Hold Me Through The Storm

hold me

In the wake of the storm she screamed. Alone. Cowering in fear of the storm raging on outside. Tears streamed down her cheeks. She sat huddled into herself with her knees pulled up to her chest and her head buried into her crumpled form. Her body was shaking profusely. It was as if the world around her was crumbling into the depths of nothingness. Into the gaping mouth of the monster screaming at her from outside the windows. A bolt of lightning lit up the room, casting eerie shadows on the furniture. She whimpered, anticipating the crash of thunder to come after. However she did not hear the thunder. She felt hands pushed against the sides of her ears. Instead she heard the muffled boom. Her curious eyes peeked open. She turned to see a boy crouching behind her, just removing his hands from her head. He smiled at her. She turned her body so she was facing him.

“You’re scared of thunder aren’t you? Well it won’t help you to be alone in a storm.”

She stared at him in awe with eyes wide. Suddenly the lightening brightened the room and was followed seconds later by the horrendous boom of thunder. She screamed and jumped into his arms. He fell onto his back, still managing to wrap his arms around her tightly. He sat up with her, engulfing her in his arms so that her face was buried in his chest and his hands covered her ears.

“Don’t worry,” he whispered. “You’re safe here with me. I’ll protect you.”

The storm carried on outside.