Here With You

First Child Can Always Lead To A Problem

*Chanelle's P.O.V.*
For the longing, bipolar 9 months with the baby, Zach was always by my side, supporting. We got our own apartment, since we had no other place to hang out at. It was either my house or his, and it was getting weird. The band didn't play any shows the moment when Zach got married (Cameron's getting married to Jamie soon!) But soon once I can be on my own with the baby, he'll get back.

I was in the kitchen eating spaghetti, with Zach until I felt a pain and water dripping.
"Zach" I dropped my fork on the floor. He immediately knew and his eyes got bug-eyed and went to our rooms for our stuff. I was waiting for him, silently cursing him to get his butt out here. He was like panting and pale and grabbed my hand and locked the door. We took the elevator, got in his car, and drove. Over the speed limit, of course.

After, the screaming, panting, and pushing, I finally gave birth to a healthy boy. We named him Christian, since we both liked the name.

There was this day, where Zach and I had our first fight. We were just stressed from the lack of sleep, and Christian crying so much, but we managed to put him to sleep. It was a mild fight, that I was mad and wanted to cry at the same time. I had nowhere else to sleep, so I HAD to go into Zach's and my bed. Five minutes later, Zach came under the sheets with me. It was an awkward silence. I was just staring at him in the darkness, who had one arm on his head, and the other on his chest, not even staring at me.

The second I closed my eyes, I felt hands on my face, and soft lips on my head. I opened my eyes at Zach, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I'm sorry"
I took my arms and wrapped it around his neck, so we were centimeters away.
"It's fine, it's just so stressful now. We're young adults, in a world on our own, who have no idea what we're doing" He gave a laugh which turned to crying.
"What's wrong, dear?"
"It's just. That was our first fight. I don't know what I would do if I lost you right then and there."
"I would never just walk on you after a stupid fight."
He looked at me with hopeful teary eyes and hugged me tighter.
"It's even scary just to think about it."