Status: Writing now!!

Congratulations, I Hate You

Yet It's You

I was flying out to Amsterdam right now to meet up with Motionles for their first European tour.
To recap the last 3 weeks:
I had shit tons of band practices, I went on tour with Get Scared for a few days and found out the TJ is an official member now, I went and saw avenged and confided in Johnny and Johnny only that I was with Child and I told everyone that Chris and I were back together, I spent every weekend with James only and we have officially designated Sundays to be mommy and James days, I also went back to Arizona to say hi to everyone, and finally I took pictures with Shan and I am officially Ash Coffin, The drummer of Vampires Everywhere. I also started a new band called The Final Dedication. I was the lead singer.
Now I am getting off the plane and Im going to look for James and my luggage.
"Mommy where are we?" James yawned. Its 7AM here but 10 at night back home.
"We are in amsterdam in Europe" I picked him up and he immediately rested his head on my shoulder. I quickly got a cart and grabbed our three bags to bring them outside.
"Chris!" I turned and saw Chris three steps behind me. The first thing he does is grab James from me and give him a big hug.
"Hey little guy! how was the flight?"
"Too long" James yawned and rubbed his eyes.
"Its his bed time"
"We can let him sleep on the bus"
"bus?" I asked as he pulled the cart with him.
"You'll see" I followed behind him quickly.
We soon arrived at the drop off an pick up area where I saw a large bus sitting.
"Bus?" I asked he smiled and nodded.
"Its very nice. Too bad we can't afford a real one" I chuckled.
"Hey at least your band isn't touring in a van still" He laughed and opened the underside of the bus to put James and my bags in.
"Thank god! I don't know how a band does it anymore" I laughed as we entered the bus
"Ash!" I was engulfed in a hug by Ricky.
"Ricky!" I hugged him back and then he let go and i was passed from person to person as Chris went and put james in his bunk to sleep.
"So what have you been doing?" Angelo asked.
"Well I have been practicing with the band, started a new band, went to AZ and said hi to everyone, went and saw Avenged with James, and went to see Get Scared, apparently TJ is an official member now" The guys all shrugged.
"When does your band go on tour?" Josh asked.
"The first show is on the 22nd"
"Chill" The bus started moving.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Breakfast or dinner whatever you choose to call it." I chuckled.
"Im gonna call it breakfast but its practically dinner" the guys agreed.
"Where are we going?"
"Some place next to the venue we are gonna be pretty much parked for the next 2 days" I nodded as the driver kept going.
"Ash?" I turned towards Chris. He motioned for me to come into the back. I smiled and quickly followed him.
"So any news?" I smiled.
"Yes sir. Im healthy" He smiled and kissed me.
"I have a feeling. Motherly instinct I guess" He nodded waiting for an explanation.
"A good feeling but I honestly can't place it yet" He smiled.
"At least its a good feeling"
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one of many for tonight