Here With You

Give and Receive

We walked over to the meet and greets. Jamie and I were around the 30th person in line to meet them. I was so anxious, pinching myself to calm down, although It didn't work. I couldn't stand Jamie so calm right now. She was always the one obsessing over them just a tiny bit more than me.
*high-pitched voice* "Why so calm?"
"Why so high?"
I just smirked. We always were saying that kind of stuff.

I looked back and saw I should be thankful from where I was standing. I saw a line so long, it stretched all the way from one side of the venue, to the other side, to the other room. I grabbed on to the guys' gifts that we were about to give tighter and closed my eyes. I couldn't believe how far they came.

We were FINALLY the first ones in line. I was jumping up and down and doing breathing exercises. Once again, being a spazz. I looked at Zach, such a beauty. I looked at Cameron, what a smile. I looked at Nathan, such dreads. I looked at Michael, so much swag. Dillon, sadly, wasn't there for us to meet him.

We saw the girls in front of us leaving them. I was about to pass out. Steff called us up and there Jamie and I were. Standing next to our heroes and inspirations. Zach's eyes were the prettiest thing I've ever seen. Realizing I was standing so awkward next to Zach, trying to start a conversation - I looked at Jamie for help but she was flirting with Cameron and touching his muscles. Michael was on Nathan's back and talking to Steff.

"Hello" Zach quietly said.
"Hi" I said back.
"What's your name?"
"Chanelle. I already know yours" I awkwardly said but still managed to smile.
"That's good. I would get mad if you didn't. I do appreciate my own name. Just kidding"
"You're funny. Yet you're still cute." Then playfully punched him in the shoulder.
"Not as cute as you." He blushed.
I swore I was blushing to the extreme and looking like tomato.
He seemed to notice and gave me a hug.
"Aww. Don't be nervous. I'm just a normal person like these other Americans haha"
I hugged back with my arms around his waist, tight and my head resting lightly on his chest. We seemed to hug for a long time because right after I broke it. We both looked at Jamie and the other guys and to my surprise, seemed unpatient.
"Sorry" I spat out.
"Sorry guys." He smiled.

We posed for about 5 pictures from each of our phones and cameras and acting like we knew each other for a long time. Then, Jamie brought up the gifts. She handed Nathan and Cameron their gifts. And I gave Zach and Michael theirs.

We stood back watching for their reactions. Michael's was the most surprising. Michael got red Beats by Dr. Dre, the blue 5 gum, and a CD with all his favorite songs on it. He hugged us both at the same time and screaming like a girl, then walked back to the table to put it away.
Zach's, Nathan's, and Cameron's reactions were normal but they seemed to really love what they got.
Zach got all of Bruce Springsteen's CDs, a blue and yellow striped shirt, and an iTunes gift card.
Nathan got 3 Indie sweaters, fuzzy socks, and a Bob Marley shirt.
Lastly, Cameron got a box full of Pokemon cards, a Gryffindor jacket, and black chucks.
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- If you don't get what 'high' means in this chapter, don't continue reading this story. YOU'RE TOO YOUNG BRO.