Status: Writing now!!

Congratulations, I Hate You

To Marvel The Sky

I had been pacing in the hotel room for the last fifteen minutes.
"Chris sit the fuck down before you to the chair!" I looked over towards Mike and then continued pacing.
"Im sorry I'm just worried. The girls have been gone for a long time."
"Why? is there a reason to be worried?"
"Chris calm down theres nothing to worry about" I stopped and looked at him from his current position on the bed with his current book, The Torment Of Others, in his hand and a sleeping James next to him.
I continued pacing after this moment.
"Whats wrong with Ash?" I ignored this question because they don't need to know right now.
"What-" Devin was interrupted by Allie walking into the room.
"Chris can I talk to you for a second?" I practically pushed her out of the room and closed the doors.
"Ash is in the other room. Use the do not disturb sign" She handed me the only keys to the room and then went back into the guys room. I turned and opened the door next to this one. I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest as I placed the key card into the slot. When the light turned green and the lock clicked I jumped at the sudden noise. I slowly reached for the bronze handle and pushed it down to open the door.
"Hi" I looked ahead and saw Ash sitting on the bed closest to the door. I entered the room and closed the door without taking my eyes off of her.
I walked towards her while looking for signs of news, good or bad, and I found exactly what I was looking for, pregnancy tests. I sat down next to her and placed my arm over her shoulders.
"So…" I left the sentence to trail hoping she would finish it.
"I think I should invest in Pennsylvania real estate" She spread the tests out like playing cards showing me the five little marks that meant yes.
"Really?" My face would surely hurt from how big my smile is but I could care less right now. This is amazing and beautiful. She just smiled and nodded. I did the first thing that came to my mind. I kissed her. Long and hard and soon I was over her.
"This is what you want right?" She asked when we were apart.
"More than anything in the world"
I was kissing her good bye. She had to bring James back to school tomorrow and I have t stay here and take care of some band stuff and look for some house options. I hadn't told the guys and I decided I would just let it show. Its hard not to know that after a few months.
"I wish you didn't have to go"
"Me too but I need to bring James to school and I need to go to the doctor" She needs to be cleared to go to Europe with James for tour.
"Ill miss you everyday and every night" She kissed me. I wrapped my arms around her shouldders tighter.
"And I wil miss you, I really have to go though." I kissed her once more before she had to start walking.
"I love you Christopher Thomas Cerulli!" She waved as she got on the jet.
"and i love you James Owen Sullivan Jr. and Ashley Storm Mell!"
They were on the plane when the doors closed. I watched as they waved through the window while the plane taxied.
This was going to be a long 3 weeks.
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Bam! no really he just skated by..... xD
Anyways I like comments....Jizz sayin....