Status: Writing now!!

Congratulations, I Hate You


I watched as Chris and Ash drove away.
"Allie go get James" We both turned and I an into the bus and got my camera and an extra card, just in case. Allie went and woke up James. We had explained the plan to him today before he went to sleep and he was really excited.
"Ricky! Ricky! is it time?!"James ran out of the bunks hyper as always.
"not yet but remember you have to be really quiet about it until we get there and then you have to be silent ok?" He nodded and he made the zip the lips motion and I did the same.
"Why are you bringing James with us?" Ryan asked.
"Because Allie wants to go and we all agreed to be some what calm tonight, so he will be fine."
"Alrighty then where are we going Ricky?" I told then i would pick the place and I did, it was right next to where Ash and Chris would be in a gondola in just a few short hours.
"Follow me" I grabbed james' hand and started walking. Tonight would be amazing.
"So where to next man with the plan?" I laughed at what she said.
"I believe I owe you a gondola ride, but first" The server brought over our desert. We were sharing a chocolate cake that I knew she would love.
I fed her the first bite and she practically moaned with how good it was.
"You know the way to my heart." I laughed.
"Good I knew you would like it." We ate the rest and then talked for a little bit. We talked about the bands we were involved with, we talked about the house, we even talked about baby names.
"I think Abigail would be odd to name our child" It was true.
"our child? you child is what you should say on that one, Mr. Abigail himself" I laughed,
"It wouldn't be fair" we agreed.
"I like sonos for a middle name" I hummed in thought.
"Yeah sonos is beautiful" Then I had an idea.
"I don't want the baby to have a normal name"
"Oh absolutely not, being normal is vastly overrated!" I couldn't help but practically burst with laughter at this comment.
"Well looked at the parents, especially the mother, oh god" She gasped and playfully hit my arm.
"She's so beautiful that nothing could compare." She leaned over and kissed me.
"Well I think its time to go. The gondola ride can't wait forever." We both stood and I laced our fingers together after sending Ricky the empty text telling him to get ready.
I was nervous as all hell right now.
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