Status: Writing now!!

Congratulations, I Hate You

As You Hide Behind Your Veil Of My Stolen Hopes And Lost Dreams

"come on we're all friends here. Im sure he knows too." I tilted my head and looked at him.
"Balz?" I started laughing knowing what he was talking about.
"Oh Chris, Chris, Chris. This is something I wont talk about with you" He looked a little hurt.
"Dont be hurt, just think. When you understand my past, then I might talk to you. If I get an appology.Maybe"With that I walked off the Rv and back to the merch booth.
We were in Arizona today. I was gonna go see the girls but Ros was with her hubby in Cali telling his parents that he was getting married and the others were on other tours.
Right now I was at Chipolte with Ryan, Allie, Ghost, and the fans that drove us here.
"So excited for Sunday?" I asked Allie and Ryan. The both smiled and nodded.
"Buddy system the ENTIRE time we are in Vegas" Everyone laughed and agreed.
"So what are you doing after tour?" Allie asked me.
"Im gonna-" My phone started playing The recorded sound of Danny Worsnop telling me to stop being a bloody whore and pick up the phone. Thanks Danny for stealing my phone and doing that. i looked at the caller ID and saw that it was my house meaning that the Vampire's Everywhere guys were there. They like my house better than their houses.
"Children of the NIght shouldn't sneak into my house when im not there unless they want to be beheaded" I said before taking a sip of my drink. Allie, Ghost, Ryan, and the fans stared at me.
"Are you going to be in Cali on Saturday?" Michael asked.
"I promised I would come see you guys at Sunset Strip Music Festival" I said in a duh tone before taking a bite of my burrito.
"Are you gonna be busy that day?" Phillip asked.
"I dont know are you?" He was glaring at me through the phone right now as i took a sip of my drink.
"Can you come play drums for us?" Classic. Spit. Take. All over Ryan.
"Oh my god Ryan Im so sorry!" I helped him clean up and then picked up my phone again
"This is a joke right guys?" They were all laughing.
"No seriously we cant find anyone to replace Darko."
"Oh my god guys Drummers are a dime a dozen in Cali"
"Well not when you have a show on Saturday and Dont know anyone" DJ shot back.
"No Im not doing it"
"Please A We need someone and you are the only person we can think of!" Aaron yelled through the phone.
"No don't you A me. Im working... as in im getting MONEY to pay for my SON and the HOUSE we live in." I looked up and saw everyone looking at me.
"Ill be right back" I said and then stood and walked outside.
I dont want anyone to know who i am"
"We can disguise you"
"Please though we really need someone you will be paid for it and everything." Michael added.
"No there is nothing you can do or say-"
"Do it or I tell EVERYONE about the strip club"
"Everyone"Dj replied. I could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Strip club?" Aaron asked.
"Ill do it if we forget about the strip club"
"Deal" They all said.
"Can you come play drums for us?" Classic. Spit. Take. All over Ryan.
"Oh my god Ryan Im so sorry!" I helped him clean up and then picked up my phone again
"This is a joke right guys?" They were all laughing.
"No seriously we cant find anyone to replace Darko."
"Oh my god guys Drummers are a dime a dozen in Cali"
"Well not when you have a show on Saturday and Dont know anyone" DJ shot back.
"No Im not doing it"
"Please A We need someone and you are the only person we can think of!" Aaron yelled through the phone.
"No don't you A me. Im working... as in im getting MONEY to pay for my SON and the HOUSE we live in." I looked up and saw everyone looking at me.
"Ill be right back" I said and then stood and walked outside.
I dont want anyone to know who i am"
"We can disguise you"
"Please though we really need someone you will be paid for it and everything." Michael added.
"No there is nothing you can do or say-"
"Do it or I tell EVERYONE about the strip club"
"Everyone"Dj replied. I could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Strip club?" Aaron asked.
"Ill do it if we forget about the strip club"
"Deal" They all said.
"See you on Saturday!" They yelled before the line went dead. I groaned and looked at the time on my phone. We had 20 minutes before we had to be back at the venue. I looked inside and saw everyone still eating.
"Well now would be the perfect time to get my stuff for Saturday" I ran to the hot topic a few stores down and bought a black fishnet shirts, fishnet tights, a black skirt with chains all over it, red and black hair dye, and a pair of plain black plugs. Then I ran to the craft store a few more stores down and bought needles and thread.
When I got back to Chipolte, everyone was done eating.
"You went shopping without me?" Allie looked hurt.
"Yeah but you can help me make this outfit. It will be LOADS of fun"
When we arrived at the venue I went and put my bag in my bunk and then went and found everyone next to the RV.
"Hey whats up?" I asked when I got there.
"Nothing just talking about Ronnie and Nick" Chris said.
"Ronnie and Nick?" I asked.
"You didnt hear about Nick's suicide attempt and Ronnie's comment?" Ricky asked Wide Eyed.
"WHAT THE FUCK DID RONNIE SAY?" I screamed. I was pissed.
"He sent Jamie a message on Twitter that read get scared winky face" I was fuming.
" need to calm down" Angelo approached me slowly and carefully.
"He did....WHAT?!?!" I turned and punched the pole that was behind me. It was a metal pole and it probably broke my hand but i didnt care right now. Angelo grabbed my hand people I could do it again.
"Calm down." I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed Ronnie's number.
"Hey Ashley whats up?"
"Whoa what are you talking about Ashley?" He asked.
"Hmm I dont Know.... GET SCARED and maybe you'll find out" I walked under the bridge and away from everyone.. They followed me though.
"Oh... He was being a dumbass. He shouldn't have posted pictures of pills on Twitter."
"And knowing you it had some smartass response to go with it. so im gonna three way the call to him and you WILL apologize respectfully to Nick and then Jaime"
"WTF why?!"
"Because I said so. Do it or I'll murder you in your fucking sleep" I didnt give him a chance to answer as I added Nick and Jaime to the call and put it on speaker.
"Hello?" They answered at the same time.
"Nick?" Jaime asked when Nick asked.
"Hey guys there is someone on the other line here that has something to say to you guys, Ronnie?" He didnt say anything at first.
"Ronald Joesph Radke...Ill be at your house tomorrow.."
"Nick and Jaime Im sorry for my inappropriate and inconsiderate comments" Everyone was shocked and gawking at my phone.
"Well, uh I guess its ok" Nick said.
"Yeah... you're forgiven" Jaime added timidly.
"alright good bye" Ronnie hung up his end of the call.
"Did Ronnie hang up?" Nick asked.
"How did you get him to call us?" Jaime asked.
"I told him I would murder him in his sleep"
"Wow...Uh thanks A-"
"Storm" I turned it off speaker and turned my back to everyone while walking away.
"Uh Chris doesn't know"
"Oh im sorry"
"No don't be... we shouldn't be hiding it from him....anyways I have to go work the merch booth"
"Alright bye A-I mean Storm" I chuckled.
"Bye nice talking to you again Storm" Jaime chuckled at her love.
"Good bye to both of you have a goodnight I'll see you soon" I pocketed my phone as I walked past the staring boys towards the merch booth.
"You should've seen it....Funniest thing I have ever witnessed" Balz was telling the tour members about me having Ronnie whipped.
"Oh my god I dont have him whipped! Balz go sleep on Alesana's bus tonight Allie is gonna help me make clothes" Balz stared at me.
"What the Fuck? I dont want to" I smiled seductively. Allie, Maria(In This Moment), and Krysta(IWrestledABearOnce) were all smirking knowing that I was going to seduce my way into getting what I wanted.
"But Josh.." I said running my hand down his chest.
"No I will not fall for that" The guys were all laughing knowing I had no problem doing what ever I felt necessary. I smirked more and put my arms around his neck slowly pulling our bodies together. I brought my face closer to his so my lips were almost touching his ear.
"Maybe Saturday I can show you around LA..." I kissed the hollow behind his ear.
"No" He was fighting moans.
"Ya know there are lots of secluded places on Sunset strip...private places..for private things"
"OH MY FUCKING GOD stop and I will fucking do it!!" The guys were all in hysterics as I kissed his cheek and ran with Allie to the RV.
"So what are we doing?" Allie asked. I grabbed the bag from the bus on my way earlier.
"We are making my costume"
Allie and I spent most of the night cutting and sewing my shirt and ants together. I now had Black skinny jeans with rips in them that had the fishnet stocking attached to the inside and had chains all over them connected every which way. I also had a Black V-neck shirt the also had holes in it with the black fishnet long-sleeve shirt attached to the inside, the sides of the black shirt were cut out to reveal the fishnet shirt.
"So why did we make these again?" Allie asked the next morning when I was cleaning up the left over stuff.
"Well dont tell anyone but i am playing drums in a band at SSMF" She looked at me shocked.
"No Way! i DIDNT KNOW YOU PLAYED DRUMS!" I cringed at how loud she was.
" I play drums, keyboards, bass, guitar, and a little bit of cello. I played guitar in place of Ryan during Dead Masquerade a few times" She laughed.
"Lazy ass..." I laughed as we walked off the bus and towards the entrance.
"oh let me go put this in my bunk" She nodded and waited for me while I went and placed it in my bunk. I stopped when I heard Balz talking on the phone to someone.
"Oh my god it took all my strength not to have a problem right then and there." He paused while the person on the other line spoke
"I really do like her and I cant believe Chris did what he did...well she doesnt she would never want a relationship at this present time especially with Chris 2 feet away at all times....Ashley is a wonderful person...and I.. I think I love her...." My eyes went wide and I slowly backed up placing my bag on the couch and running out to where Allie had been waiting for me.
"Whoa slow down! What's wrong?" She asked.Should I keep it to myself?
"Nothing I just dont want to keep you waiting that long" She laughed.
"ok well Shall we?" We skipped to the merch areas together.
I was staying on motionless's RV again tonight but Mike was going to Alesana's bus. Josh is going to help me dye my hair. I was worried that i would say something wrong and after that stunt I pulled last night I didnt know if he thought I liked him back. I didn't even know if I liked him back.
"Hey wanna do it now?" I looked up from my speck on the floor and saw Josh standing in the door way.
"uh yeah we have to bleach it first anyways" He brought me into the small bathroom and sat me down on a chair in the shower.
"Is that what you want to wear?" I looked down and saw the I was wearing Aaron's black IKKE Couture tank and a pair of short shorts. under Aaron's shirt I had a bikini top on.
"Hold on" I lifted the shirt over my head and hung it on the door handle.
"Im good now" He nodded and got the bleach and put gloves on his hands.
"So what made you decide to dye it again?" He asked as he started putting the dye in my hair.
"Well its safe to tell you... im drumming for Vampires Everywhere tomorrow night. Thats why Mike is going to cover for me tomorrow"
"Do I get pictures?" He asked with a smirk.
"What kinda pictures are we talking?" i asked with a smirk that matched his own.
"The sexy kind" I laughed.
"That only comes after the third date" He laughed.
"Yes Ill find some from Kyle or something."
"Ok sounds good to me" The next few minutes were silent as he finished off the bleach.
"Ok it stays in to set then we wash the extra out"
"Alright just play some music and give ma book and ill stay here"
"Ill stay with you" I smiled and nodded before he went and got me a book and music.
Should I say something? I thought to myself. Did I even like him? I mean hes sweet, funny, caring, good-looking.....oh who am I kidding I have liked him practically since I saw him again.
"I found a Harry Potter book and the old misfits album" I nodded in approval. He put the cd in Angelo's laptop and handed me the book. I think now is a good time to tell him. I went to say something but he said it first.
"Ok time to wash out the dye"
He took the book when i handed it to him and placed it on the toilet.
"K lean back a little bit"
I did as he asked me to and he washed all the dye out and then we dried my hair to put the next dye in.
"So how do you want the red in there?" He asked.
"I want it all red on top and I want it in strips down kinda like dripping paint" He nodded and did as asked.
We were now waiting for the dye to set.
I looked at Josh and caught him staring at me. We looked away and then said each other's names at the same time.
"Oh you first" He said.
"No you" He sighed but the timer went off before he could say anything.
"Lets wash the dye out" He started but I stopped him.
"What were you gonna say?" I asked. He looked away from me and to the floor.
"Have you ever really liked someone but are friends with their ex but they dont know it?" I laughed knowing that this was an extreme set of circumstances. I couldnt stop myself when I stood and pushed Josh up against the shower wall.
"I like you too" With that he kissed me hard tangling his fingers in my dye covered hair.
One kissed filled wiht so much heat and lust just continued tio grow to the point where I had his shirt off and He was about to take off my top when someone banged on the bathroom door.
"I have to piss!" I groaned when I was forced to pull away.
"Blue Balled....again" I couldn't help but laugh at Josh.
"Hold on my hair is almost done" He sat me down and washed the rest of the dye out quickly.
I walked out of the bathroom with my hair in a towel and Balz following close behind me.
"let it dry then you can go to sleep and finish washing it out in the morning."
I nodded and laid down on the couch waiting for it to dry and I fell asleep the second it did.
I woke up and ran over to my bus to get dressed. I showered and put on the shirt and jeans then started on my hair and makeup. My face was a pale pale white with Smokey eyes, Blood Red lipstick, and I had white contacts in so it didnt look like I had pupils. My hair was a vibrant red mixed with the black. I was currently curling the red strands to finish my outfit.
"Hey Storm there's a Michael outside-" Patrick stopped talking when I turned to him.
"Alright Ill be done in a minute" I finished by making my arms the pale white that matched my face. I grabbed the black boots that matched James' from Asking Alexandria, He sent them to me as a present, and my bag and walked out towards the exit of the bus. Everyone's eyes went wide as I walked through the bus.
"Boys mouths closed you're catching flies" I waved good bye to everyone and ran off the bus and into Michael's arms.
"I missed you ash Coffin"
"I get a name too?"
"Yeah that way when ur the permenant member we dont have to do that"
♠ ♠ ♠
Well Im gong strong now....Ill have more time since the play im working on is done saturday night :DD
And I need feed back!! please please can be a comment of "I fucking hate this story" IDC just a feedback type comment.... KTHXBAI