Status: Writing now!!

Congratulations, I Hate You


Three babies?
"Well congratulations Ms.Mell Your are having Quadruplets" I was speechless.
"Let me print these and then you are free to go after the nurse gives you the vitamin prescriptions and schedules your next appointment." He waved and walked out.
"Feel free to clean up now" I snapped out of my trance and started cleaning my stomach off.
"Here are you pictures and your prenatal vitamin prescriptions. If you follow me out to the front we can schedule your next appointment"
I followed her out to the front and she sat down while I looked through the window.
"Is november 10th good?" I took out my phone and looked at the tour dates. I was in Texas that day.
"I won't be in the state on that day"
"Oh what about the 12th?" I nodded.
"That sounds good I can make that" She wrote down the time and gave me the card.
"Chris" I quickly sent him a tweet telling him to call me. I got in my car and headed towards Val and matt;s house.
"Oh my god" I repeated this the entire ride to their house. What was I going to do? Chris and I can't tour and raise 5 kids. It wasn't going to happen. I was stressing myself out already and I knew it wasn't good so I spent the rest of the ride trying to calm down.
I parked in the driveway and jumped out practically sprinting to the door. I rang the door bell and knocked at the same time.
"Im coming!" Val screamed as she ran to the door.
She threw it open and went to scream but then she saw me.
"Problem" She ushered me inside and I immediately ran for the couch.
"Whats wrong?" I handed her the ultrasound pictures.
"one, two, three, four…." She looked up with wide eyes.
"Yeah! How are Chris and I supposed to raise 5 kids while touring?" I grabbed my hair nearly pulling it out.
"Have you told Chris yet?"
"No its like 8:30 in Paris and I don't know when he will get off stage" She sat down and rubbed my back.
"Its not that bad You will figure it out." I nodded.
"I have band practice" I stood and hugged her.
"Take it easy ok?" I nodded and she walked with me to the door.
"Come have dinner tomorrow?" I asked. She nodded and closed the door.
I walked to the car and began the 15 minute car ride to the studio space Vampires Everywhere rehearses at.
I thought of how I would say this to Chris, how he would react, how everyone else would react…..
Before I knew it the studio was in front of me and I was walking through the door.
"Hey thought you weren't gonna show" I chuckled emotionlessly and sat down on the couch,
The guys all looked at each other and then sat down.
"Is everything ok Ash?" I shook my head at DJ's question.
"What's wrong?" I had to tell them I was at least pregnant.
"I'm engaged?" I wiggled my ring finger.
"Thats not a bad thing, what's wrong?" They saw right through me.
"I'm pregnant" The room was silent.
"how pregnant?" I looked up at Michael.
"seven weeks" The guys looked at Michael and I was shocked.
"It's not his" The guys looked at me.
"I have a fiance"
"Well why are you so stressed over a pregnancy?" Aaron asked.
"Its not 'a' pregnancy" I did air quotes around the 'a' .
"What do you mean?" I stood and lifted my shirt. I had noticeable baby bump at 7 weeks.
"But you're only seven weeks?!" Phillip looked shocked.
"I am only 7 weeks." I pulled down my shirt again.
"What are you trying to say then?"
"I don't know whats going on but I'm huge at 7weeks I don't know whats gonna happen over tour-" My phone started going off. I took it out and immediately recognized it as a tweet from Chris.
'Skype @3? your time' I replied with a yes and then went back to the guys.
"Sorry ,Chris, lets just practice"
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