Status: Writing now!!

Congratulations, I Hate You

I'll Look Back On A Day Once Loved And Fantasize For Tragedy

We finished off the set with Undead Heart. At The end of the song I stood and walked towards Michael. He grabbed my sides and pulled me towards him. Our lips were almost touching as he grabbed the mike.
"Her heart is mine" and with that he dropped the mike and lunged at me. I was in his arms as the lights went out.
As we walked off stage i texted Josh and thanked him for bringing the guys to see before I joined the band and everyone else.
"Momma! that was awesome" I smiled and picked him up to hug him.
"Awe thanks baby doll. Remember im expecting to see you there in ten years" He laughed and nodded.
"Auntie Val said she wanted to bring me out for ice cream" I looked over at Val and she nodded her head towards Michael. She knows me so well.
"Ok but after that I want you home so I can say goodbye before I leave again ok?" He nodded and ran back to Val. I waved as they walked out the back door.
Once they were completely out of sight I walked over to the guys.
"Well This be it. Are you in?" Aaron asked.
"Im in it until the end boys" They all hugged me. I held Michael for a little while longer before we let go.
"We should go back to my house. I need something....fresher then what I had before" I felt him shudder as I drug my nails over his arm as I pulled away.
"Lets wrap this up" We all packed up and then went back to Michael's apartment.
"Hey im gonna drive Ash home and Ill be back" Michael said after he let everyone into his apprtment.
"Awe ok. Give me a hug before you go doll" I hugged the guys before Michael and I left in his car. I texted Josh and told him to come to the house and we could leave from there.
'What about Chris?' he texted back.
'he needs to know'
We pulled up to the house and I couldnt get the door open fast enough. Michael picked me up and we started making out.
Now something you must understand is that... thsi is a 'heat of the moment' type thing. We both want it...and well theres nothing to it... We arent gonna have sex.... maybe....just well I wanted the blood... he probably does too.
"Michael...downstairs" I said between kisses. He slowly carried me downstairs and into my room. He laid me down and grabbed the stuff.
I unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders as he started removing my top.
I flipped us over and started biting his neck.
"I think you should hurry" Michael growled. I smirked and began the ritual of opening his neck.
I watched as the liquid began flowing towards the bed. The warm, red, lively fluid that I had been after all day.
I slowly licked it all up.
I heard the growl as he flipped us over to repeat the process on me.
The only difference being.... That he would take more...always.
I moaned as he sucked the blood out.
"Tor?" i jumped and sat up, nearly knocking Michael off the bed.
"Shit He used the spare key." I jumped up and grabbed my phone.
"Cock blocked" I couldnt help but laugh at the shirtless Vampire in front of me.
"Oh shut it ill be back in a second" I quickly ran upstairs. my hair was a mess.
I was smoothing it down as I walked into the living room to find Ricky, Balz, Angelo, and Ryan sitting on Chris while he was shouting "Hell fucking no! I want out now!" with Allie, Mike, and Devin trying to pull the guys off of Chris. I walked over and pulled Allie up off Ryan.
"Get Devin and Mike out of the way and ill get the guys" she nodded and i pulled the guys off one at a time. Chris was up faster before i could even blink.
"Why the fuck did you bring me-" He saw me and stopped. His eyes held a look of hurt and betrayal. I looked him dead in the eyes and then shook my head.
"Thats right It was me this entire fucking time.... welcome back to hell Chris"I said gesturing around me to the house. He was still giving me that look.
"You walked right out. no goodbye, explaination, and on top of that I gave you everything. So you can look hurt and betrayed all you want... Im the one who was betrayed and hurt. How's Megan? is she good to you?" I asked with a smirk. He reached out and I pulled on his arm and then punched him straight in the face.
"Dont touch me." He reached out again but this time he touched my neck before i could respond.
"Dont-" I stopped when i saw the blood on his hand.
"Oh does it bring back memories?" He looked like he was going to cry. Mike, Devin, and Allie all went to Chris' side.
"go ahead fucking cry you-" Josh covered my mouth.
"ENOUGH" he looked me dead in the eye.
"really... Chris you and James need to have a small talk.... explain to him why 'daddy' doesnt stop by the house anymore" With that everyone looked at Chris.
"what?" He asked.
"you know what.... oh and why dont you tell the guys how much you loved me....tell them how you wanted a little baby girl. go ahead" They all stared at Chris. He shook his head and stood.
"Shes right. Its my fault and I deserve it all. but answer me this.... who is the guy?" I raised an eyebrow looking at him.
"wHAT GUY?" I felt the blood running down my stomach. Michael had cut too deep.
"The one in the picture."
"What?" hE took out his phone and showed me a picture. It was a picture of the guy that raped me 2 years ago.
"WHERE DID YOU GET THAT!?" I went towards him but Ricky and Balz held me back.
"Someone sent it to your phone..." When he looked away I understood.
"You left because of that?!" I was furious... he didnt even have the balls to con-fucking-front me about it.
"you didnt even ask me about it!" I was fighting Ricky and Balz now. I let the tears flow freely.
"because you wouldnt have told me the truth!!" I stopped fighting with that. I went limp in Ricky's arms.... I lost all energy.
"You didnt even ask." Ricky and Josh let go and I stood.
"You wouldnt have told me the truth"
"You dont know that" I stood and Ricky and Balz hovered. I pushed them away and ran into the kitchen... I needed a drink so thats what I made. I poured a trublood in to the tennesee honey I had, I also added some everclear, by some I meant half a bottle. I took the trublood bottle and shattered it on the ground before walking back into the living area.
"When did you start drinking?" Chris asked.
"Right after you left me." I sat down on the couch and put my feet up. i felt the alcohol take effect instantly. I felt brave.
"Well you want the truth?" I asked Chris before taking a large gulp of the drink.
"What truth?" He asked. The guys were slowly getting closer to me. They were gonna try and take the bottle.
"The guy in that picture..." I took another gulp. the bottle was almost empty so I finished it off.
"What?" I smirked.... i LOVE ALCOHOL.
"he raped me... a little less than 2 years ago. HE STALKED ME and RAPED ME!" I stood and threw the bottle into the window shattering both the bottle and the window. I was breathing heavily and thats when I felt it.... I was gonna blackout from loss of blood.
"MICHAEL!" He came barreling upstairs. The second he saw me he ran over to me just in time to catch me.
"Shoulda stayed downstairs"
"Shut the fuck up and help before i cut your dick off." With that I was gone.
raped? he raped her? Oh god... and I did that to her? I wanted to kill myself right now... I ruined the best thing that ever happened to me.
"Whoa what are you doing?" I looked up and saw michael picking her up.
"Im bringing her downstairs" He brought her downstairs and I just stood there.
"Chris?" I looked up and saw Ricky standing there with Allie. I looked over and saw the rest of the guys cleaning up the window mess.
"You couldnt have known" Allie took my hand and held it.
"Its in the past...." Ricky clapped me on the back.
"I shouldve asked her... I shouldve known better.... i SHOULDNT HAVE LEFT" I screamed and pulled my hair.
"Calm down!"I looked at Balz and I instantly felt jealousy and rage course through my veins.
"Really!? why should I?! I fucked up and now the love of my life of my life is running into your arms!" I wanted to strangle him I reached out to do so but Angelo and Ryan stopped me.
"Calm down everyone" We al looked at Allie.
"Lets just stay here tonight and first thing in the morning we drive up to Vegas k?" everyone agreed with Angelo and he went off to call someone form the tour and let them know what was going down.
"i think you should just sleep and we will all talk ing the morning." I nodded and went to the couch we all went and found rooms. I sat there while they did this.
"Momma?" I looked over and saw James standing in the entry way.
"DADDY!" He ran over to me and jumped in my arms.
"Hey buddy how have you been?!" He smiled and went to one of his speed rants. I istened patiently and then saw Val standing in the entry way with an angry face and fire filled eyes.
"Hey why dont you go get some pjs on and then lay down.Mommy was really tired and said she would see you in the morning ok?" He nodded and ran off to his room.
"Val I had no idea.."
"Of course you didnt you even stick around to ask. You re so lucky Matt and the guys think it was mutual" I was shocked that she had lied to them.
"Val i REGRET IT MORE THAN YOU UNDERSTAND" I emphasised every word.
"Really? How do I know that?" I dropped.
"i would kill myself to get her back if I had to" I looked her in the eyes with every ounce of emotion I could muster.
I had to step back from the intensity of his stare....the sadness and sorrow it held.
"Fine. appologize to her make it meaningful and go from there."
"You dont understand....she moved on..." I watched the tear slip from his eye as he looked down and practically started pulling his hair out.
"oh my god..." I completely forgot about Josh. We had talked about it quite a few times.
"i NEVER should have left" I ran to his side and hugged him.
"Please dont cry..... im so sorry" i HAD URGED HE TO FORGET ABOUT HIM. THIS WAS MY FAULT... oh god.
"Chris?" We looked up and saw Balz standing there. I helped him up and then walked to James' room and let them alone... james was asleep now but I couldnt help but worry about the small child...happy on the outside, but what was he feeling on the inside?
We sat in an awkward silence for almost an hour before he spoke.
"Im not gonna do it ya know" I knew exactly what he meant.
"Shes moved on.. and shes moved on to you... im the past so just do it" It killed me to say the truth.
"no...go downstairs now" and with that he pushed me towards the stairs.
I brought Ash downstairs and cleaned all the blood off her neck/chest/stomach areas. Then I changed her into PJs after bandaging the wound. I cant believe I didnt go in earlier... I shouldnt have left her there to fend for herself while I stood at the bottom of the stairs listening.
"Michael?" I looked back and saw that she was awake...
"Lay with me?" I smiled and laid down in the bed next to her.
"Michael why do you stay if you know I love Chris?" I was shocked.
"Because I still have hope and your a friend" she smiled.
"Dont have hope because im hopeless..."
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah...