Status: Writing now!!

Congratulations, I Hate You

Your Face

Everyone was dispersed around the quiet bar. I was sitting at a table with Beau, Ryan, Allie, and James seeing as how 4 people had left us.
"Gah! How much longer?!" James nearly exploded and Allie and I couldn't help but laugh.
"Shouldn't be much longer"
No sooner than did Allie say that I got the signal text.
"Alright lets go"
"YAY!!" James' squealed brought everyone's attention to us.
"alright follow me stay quiet don't ask questions" Allie grabbed james' hand while I grabbed my camera and we exited the bar.
"Where are we going?" Vic asked.
"You will see. seriously everyone quiet or else you will ruin it." We walked the next 15 minutes in quiet until we were at the bridge.
"Alright James remember you need to stay super quiet and still so you don't fall ok?" He nodded and I placed him on the bridge's wall and Allie held him there.
"So what are we doing?" Ang asked.
"Chris has made a decision and I feel the need to share it with all of you"
I looked down the river and saw that they were coming.
"But for now Duck until I say so" I posed with Allie so that it looked like we were a family out at night.
"Im so happy for them" Allie whispered to me.
"She hasn't technically said yes yet"
"Are you kidding me? that girl would say yes it a heart beat." I chuckled.
"Momma is gonna say yes. I gave Chris the ok" I looked down at James.
"He needed your approval. You are the man in her life" He laughed.
"I know" The gondola stopped behind us.
"Everyone up but be quiet" They all lined the bridge and peeked over.
"This is nice"
We were about half way through the ride when I said that.
"Im glad you like it. Is it better than Vegas?" She looked up at the moon and smiled.
"Its way better" Sh leaned up and kissed me on the lips. It turned into a small make out session but i ended it to talk to her.
"I have been thinking" I looked down the river and saw that the bridge was in sight, Ricky was there with Allie and James.
"About what?"
"How much I love you" She smiled and I saw the light rose creep onto her cheeks.
"I love you too" We were at the bridge now and the person(IDK what to call him) left the gondola to give us some privacy.
"Ash i love you so much that i couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life with out you." I stood and took out the ring. Then I got down on one knee.
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