Status: Writing now!!

Congratulations, I Hate You

I Dont Want Your Pity, I Hate Your Pity

we both turned to see Angelo standing there with open arms.
"Why lie?" He asked.
"You didn't recognize me at first. Thats how I wanted it to stay"
"Well then I suggest you wear a longer shirt. Your guns are showing" I looked down my back and sure enough there are my 2 guns.
"Forgot about those. I'm used to wearing whatever. I was on tour with Vampires Everywhere, Aiden, Eyes Set To Kill, Get Scared, and Dr.Acula. I pretty much wore sports bras and short shorts." We all laughed about that.
"I see you got more ink too" Josh picked up my arm, revealing the new ink I had on my sides, arms, and more.
"Johnny got bored and I got bored so he tattooed me"
"Bored a lot then I see." I laughed.
"Yeah. he did one of them while we were driving. it hurt cause David hit a bump and he put the needle in way too far" Angelo and Josh looked at me like I was crazy while I laughed.
"Didn't think it was a bad ideas to do that while driving?"
"Well then. I have to get drinks. My excuse was that I was getting drinks. gimme a hug" I hugged Angelo.
"Stay outta trouble. Ill see you tonight" with that he walked away.
"Smartest of the group"
"Hey!" I laughed at Josh.
"Shut it Balz"
Apparently Motionless and BlessTheFall always have their mercy table together. Right now I was watching motionless' set from the back. I couldn't help but remember those times that i jumped off the stage or when I played for Ryan cause he's lazy. I even remember the first show….My birthday. To look back and think that would lead to this, I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't lived it. I laughed thinking back to that day.
"Hey I'm Allie"The new mercy girl from Motionless sat next to me.
"Im Tor"
"Nice to meet you. hows it going?"
"Pretty good."
"They are amazing right?" I laughed.
"They have always been amazing"
"Have you seen them before?" I laughed.
"A few times"
"Alright I want everyone to get up off their fucking feet! No one should be standing still!" I smiled. He always played that game with the crowd. I noticed that Allie walked away to tend to a kid at merch.
"Hey sorry kid wanted a shirt. Ya know how that goes right?" I laughed remembering the back up once when I had to go play for Max. It was historical.
"I sure do"
Everything was packed up and ready to go. Beau and the guys were currently chilling on the bus.
"So Storm where were you before this?"
"Home. I was on tour with Vampires Everywhere and a few other bands for awhile but my son was gonna start school and I wanted him home for a month before hand. Just in case anything happens."
"How old is he?" Beau seemed shocked.
"6 almost 7"
"Wow thats insane"
"Yeah well he's just like his uncles and aunts…. now THAT is insane"
"Who are his uncles and Aunts?"
"The members of avenged sevenfold and significant others"
"You know Avenged Sevenfold?!"
"Grew up with them" I smiled.
"No-" Just then the bus door opened. I watched as Angelo walked in.
"Hey can Terri stay on our bus tonight? Mike wants to work some tech stuff with him" I watched terri stand.
"Wait" Beau stopped him.
"Someone has to stay here we can't have uneven people. The cops pull us over and we r goners"
"Ill send someone over. I can't I'm driving tonight"
"Ok" Angelo and Terri walked off.
"Alright $100 that Balz comes over" Jared laughed.
"Why do ya say that?" I asked. They all looked at each other before standing and making equal excuses to run off. I groaned and then went to the back of the bus where the large bed was. I being the only girl on the bus got the right to have the big room/storage room. I immediately laid down and started trying to sleep. I was half asleep when I heard the door open and close.
"If you are trying to pull a prank you fail miserably." I said not moving.
"Nope just me" I turned to see Josh laughing next to the large bed. i moved over to let him slide in. He immediately laid down and I wrapped my arms around his middle resting my head on his chest and he rubbed my back.
"I saw you and Allie talking"
"I was reminiscing when she just walked over. I kinda like her though" We laughed.
"She's sweet. Hence the Jizz Wedding" I lieted my head to look at him.
"The what?"
"Ryan and Allie are gonna get married when we are in vegas. but shh its a secret and IDK if its real"
I laughed.
"Sounds like Ryan" We laughed together.
I woke up when the bus jolted to a halt early in the morning. Josh was asleep next to me with his arms around me.
"Josh" I tried waking him so I could get up and get ready to go. He wouldn't budge though.
"Balz!" I yelled. He moved a little, pulling me in closer to him.
"BALZ WAKE THE FUCK UP!!" he jumped and fell off the bed.
"Fuck Ash that hurt" I could not stop laughing at his misfortune.
"Its not funny" He jumped on top of me and started tickling me. I continued laughing. I was EXTREMELY ticklish. I was pushing and hitting him when he suddenly stopped and rolled onto the floor.
"Balz?" I asked.
"yup" I laughed realizing where he got hit.
"Im sorry I didn't mean to" While I laughed he tried to get back up.
"Ok no more" He sat next to me on the bed.
"Well then I'm gonna get dressed"
I got up and started getting dressed.
"So where are we today?" I asked as I pulled on a pair of black skinnies.
"Mc-something Texas." I groaned as i pulled on Phillip's Black Ikke Medal Coture tank.
"Do we ever leave Texas?" He laughed.
"Yeah eventually we will" I grabbed my hair straightener and plugged it in.
"You straighten your hair?"
"Yeahg to a problem with that?" I asked while grabbing my make up bag.
"No never" I laughed at him while walked out into the bathroom. Balz followed behind me.
"Who have you been hanging with in Cali?"
"Well the VE guys practically live at my house" I did a mix of bright blue and black on my eyes to match my shirt, eyeliner, and bright red lipstick.
"VE?" He asked.
"Vampires Everywhere. Michael, Phillip, Aaron, Dj, and David. David is leaving though. He just hasn't been the same since Roguey left" I was trying to get the black and blue to mix right but it wasn't working.
"Ugh sometimes I miss Chris doing my makeup" I still could not get it right.
"Let me do it" I turned to Josh and he grabbed the brush out of my hand and did it. I turned to the mirror.
"Do all goth guys from Pennsylvania do makeup?" He laughed,
"Nope just us" We laughed on the way back to the back room.
"So are you moving buses?" I sat on the floor and grabbed my straightener. He sat on the bed.
"Yeah The band got there just in time last night. We just had to leave before we could organize the buses." i began straightening my hair.
"So you are gonna come stay on our bus right?" I gave him a crazy look.
"Um no"
"Oh come on Ash. theres room for you on our RV. None of the other buses have room."
"Well what about the new band?"
"You don't know who it is?"
"No I haven't been paying attention" I said as I finished the first layer of my hair.
"Alesana" I gawked at him.
"Seriously?"He laughed.
"Yup but they have changed"
"I doubt it Shawn is probably still a player and Patrick is still a twit."
"I don't think so" I groaned and finished my hair. Josh helped me pack everything away so I could come get it when i found a bus.
"I think we should just tell all the guys." He looked at me.
"Alright then lets go to our RV first." We left the bus and started for the RV.
"This is definitely going to be an interesting tour"
"Well I told you Shawn changed. Chris moved on. We still love you. NO WORRIES!!" He hugged me and I laughed.
"Different settings too" he laughed and then started skipping. I grabbed his arm and skipped with him onto the RV where everyone was sitting.
"Balz…was….skipping" Ryan looked shocked.
"Better than…running away" I looked at Josh hoping that he knew what i was talking about. He got it after a second and started snickering. Josh sat down on the couch and I sat down on the floor in front of him.
"Guys I'm hungry" Ryan said.
"Benihana?" I asked.
"They have one of those here?" Angelo jumped up.
"They might" I looked at Josh.
"We haven't been to one of those since-" Ricky stopped talking when Chris gave him a look.
"No Ricky say it" I raised and eyebrow at him.
"Since Ash's birthday party" Ricky was staring right at me.
"No…" I winked and held a finger to my lips telling him to be quiet. Ryan, Devin(their filler bassist since Ricky now played rhythm in place of TJ), Chris, mike, and Allie were giving Ricky and I weird looks.
"Well I think We need to stop at Hot Topic if We go out. I want a gummy bear" I smirked up and Josh.
"Ya know thats a great place to work. I use to have a job there before I started touring…."
"Bull Shit" I chuckled at Ryan's reaction.
"What are you saying?" mike asked.
"Oh motherfucking shit…." Josh said.
"I have heard of…someone.." Josh chuckled.
"Well Im going to Benihana and Hot Topic. Feel free to join." I stood and everyone followed but Chris and Allie.
"Im going to call Megan" That struck a chord. He really had moved on.
Allie went inside to do merch while we walked away.
"Is this a good distance?" Ricky asked out of the blue when we were a little ways down the road.
"I guess" Suddenly I was being picked up and spun around by Ryan.
"Bull shit its you" I squealed.
"Ryan! put me down!!"
"Ryan I'm friggin pregnant" He immediately put me down.
"Whoa lots of big news today" Ricky said while looking at my stomach.
"Whose is it?" Angelo asked.
"Ronnie Radke's" I have met him now BTW i have seen him at hollywood waste night.
"Well good luck to the both of you" Just then we walked into the mall.
"I was just kidding…I never got any… with Ryan always interrupting." Everyone laughed.
"Can I ask who you are?" Mike asked.
"Can I ask who you are?" The guys laughed at him.
"And you random bassist that replaced whore after TJ bit the big one?"
"Geesh you make it sound like I killed TJ" Ricky said. We all laughed as we found a Hot Topic.
"Nah Seriously though I want names"
"Seriously we want names" Unknown bassist replied.
"Touche my name is Ashley Storm Mell"
"Im Devin call me Ghost" I shook Ghost's hand as I went though the racks of skinny jeans.
"and Im Mike"
"Mike you have just earned the name of Not Chris" Everyone laughed at that.
"Could you tell us apart when you first saw us?" He asked. I stopped looked him dead in the face and said,
"Chris was in my pants and I doubt you will ever be" Everybody laughed and 'oohed'.
"Harsh Tor"
"You're one to talk Balz" He just shook his head and walked to the candy area to get his gummy bears. I kept searching for clothes and found 3 pairs of pants and like 8 shirts. Then I moved on and bought some rubber bracelets and then I saw it, There was the hair dye.
"Thinking about it?" I turned and saw Balz standing next to me.
"A little, but David and the guys REALLY like this color…. if I did dye it though I would dye it red or like a mix. Black I would love but I can't he would realize that its me."
"I like red" He picked out the blood red color and grabbed my stuff out of my hands.
"Come on" He grabbed my hand and walked me to the register. I paid for my stuff and he paid for his.
"Lets go for a walk." We both snuck out of the store and past everyone else. I think Ricky saw us though and alerted the others.
"They saw us." He laughed.
"Let them" He bent down and i jumped on his back and he ran through the mall. We ended up inside of a spencers. Funny thing is they all ran past the store probably looking for us.
"That was close" We laughed.
We ended up looking around the store. We were kicked out after I made Josh try on some of the lingerie in the back.
"We should go back they are probably looking for us." I nodded. He grabbed my hand to lead me through the crowds of people in the mall.
"So are you gonna stay with Alesana?"
"Depends on whether or not Shawn changed." the rest of the walk back to the venue was silence. It was a comfortable silence though.
When we got there I dropped my stuff off inside the BlessTheFall bus while Josh put his gummy bear in his bus. I decided to sit by the entrance to the backstage area while I waited for Josh. While I was sitting there someone came out of the door and tripped over me.
"Im so sorry" I gasped and stood to help them up.
"No its fine it was my fault I shouldn't have run though the door" He looked at me and I saw that it was Shawn.
"Ashley?" I smiled and he hugged me.
"I haven't seen you in the longest time" He stepped back and looked me up and down. I took a change to do the same to him. He was wearing black toms, a blue v-neck, jeans, and black rimmed glasses. He actually looked good.
"How have ya been?" He asked.
"Bored tired E-t-c." He laughed.
"Well hows tour?"
"Eh. actually I need a bus to stay on…" I trailed off to let him finish that sentence.
"Alright I suppose you can use our extra bunk" I smiled and hugged him
We are in New Jersey tonight in the Starland Ballroom. I was currently sitting with Allie at the merch area.
"Yeah so we are getting married and would you like to be in the wedding?" I went wide eyed.
"Allie I'm sure that there are other people you've known for longer…"
"Ryan wants you there, I want you there, and The guys all want you there." I smiled and nodded. She jumped up and hugged me.
"Good cause another girl would help too" I laughed.
"Im always here for ya" my phone buzzed. It read 'twitter: Chrismotionless: Im coming to the mercy right now Jersey'.
"The rush is coming to your table"
"Chris again?" I nodded as people started running over to the booth and buying stuff. I ended up helping Allie and running the BTF merch booth. Finally it calmed down when the next band started.
"Geesh Chris we need a heads up sometimes" Allie said to him. He laughed.
"You will be fine. Tor can I talk to you for a second?" I looked up from the clip board I was counting stuff on in my chair. I pointed to myself.
"Yeah you" I looked at Allie and Josh who just started talking. Josh looked over.
"Ill cover you go" He said after jumping over the table. I noted and hugged him before walking with Chris.
He brought me all the way out to the RV before he started talking.
"I know"
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long, readers 1-5, I had 3 AP tests to study for and a show to prep for.... updates will be slow until June...just sayin