Status: Writing now!!

Congratulations, I Hate You

Awe snap! Insert song lyrics here xD

"DADDY DADDY DADDY!!" Beau,Ryan, Balz, and Ricky all jumped on me. 
"Get the fuck off!" they all laughed and pulled me outta bed. 
"but daddy we want to go out!!"
"I'm not your daddy and you need to stop" I pushed them off and pulled on my skinny jeans. 
"we are just getting your ready for fatherhood."
"well you forgot one" I said seriously before pulling on a shirt. 
"no Angelo is the fifth. He's watching TV" I chuckled. Sounds about right. 
"well I am going out who is going with?" everyone went with me and we were exploring. 
"so are you excited to get home?" Ricky asked. I smiled. Now was the best time to tell everyone about the house. 
"yeah she's gonna come live in PA" 
"no way! Waiting where? She won't fit in your house." I nodded at Balz. 
"I wanted to talk to you guys about that. I found" mansion. 
"why do you want to talk to us?"
"her band is coming to live with us. And I want you guys to come too" Ricky looked at Balz. And Balz looked at Ryan. 
"eh why the hell not!" Ryan jumped into my arms. 
"BAND FAMILY!!" Ricky hugged us. 
"plus some"
Today is Chris' birthday. I am waiting to call him on skype. 
"mommy when do we get to tell daddy happy birthday?" 
"now" James and I went into the other room and called him on Skype. 
"Hey!" he answered happily. He had a happy birthday hat on and was being sprayed by silly string. 
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" James and I yelled. Chris smiled. 
"awe thanks guys!"
"how was your day?" 
"great the guys got me a cake"
"awesome! Was it purple?!" Ia chuckled at James. 
"no it was a raspberry cheesecake" I laughed. 
"what? No chocolate in England?" 
"hey it took me all morning to find the damn cheesecake" Ricky ran into the shot. I laughed. 
"awe good job honey" ricky blew me a kiss before Angelo came over and grabbed him. 
"well my parents are throwing a party for me on the 25th and I know you don't want to take James out of school but I really want my family to meet my future bride and children. " I smiled. 
"no we'll be there. He is on break then" Chris smiled. 
"cool do you want me to come out there first?" 
"yeah I want you here for the next check up." he smiled. 
"me too"
I opted out of driving to Colorado in order to meet up with Chris at the doctor's office. Chris will be taking James with him to Scranton on the 23rd. I will be there on the 25th while my drummer from my side project, his name is Sev from vengeance, will be covering for me in VE. 
"so have you thought of any other names?" He asked. 
"well..." I grabbed his hand. 
"I thought about it and I want to name one of them Abigail for at least a middle name" he started rubbing the back of my hand  with his thumb. 
"I think we can leave it open for the future thought" I smiled. At least he's open to it. 
"but I had another thought and I don't think you will disagree"
"Alesana. Just like the band-"
"I like it" he looked over at me then continued driving. 
"anything else?" we pulled into the doctors parking lot. 
"nope but I wanna see my babies baby" he kissed my cheek before getting out and getting my door. 
"Hey Ashley" Hayley, the nurse waved to me. We talked when I called around for doctors. She was nice. 
"Hey Hailey. Ready for the 8 weeks"  She smiled then looked at Chris. 
"is this Mr. Mell?" 
"No Mr.Cerulli. We are engaged." she smiled. 
"congrats. Ready to see the babies?" Chris was super excited as She walked us into the back room and I was prepped. 
"alright let's start." she spread the gel and then started the Ultra sound. 
"here they are" 
Chris's face looked like it was gonna break from the smile it held. 
"All four of them. " there they were. 
Four little bundles of the unknown. 
"all look healthy. I'll print this and you can clean up" 
I cleaned my stomach and sat up. Chris immediately jumped up and kissed me softly placing his hands on the sides of my face. 
"What was that for?" I asked Chris. 
"for being the amazing,beautiful,PERFECT woman carrying my children." I was putty in his hands. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I have been really busy lately. :/
But I'm gonna say this story only has a few more chapters in it. And I promise that a majority of them with be time skips.