Status: Writing now!!

Congratulations, I Hate You

My Envy

Chris and I walked over to the Bellagio after the Paris and we were now on a gondola ride.
"What time is it?" I asked as the ride was almost over.
Chris took out his phone and groaned.
"Its almost 4 and I have 23 missed calls and 43 text messages. you?"
I took my phone out and saw the same thing.
"Uh problem" He was reading a text on his phone.
"They just got here"
"What? they were only an hour behind us" What happened?
"The bus broke down they made a 2 hour stop to fix it and then they are at the venue now." I sighed. at least they are here now.
"Well at least they are here" I sighed.
"Romantic moment ruined?" Chris asked. I looked at him and nodded.
"Well we are leaving our phones on the bus when we are actually in Italy." I smiled.
"I completely forgot about that" He smiled and kissed me.
"Dont worry you wont forget that day" He smiled as the gondola stopped and we got out.
"To the venue?" I asked.
"Ill call Jason" He called Jasen and we met him right outside and he drove us to the venue.
"What are we telling the guys?" I asked.
"Just dont say anything, let them figure it out." I nodded as we pulled up to the venue.
There were fans outside meaning this venue allows peopel to come and go as they please.
"Hmm passes?" I held mine up and he nodded and shook his hips so his key chain jingled causing me to laugh.
"That what cute" He pouted and I kissed his nose.
"Thats not cool"
"Do you need an oppurtunity to prove you manlyness?" I asked. He smirked and pulled me onto his lap.
"Anytime anywhere" i kissed him and got out of the limo.
"is that Chris motionless?" I heard someone ask.
"no hes inside that must be the tech guy" I couldnt help but laugh.
"they think you're Mike" He laughed.
"Let em come on the guys are looking for us."
"Thanks Jasen" He waved before driving off.
Chris and I walked up to the front and showed security our passes before going into merch. Allie stood and gasped when she saw us.
"Finally! we thought you guys kill-" She stood when she saw our hands together and us close.
"Uh backstage?"
I just nodded and Chris and i went to find everyone. the first thing I did was explain to Beau what happened. He completely understood. Next I went and changed into a bikini top, rip skinny jeans turned shorts, and some black toms. Then Chris and I went to the guys.
"Whoa thats the Ash I know" Ryan hugged me.
"We back to normal?" Angelo asked. I smiled and Chris grabbed me and kissed me hard causing everyone around us to do cat calls and wolf whistles.
"Hold on" Ricky pulled Chris off of me and towards him.
"Whats this?" He pointed towards my stomach where my zombie and skeleton tattoos were.
"Is that Chris?" See i had added the 'family' to my zombie tattoo. miw, ve, a7x, etc they were all there hidden in the crowd. I also had it all filled in some spots with black ink.
"Yeah.." i covered my stomach shyly.
"whats this?" Ricky grabbed my arm and pointed out the obvious scaring of a nearly fresh tattoo on my forearms.
"Ill show you later jesus Christ..."
"When is our set?" Chris asked.
"4:55 TGI switched us cause they knew we were late."
"Thats in 5 minutes" I added.
"warm up!" Everyone started doing warm ups while i stood there awkwardly.
"Babe" I looked up from my spot on the ground and saw Chris in front of me.
"Wanna play with us?" I smiled.
"Play what?" He smirked thinking while he wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Hmm I was thinking tonight is a good time for vocals." I chewed on my lip ring.
"I dont think thats a good idea" His smiled faded a bit.
"guitar?" I laughed
"nah Ill do it." he pouted causing me to kiss his nose again causing him to groan.
"oh dont be a baby. remember you can earn your man card back anytime and anywhere"
" our oh so luxurious hotel room..." I kissed him.
"Love birds.... Im happy you're back together but we have a show to play!" I flipped off Ryan and kissed Chris one more time.
"Ok shall we?" He grabbed my hand and we walked towards the stage.
"So tech it up and then Ill invite you up for what song are you singing?" He asked.
"Creatures" I smiled. He smiled back.
"Second to last song babe see ya then"I kissed him and went to the tech booth.
I preprogrammed a light design for creatures. Stupid Tech people dont even know how to run their own board.
"Im going up" I said to mike. he nodded as I walked towards the stage.
"Alright I have a treat for everyone here. My girlfriend Ash is gonna sing this next song with me" I jumped up on stage and stole Balz's mike.
"Hows it going?!" The crowd cheered as the intro started.
When the crowd lost it so did I.
The energy was so amazing, I felt like I was on top of the world.
When the song ended I was sad but I just smiled and waved.
"Ash!Ash!Ash!" The crowd was cheering as I replaced the mike back in its stand.
"What you want her to do the last song with us?" I almost glared at Ricky.
The crowd cheered and screamed when he said that though.
"Come on Ash dont disappoint the crowd!" Chris smirked.I groaned but walked over.
"my throat hurts. I whispered in to Balz' ear.
"guitar?" I groaned but agreed.
"Ash ladies and gentlemen!" I grabbed the guitar off Ryan and pointed off to the side where he sulked to jokingly.
We played Abigail and then left the stage.
"Oh my fucking god! Ash you're amazing!" The other bands had slowly gathered to watch me sing and they were now all awestruck about my singing and guitar playing.
"Holy crap! why aren't you in a band?" I went wide-eyed. i had a the same time as the europe tour.
I turned to Chris and his smile dropped.
"I am in a band" The guys all stopped and looked between me and Chris.
"We are on tour the end of October" Chris understood. He turned and walked outside.
"Chris!" I pushed everyone out of the way and ran after Chris.
He made it almost to the RV by the time I managed to grab his arm.
"Im sorry Chris I forgot!" He took hurt and betrayed.
"Its hard... Ash...what happens if you're pregnant and im not there? what happens if something goes wrong?" He was right.
"im sorry but Michael asked me to and I couldnt say no."
Michael? The guy she plays vampire with. I was mad now.
"ok now call me jealous but MICHAEL VAMPIRE?" She bowed her head and turned.
"Im sorry Chris" Shit, I made her cry.
"Ash, baby" I walked over and hugged her.
"Im sorry" She slowly brought her arms up around me.
"We wont always be together Chris. I am going to have to leave half way through the Europe tour to practice for the tour" That's Italy, She cant leave then.
"What day?"
"The tenth or eleventh of October" Italy.
The guys all ran out and saw us in our embrace.
"Uh... they need us back inside" Angelo was careful before he and he guys left.
"Lets just forget about it until the time comes?" I suggested. She nodded and grabbed my hand practically dragging me inside.
"To the Hotel?" I looked down and winked at Ash causing her to laugh.
"Whats so funny?"
"Nothing? Jasen?" I nodded and took out my phone.
"I will be right back" I called Jasen and he said he would be here in a second.
"Alright to the bus!"
"I think Allie should go with us" I said to Chris.
"Hmm i agree. Allie" She let go of Ryan and walked over to us. i sent Chris to get her dress.
"Bachelorette party Now" The limo pulled up and Chris and I laughed at her expression.
"Shit Yeah!" I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the Limo.
"Chris Ill see you back at the hotel" I said grabbing the dress bag and getting in.
"What?! that isnt fair!"
"Sorry babe! ill make it up to you tonight!" the guys all cat called and wolf whistled as i blew him a kiss and waved good bye closing the door.
"Where to mrs.Mell?"
"Back to the hotel please."
"Oh my god Storm where did this come from?" Allie was shocked.
"A friend"
I brought Allie into the room and helped her get ready.
"Wow ash this is beautiful!" i had done her hair and makeup.
"Glad you like it." She stood and hugged me.
"Think the guys are ready?" i asked.
"Who knows....Ryan's probably drunk" We laughed.
"Charming, well this is our room for the night. Our room as in you and Ryan and Chris and me. then the guys have the other room across the hall."
"Sweet" We grabbed our purses and stuff before going to the door. I opened t to see all the guys.
"Shall we?"
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry I brain farted on the next lyrics and I cant get my ipod to work to listen to the song...
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