Here With You


Here we are. Around the 5th-8th row. Jamming to Dance Forever. Loving the fact that I see everyone around us singing along with Zach. Seeing Nathan's dreads flip flop all over. Laughing at Cameron because I can never know why he is never frowning. He's always smiling BIG. Michael looking down, concentrated on his drumming pattern, yet trying so hard to look at the fans also. Dillon, right next to Michael, seeming scared, probably thinking he might lose his hearing.

Jamie and I are rocking hard. Fisting our pumps in the air while the other hand is holding up our posters. I'm looking at everyone. The fans, Zach, Cameron, Nathan, Michael. Lost in this moment, absorbing everything, because this might never happen again. I eye Zach trying to catch his eye and hold it for a second or two. He spots me. I'm spazzing so much inside. Instead of holding it for a second, he holds it longer. It's like we're the only two people in the room. It gets hotter than usual. Can he feel it too? Then, the lights go down. Seeing them walk backstage. Realizing their set is down and now follows to the meet and greet.

*Jamie's P.O.V.*
I see Chanelle so pale, like Zach himself, and breathing heavily. The breathing is normal, since we were jumping like idiots and screaming so loud. But the pale is odd.
"Something wrong girly?"
"We held contact"
"Zach? How is that wrong?"
*smiles the biggest smile, like Cameron*
"Why are you smiling so big like my husbands?!"
"Haha, I'm just so lost in the moment. I can't believe this is happening"
"Me neither. Now, let's go. We have a lot of stuff to give and receive"
♠ ♠ ♠
- Pretend Nathan was still here.
- We're in college. In the beginning, when I say 'Jamie slept over' and 'closed the door of the house' we went back to our homes to get ready and she slept over at mine. :D