Status: Writing now!!

Congratulations, I Hate You

How I Loathe You

We left for the chapel and soon Allie and Ryan were married. Allie flat out handed me her bouquet while Ryan stood behind her and spoke.
"Its gonna happen soon enough" Chris immediately had his arms wrapped around my waist and His head on my shoulder.
"I can definitely see it happening" I looked up and Chris and he kissed me.
"So can I" Chris smiled at me.
"Oh get a room!" Romantic moment ruined by Mike and Devin.
"We have one what about you?" The guys all ohh'ed at my comeback.
"anyways... VEGAS BABY!!" we all cheered and piled into the limo and imediately we start our assault on the strip.
Ryan and Allie had gone back to side of our room and Chris and I were talking to the guys.
"Man I lost $200 tonight" Balz complained.
"Be thankful it was only 200" Chris added.
"Thats true" we all laughed at him.
"Alright....Im going to bed." I stood carefully.
"Im going with" I smiled at Chris.
"Oh to bed" Mike emphasized each word.
"remember he's been in my pants and you never will" The guys all laughed at him.
"Night" Chris and I went to out side of the hotel room quietly as to not wake Allie and Ryan.
"So" I had changed and was now laying on the bed.
"Yes?" I asked Chris as he laid down next to me.
"What happens if you are pregnant?" He asked.
"Well ya know usually marriage comes first but... Chris and Ash sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g, first comes love then comes marriage then comes a baby in a big 'ole carriage" He chuckled.
"Well This I understand"
"No really though? We raise the baby" He smiled.
"Do you really want this?" I asked. He turned so that he was hovering over me.
"I want this so much." This is the man I hope to spend the rest of my life with.
"I want you"
He kissed me and the night went on... as planned ;)
I woke up due to the sun shining in my face. I turned to hopefully find Chris but instead I found an empty side of the bed.
"Chris?" I sat up bringing the blanket with me to cover myself.
I didnt see him anywhere in the room, but I did see a note on the night stand

I went to get back soon

I smiled at the love part. I was so happy that we were back together and in a better relationship. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 9:30, I had to go get James. I got up and took a shower getting dressed in ripped purple skinny jeans with hanging suspenders, a black 3/4 sleeve button up shirt with a neon Green tie(had to look 'formal' at school), and my black toms (im the only one with more than one pair of shoes). When I was done I packed up my bags and brought them out to the living area.
"Morning beautiful" I turned and Chris grabbed me and kissed me softly.
"Morning whats for breakfast?" I asked.
He turned and showed me the eggs and bacon on the table.
"Yum. Thanks Babe" I kissed him and sat down at the table. He followed. After a few minutes of eating in silence Chris looked up at me and stared for a few minutes.
"Is something on my face?" I grabbed a napkin and started wiping my face. He laughed and grabbed my hands to stop me.
"No, I have a question" I smiled and out the napkin down.
"When will you know?" I looked at him funny.
"Ya know" He gestered to his stomach and I understood.
"Well we could know as early as Wednesday" That was the day I was supposed to start my period but who knows.
"Do you want this?" He asked.
"Honestly?" He nodded.
"If its gonna happen I would only want it to happen with you" I smiled and he smiled back.
"And if you're not?" He asked.
"Im willing to try again" I winked and he chuckled.
"Anytime" We finished our breakfast in silence and then went to the other room where everybody was waiting for us.
"About time!" Ricky groaned and stood grabbing his bags.
"Alright everyone down to the RV" Angelo ushered everyone out and downstairs.
"Let me go take care of the bill" Angelo walked away only too come back shocked.
"complimentary rooms from a Mr.Sarno?" Angelo looked at me.
"Cousin Jay" I winked and went outside. I said goodbye to everyone before walking to my own car with Chris following.
"Ill see you tonight k?" He nodded and kissed me pulling me closer to him.
My body fit perfectly against his and it felt ..right.
"Chris! lets go!" He pulled away so that we were forehead to forehead.
"I love you"
"I lvoe you too" I responded before kissing him again and getting in a car.
"Bye babe see you in San fran" He kissed me before he walked away and I drove away.
"Well I think Asking alexandria is perfect drive music" I said as I turned on "to the stage" by asking alexandria.
I arrived at James' school just on time.
"Hi may I help you?" The front desk lady asked
"Yes im here to pick up James Sullivan"
"May I ask who you are?"
"Im his mother, Ashley Mell"
"OK let me call him out of class for you"
"Actually do you mind if I go down there and surprise him? I havent seen him in a while because I have been touring" She smiled.
"Yes your know what room?"
"Yes, oh and Id like to excuse him for the rest of the week" She smiled and nodded as I walked away. I quickly found his room and entered the room.
"Mommy!" James got out of his desk and ran to me.
"Jim-Jam! Momma missed you!" I kissed his cheek.
"Oh are you Mrs.Sullivan?" The teacher asked.
"James go get your stuff put away and packed.
"yes in that sense but My last name is Mell, James kept his father's name and his father passed away 2 years ago."
"Oh im sorry for your loss. Im Ms.Drew"
"Ms.Drew its fine well it was nice see you. Goodbye" I quickly gathered James and left.
"Mommy where are we going?"
"To the airport. Bam got us a private jet to fly to Oakland and we are taking the bart train to San Francisco"
"Are we gonna see Chris?"
"Of course buddy"
I had to drive the whole way there since I didnt drive yesterday. Right now I was sitting up front with Ricky next to me.
"Im gonna ask her" Ricky looked at me.
"What?" He asked confused looking up from his book.
"Im gonna ask her to marry me"
"Awe! Look at Chris all grown up!" I slapped his hands away.
"How are ya gonna do it?" He asked.
"In Italy"
"Damn you're good"
"Wanna see the ring?"
"Damn how long have you been thinking about this?" He asked.
"Since March before everything happened."
"Wow. Yeah I want to see it" I pulled out my phone and showed him the ring.
"Shit man she'll Love it!"
"Yeah I know" He handed me back my phone and the drive continued in silence.
"What happened yesterday?" I sighed
"Ill tell you when I know" I dont want to tell him if shes not pregnant.
"Well fine then" I laughed at his fake hurt before going back to the drive with a smile on my face.
Pregnant..... A little human being that I helped create....the very thought made me burst with happiness
"Momma im hungry"
"Hmm how about we get pizza?" He nodded and I started looking for a pizza place close to the venue. i foudn one and gave the cab driver the directions.
We arrived at the pizza place and I took my bags out along with James' and we went in. I got 3 pieces of Hawaiian pizza, our favorite, and we wrapped them up to go and walked next door to the venue. The RV wasnt there so I went to Alesana's bus and knocked on the door.
"Hey!" Shawn hugged me when he opened the door.
"Where have you been?! i THOUGHT YOU GOT EATEN!" he was a little hyper today.
"I was with Motionless in Vegas and I had to go get this little guy." i brought james closer to us.
"Who is this?" Shawn did the 'gotcha nose' tick and James laughed.
"This is James, he's my son. James go say hi to everyone else" He ran to Dennis and they started playing patty cake.
"How old is he?" Shawn looked shocked.
"I had him when I was 15" He went wide eyed"
"James Owen Sullivan better known as-"
"THE REV!" he covered his mouth the second he yelled it.
"Yeah can you shush now?!" I rolled my eyes and went to sit with the guys.
"Jim Jam go eat your pizza"
"Ok momma" The guys all looked at me funny. They hadnt really been introduced to james, at all.
"So wheres MIW?" Pat asked.
"uh" I took out my phone and almost immediately got a text from Ricky after I texted him.
"ten minutes away."
"good cant be late again."
I laughed.
"My bad" they laughed with me.
"So how are you and Chris?"
We were pulling up to the venue now. I cant wait to see Ash.
I cant wait for Wednesday either...
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about titles :/
figured Id do 2 :P