Status: Very active(:

You Know I'm Never Gonna Let You Go

Too Much


I put on my outfit; a baseball styled shirt, denim cutoffs and my Converse. I grabbed my iPod and tossed it in my purse. I walked downstairs to Matt.

“Grocery list?” I asked and he nodded. He began scribbling down stuff that we needed for the tour. There was screaming and I pulled my iPod out to share with Matt. We put a ear bud in and listened to We Are The In Crowd sing Light’s Out.

He slid the paper over to me.

“Thank you.” I said smiling. He painfully took the ear bud out and quickly grabbed his own iPod. I have to buy Ry new ear buds. Ah…. The life of living with Alex Gaskarth when he dates Lisa.

I put my other ear bud in and walked out the door. I walked down to my car; Jeep Wrangler. I’m a bad ass. I know. Haha. I took my ear buds out and hooked my iPod up to the stereo.


I walked into the house with all the bags on my arms. The mail was in my hands. The door ricocheted against the wall.

“Oops!” I giggled. The house was overall quiet and it made me smile. I saw Matt walk down the stairs.

“Aren’t we happy?” He smiled.

“I’m very happy.” I said. I had checked the mail. I smiled.

“Why?” He asked taking half of the bags I had.

“The tickets came in!” I screamed. A smile grew on Matt’s face.

“The ones for Warped Tour?!” I nodded. We bought 3 tickets for the Camden, New Jersey Warped Tour date. Matt, Ry, and I were going together. The best thing about Ry, is she doesn’t mind being the third wheel.

“What are you idiots screaming about?” Lisa asked pissed off. I set the bags on the island, that was disinfected 50 million times, and shrugged.

“Don’t like.” She seethed.

“None of your business.” I clarified.

“Does it have to deal with Alex?” She asked. I shrugged. I know him and Jack were going.

“Bitch, answer me!” Oh my God.

“I don’t fucking know!” I screamed, “I’m not his fucking care taker!”

“Lisa, leave!” Alex screamed. Everyone stopped. Shit.

“Why?” She asked quietly.

“Because it’s over. You know that. Leave!” Alex screamed pointing to the door. She walked over to me and slapped me right across the face. I grabbed the back of her shirt as she walked away. I turned her around and punched her in the nose. Money shot. I pushed her away and walked over to Matt. Before I could get over there, I saw blackness.

I watched as Kendra fell. Her head hit the side of the counter and “bounced” off the floor. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Baby, stay with me. Please.

“Lisa! Leave.” I screamed. Alex ran down the stairs and pushed her out of the house. He locked the 3 locks we had. I ran over to Kendra.

“Kendra, wake up. Baby, wake up.” I said panicked. Oh no…

“9-1-1!” I screamed. Please don’t leave. I can’t loose her.

“Does she have a pulse?” Alex asked quickly.

“I don’t know!” I screamed, on the verge of tears.

“They’ll be here in minutes.” Alex said hanging up. I pulled her close to me.

“Don’t die..” I whispered.

I heard a beeping. I slowly opened my eyes to find Matt on the chair next to me.

“Baby, oh my God. I thought I lost you.” He said taking my hand.

“What happened?” I asked confused. Loose me?

“You had a really bad concussion when Lisa knocked you out.” Lisa knocked me out? I shot him a confused look.

“She pushed you and you hit the counter.” Matt clarified.

“Oh. Matt, I’m sorry. I should’ve punched her.” Yet, I didn’t care. I feel bad for putting him through this.

“Don’t be. She deserved it. You didn’t though.” He said squeezing my hand tightly.

“I love you.” I said looking up at him.

“I love you too.” He smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter switches from Kendra, to Matt, back to Kendra.