The Art Of Discretion

The two girls sat on the floor of an attic littered with posters and polaroids.

Their whole lives ahead of them, what could possibly go wrong with one night out? And an MCR concert was the ultimate oppurtunity to signify their lives changing...

Little do they know how much....

How do you forgive those who have rendered you helpless to the outside world?
How do you deal with an uncontrollable thirst for human blood, and still get an A in maths?

You don't choose, they pick you.

[[Story by LaCeRaTiOn GrAvItY and That-Pink-Duck
  1. Getting Ready
    Mollie is overdosing on the eyeliner, but who can blame her? It's MCR for christ's sake!
  2. Tracks
  3. Arriving
    Matured "grown ups"
  4. Singers & Soap
    Is everything as it should be?
  5. Don't Let Go
    MCR concert.