The Art Of Discretion


[Mollie's POV]

So today Jay and I moved into our extra roomy loft conversion flat, smack bam in the centre of Brighton.

It's funny but as we sat on her bedroom floor surrounded by unpacked boxes and half opened bags, I felt complete. Well maybe not complete, but content, just to be applying copious amounts of makeup whilst Jay sat behind me looking amused, that's how I had always intended it to be.

Ok so I know 16 seems young to be living with someone other than the people that brought you into the world, but we had had both had pretty screwed up backgrounds, and with my estranged dad offering to pay up for a place, who could refuse?

They say that when you come from an unbalanced home, you cling to the nearest stable object.

It felt good to be out in the open, I thought to myself as I followed Jay up the hill to the station. I glanced up at her powering on in front and realised how much this meant to her.

MCR were Jay's grounding point, they kept her high and bought her down. I had spent the entirety of the previous summer watching her order weird memorabilla and signed photo's off ebay and as much as I was in love with Frank, I had to admit I could understand her obsession with Gerard.

As I watched her now, she seemed relaxed, her shoulders loose, blonde hair glinting in the early evening sun.

Below us, Brighton was coming alive, young teens strutted along the pavements as though they were being photographed for vogue, their converse clad feet leaving no imprints on the chewing gum ridden pavements.

'Mol, are you coming? We'll be late if you don't have your arse bound for Victoria Station in 3

I grinned, and sprinted to her side, linking my arm through hers as I did so.

Tonight was going to be perfect.

I could feel it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, I'm new to this,not sure of all the rules :)