Status: Very active(:

You Know I'm Never Gonna Let You Go

Coffee Shop Soundtrack


Matt laughed as I downed some more Jager. He wanted me drunk. In our own room.I don't know why, but he did. He probably thinks he's gonna get lucky. Which he might, I don't know. He's looking really fucking hot right now.

I heard someone knock on the door.

"Who the fuck is there?!" I screamed. Alex and Ry were ignoring me so I don't fucking know why someone is fucking knocking on my bedroom door. I get angry....


"LEAVE!" I screamed. Mother fucker, I hate you right now.

"Matthew, control your goddamn girlfriend! It's about the fucking tour!" Alex screamed. I flipped the door off. Matt put his arm around me and kissed me. Hard. I reluctantly pulled back.

"I'll fuck you.. or I'll fuck him up. Your choice." I stated unthinkingly.

"Oooh. Sassy Kendra is back, hot." Matt said. He flicked his lip ring with his tongue. Does he want me to jump him or something? He got up and walked over to the door.

When I saw Alex through the door crack, I flicked him off.

"Bitch!" Alex pushed Matt away. I stood up, ready for a fight.

"Yes... man whore?" I asked cockily.

"Just fucking leave! Matt doesn't love you! He just feels sorry for you!" Alex screamed.

"Alex!" Matt yelled. It was an out of body experience. He got to me. I punched Alex dead across the jaw.

"Fuck!" He yelled in pain. I heard scrambling out in the hall but I didn't care. Alex was on the floor and there was a straight aim to the money shot. I kicked him in the balls and walked out of the room.

"What the fuck happened?" Zack asked. I swear to God, I only saw red.

"Doesn't Alex know not to fuck with Kendra? Like fuck.. isn't this like the 50th time she punched him?" I heard Rian ask. I walked down to the couch.

"Oh my fucking god! I hate my fucking life! You guys are cock blocks." Matt screamed running down the stairs.

"Kendra, he's lying. I swear to God, I love you. I love you so much that he'll never fucking understand." Matt explained. I watched as he took my hands in his and rubbed them gently. Matt pulled me close to him.

"Baby... please stop crying. You're breaking my heart." He said gently in my ear. I didn't even realize I was crying.

"Way to go Alex." I heard.

"Matt's gonna kick your ass too." I heard. Shit.. Kendra.. pull yourself together.

"I hate you." I sneered.

"Me?" Matt asked concerned.

"All of you. Why the fuck do I even live here?" I screamed, pushing Matt away from me. He looked at me; I saw concern, disappointment and sadness in his eyes. I walked up the stairs, and in my angry rage, I shoved Zack out of the way.

"Hey, I'm sorry about Alex." Zack said as he grabbed my hand that was on his chest.

"It's whatever. I wanna be left the fuck alone." I said yanking my hand away.

"Ok." I slammed the bedroom door and locked it. Haha mother fuckers, not getting in here now.

I sat on the bed and started crying. Again. I'm at the end of my rope and I don't think I'm getting out of this for awhile. I heard continuous knocking.

Just then, the door swung open then was slammed shut by Matt.

"I'm sorry." We said at the same time.

"I love you so much." Matt said walking over to me.

"I love you too." I said as I bit my lip.
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ok. it's 5:30 and I'm talking to this guy on twitter and this probably sucks. i'm sorry. D: