Status: Writing now!!

Congratulations, I Hate You


"IM NOT YOU PUPPET!" I lead the crowd into the next lyrics of our last song here it Rome.
Rome, Tonight Ashley and I had a date tonight. I was taking her to dinner and then we were going on a gondola ride. I was going to ask her to marry me then. Ricky agreed to be watching us with a camera on a bridge that I knew we would be going under on the ride. He was bringing everyone. They were going to 'dinner'.
"Thank you Italy!!" I waved as we walked off and started taking our ring down.
"That show was awesome baby!" Ash ran over and kissed me.
"Thanks I love you" I kissed her again.
"What has gotten into you today?" She smiled and laughed breaking away from the kiss.
"What? is it wrong to tell my amazing girlfriend how much I love her?" I kissed her again and She was ducking back because i was kissing her. I had dipped her back by the time she let me kiss her again.
There were cat calls and wolf whistles but I didn't care. I loved this woman and everyone would see that tonight.
"Are you ready?" I asked her.
"No but I will be when you are" She kissed me and walked off before I could do anything.
"Well are you just gonna stand there?" I turned and saw Ricky there with a smirk on his face.
"Im going" He and I walked to the dressing room where he and I had placed my outfit for the semiformal night ahead.
"So remind me again, what time should I be ready?" He asked.
"Well its 8:30 right now and by the time the others are done and ready to go it will be 10:15 and we are leaving at the same time as you guys. I'd say I'll text you when we get on the Gondola."
"Man I still can't believe it!" He grabbed my shoulders.
"You're gonna be MARRIED" i smiled.
"I know its unbelievable"
"And a FATHER" I smiled.
"Its one of the most beautiful things ever." I patted his shoulder and then started getting ready.
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