Here With You

Home Sweet Home

*Zach's P.O.V.*
I woke up around 9. It was our day off today so I stayed home. I loved last night, although I lied to her that I just wanted her number because I thought she was 'cool'. It's more than that. Everything about her is beautiful, her voice, her similarities as me, everything. I can't believe how head-over-heels I am over her. That fast, and we only met yesterday! It's like I knew her for years. I couldn't stop smiling everytime I thought of her. Which is every second.
I walked downstairs and Vic turned around from the TV and looked at me.

"Hey bro" He said.
"What's up?"
"Gilligan's Island on On Demand. That's whatsup."
"Cool Story Bro. Argh, I'm not really hungry"
I plopped down on the other couch and watched Gilligan's Island with him. Then no more than 5 seconds later, the biggest smile landed on my face. Chanelle was stuck in my mind and Vic noticed my grin.
"Freaking Zach. Who's the hot chick this time?" Vic laughed.
"A girl. From yesterday. She's so cool."
Vic snorted.
"Good luck with you and her. I'm gonna go over to Brandon's"(Vic's friend)
"Okay. See you at dinner." I said.

Vic went out the door and slammed the door behind him. 5 minutes later the doorbell rings. I peeked through the peep-hole and saw it was Cam.
"Hey amigo" Cameron said.
"Hey American"
"How's Chanelle?"
"Splendid." I made the biggest grin ever.
"That's cool. Jamie's so BEAUTIFUL"
"Oh Cam. The same ol' you."
"I'm legit. All those other girls that I fell for ARE pretty, but they weren't COOL and PRETTY as her" He stated.
"C-side's falling in love!"
"Call Chanelle and ask for Jamie's number."
"You call. She'll think I like Jamie. Sometimes girls are like that."
"True cheese. Hand it over"

*Cameron's P.O.V.*
"Hello? Zach you just woke me up" She moaned quietly. I felt bad.
"It's Cam. I'm so sorry! I need to call Jamie. What's her number?"
"Why do you need it now Cameron?"
"Because I do. For future references"
"Okay. Hold on. But I swear if she faints, it's all on you"
"I'll command her not to."
She gave me it and told me again to not let her faint.
"Cross my heart" I promised.
"Okay. Anything else?"
"Yeah. Go back to sleep. I don't want you to be crabby. That feeling is the worse"
"Wait! Before I go.." *eyes Zach* Zach's eyes get wide and whispers yells "Don't Cameron! You better not"
"We miss you!" I said. I couldn't do that to my buddy.
"I miss you too. Tell the other guys too. And from Jamie"
"Okay" Then we broke the call.
Zach let out the steam and calmed down.
"Got scared dude?"
"Well, sorry. I was just kidding. I would never do that"
"When are you going to tell her?"
"When the time's right"
"Ok. Well I gotta call my babygirl. I'll be in the kitchen"
"Okay. I'm going to hit the hay again in here"
"Good morning brother"
I zoned out right after he said that. Dreamt good things. And the good things was the only good thing in my life right now. Chanelle.
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Zach's getting obsessive (:
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