adventure."
"Okay. Bye."
He hanged up, turned around to put it away. He turned back to me and smiled.
"We should probably go to sleep. Since, we have to drop you off tomorrow at your house. I think your mom will be pissed."
"True, true. Okay. Goodnight Zach. Or should I say Mr. Porter, my husband."
"Haha, goodnight, Chanelle. Or may I say Mrs. Porter, my princess and wife."
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It's a Cameron Fan Fiction!!!