Status: Simulation Complete!

My Road

My Road

I sat at the behind the counter at the record store I’d worked at for the past four years and bopped my head to the beat of “Curse of the Virgin Canvas” by Alesana.

This place was always quiet, hardly anyone ever came in. No one bought records anymore, much less out in the middle of nowhere. We had couple of senior regulars come around every once in a while to check out the Hall & Oates section, but they didn’t really like me.

I was the only worker here, or rather the only worker to ever check in. It didn’t matter anyway, I’m pretty sure I’ve only seen my boss, at most, twice.

So, yeah… the store was a ghost town. I groaned for what must’ve been the hundredth time today and tore another sheet of paper out of my notebook. With that, the chimes at the door rang out. I put my notebook away and sat up a bit straighter. “Good afternoon, welcome to ‘Mojo’s Records’.”

In walked a young man, maybe a year or two older than I. He had messy brown hair and was wearing a t-shirt with a nice jacket over it, skinny jeans, and sunglasses. Why the hell was he wearing sunglasses? He must’ve been lost.

He turned to me and smiled, “Hi, I’m looking for some good records. They told me this was the place to go and I thought you could help me.” He gestured to my Slayer t-shirt and I blushed. “You look like you’ve got good taste.”

“Thanks.” I said, suddenly shy. “What kind of, umm, music you lookin’ for?” I ran a hand through my long, layered black hair, messing up my bangs in the process.

He shrugged and grinned, “Well, I’m looking for a gift for a friend so, anything pretty much anything goes. He’s pretty open-minded.”

I nodded with a smile, “Right this way.”

I hopped off my stool and walked over to the rock aisle, with him in tow.
I started flipping through the crates, “My name’s Corrine, but you can call me Rinny, by the way.” I said over my shoulder.

“That’s a pretty name for a pretty girl.” I could see my blush extending towards my Conversed-feet. “My name’s Brendon.” He smiled and I noticed he still hadn’t taken off his sunglasses.

“Never met a Brendon before.” I nodded.

“Happy to be your first.” He wiggled his eyebrows and laughed with me. He walked around the store and I got down to business.

We talked about our favorite bands, our favorite singers, Gerard Way and Jared Leto’s recent hair choices, and our favorite movies (apparently, we both love “Inglorious Basterds” and Elvis Costello).

I picked out “Seventh Son of a Seventh Son” by Iron Maiden, “The Illusion of Safety” by Thrice, “Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge” by My Chemical Romance, “City of Evil” by Avenged Sevenfold, and “Pretty. Odd.” By Panic! At the Disco.

“Brendon!” I called out and he popped up from behind a shelf with “The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars” in hand. “Everyone needs a little Bowie.” He smiled.

Nice, nice.

I waved him over to the counter and laid them out. “Are these okay?” I raised my eyebrow in question.
He looked through them and smiled, holding up “Pretty. Odd.”

“These guys are amazing, right?” he grinned and I nodded.

“Hellz yeah, who’s your favorite?” Hey, I was bored.

“Mmm, definitely the lead singer, I would kill for his hair.” I giggled. “I’d definitely tap that.” He said with a goofy face.

“It’s a shame they split in half, though, I loved the guitarist’s make-up.” I agreed.

“Okay, so I’ll just ring you up.” I popped the ‘p’ and stepped up behind the cash register. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him stare intently at my little stereo. He pointed at it and asked, “Who’s this?”

I laughed, “It’s Alesana; they kick ass.”

He nodded, impressed, “Do you have a copy of them somewhere around here?”

I squinted as if in deep thought, well I was, anyway – “Yeah, I’ll be right back.” I scurried off to the ‘Heavy’ section and found my target. My height didn’t make it easy, but I managed.

“Ok, I got it, Brendon – What the hell are you doing?!”

Here sat “Brendon” nosying through my notebook.

He simply glanced up at me and smiled, “This is really good.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “I swear I’m not bullshitting you, they are.”

“Thank you.” I said cautiously and stepped around the counter, “Now can you give it back to me, Brendon?”

“Nope, Rinny.” He mocked. “Are these lyrics or poems?” he turned a page and I decided to give up, what the hell?

I sat on the stool beside him, “They’re poems, I can’t sing for the life of me.” I rolled my eyes with a chuckle.

“Try me.” He lifted an eyebrow.

“Seriously?” I asked.

“Like cancer. You got a guitar?” He looked around.

“Yeah, in the back room. I’ll go get it.” I ran off and groped around till I found the light switch. I shuffled and rummaged through till I found my supposed co-worker Julian’s six-string.

“Here ya goes.” I handed him the guitar and he looked at me expectantly. “What?”
“Sing.” He said as if it were obvious.

“What the hell? Why?” I looked at him confused.

“Because I told you so.” He said slowly, as if I didn’t catch him the first time.

I thought about it, “Okay, how about I’ll sing it and you tell me why you’re wearing sunglasses inside a shop with minimal lighting?” I challenged and he chuckled.

“Okay, fine. But you have to sing first.” I rolled my eyes and nodded. He started to strum the guitar and I read my poem aloud to the rhythm.

Two stanzas in, he stopped abruptly. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

“You’re amazing, you little friggin liar.” I laughed.

“I’m serious. You should totally perform this live or something. You could do it with me!” he said excitedly.

I raised my eyebrows, “Oops! Forgot my end of the deal!”

He took off his sunglasses and I tried my best not to gasp but failed.

It all came together; the hair, the fancy get-up, the smile, the sunglasses, the attraction towards Brendon Urie – he is Brendon Urie.

“What the fuck?!” I squealed.

He laughed, “Yeah. So know would you perform it with me?”

“Yeah, o-okay.” I managed to breathe out, still shocked.

“Kay, meet me at the little joint down the road; The Stone, at eight tonight.” I nodded.

He picked up his records, winked at me and put his sunglasses back on. “See ya later, Rinny.”

“G-goodbye, Brendon.” I smiled wide-eyed.

He opened the door to leave and I stopped him, “Wait!” I yelled out.

He turned, “Who are the records for?” I asked.

“Ryan.” My jaw dropped. “Ross?!”

He simply smiled, “Yeah, he was here last week.” and walked out. I stayed planted in my stop till realization stuck me hard. I danced around and closed up shop, almost leaving my notebook in my rush out.
I stood outside the club cussing myself out. I am the world’s biggest dumbass. Brendon Urie took an interest in me. I was gyped by Brendon Urie. I had a very believable daydream. Brendon Urie has a nice ass.

These thoughts flew through my buzzing head and I argued with some (not the one about his ass). I sighed and gave up, turning back to walk home. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned back around. “Where are you off to Rinny?” he grinned and I couldn’t help but follow.
He looked down at his watch and said, “C’mon, it’s almost time for us to go on.” I nodded meekly.

He slipped his hand into mine and led me off backstage. Those butterflies everyone’s always talking about decided to make me their next target. Brendon Urie was holding my hand – another crazy theory.

He stood next to me in silence before realizing he still had hold of my hand. He let go and we both blushed. “So, uhh,” he scratched the back of his head. “You look really nice.” He gestured towards my threads. I blushed even harder and grinned. “Thanks.”

He opened his mouth to continue but was interrupted by a couple that showed up besides us. When I turned to see them, I swear my heart stopped beating for the second time today.

Frank I – fucking – ero was standing next to me, right next to Brendon fucking Urie.

I attempted to smile at him, but I’m sure it looked like a nervous twitch instead. He laughed and offered his hand, “Hi, I guess you already know who I am.”

I opened my mouth to speak, failing miserably and Brendon spoke for me, “Chill, Rinny. Frank, this is Rinny. Rinny, well, you already know Frank, so this is Carolina – Frank’s girlfriend.” He gestured towards the girl with pink bangs on Frank’s arm.

“Hi.” I spit out, maybe a little more high pitched than I intended. “Hey.” She smiled at me.
“Okay, so we’ll leave you girls alone. We’ve got to go set up my guitar, I’ll come get you when we’re up.” Brendon winked at me and I felt faint.

“Bye boys.” Carolina said for me. “C’mon.” she led me off towards a couch and sparked conversation with me. Surprisingly, I managed to carry through.

“So, are you and Brenny a thing now?” she wiggled her eyebrows and I laughed nervously.
“I met him just today.” I argued with a smile.

“Suuuure.” She said disbelievingly. “Today, he hung out with Frankie and I and ALL he could talk about was Rinny and how funny Rinny is and how Rinny loves Bowie and how Rinny loves screamo, etcetera.” She said pointedly.

I gaped at the little lady; Brendon Urie was talking about me to Frank Iero and his girlfriend!
This is one badass daydream.

“dRight then, Brendon popped up, “Let’s go Rinny.” He grinned and I noticed he had his guitar in hand. I was actually gonna do this. I took a deep breath and stood up. I waved goodbye to Carolina and Frank and Brendon led me closer to the stage. “You ready?”

I looked at him terrified, “No.”

He laughed and held my shoulders, “Relax, you’ll do amazing.” I found myself actually relaxing; I was about to play with Brendon Urie. I laughed aloud at the statement and he looked at me surprised. A big tattooed and pierced guy gave us the okay and he put his hand on the small of my back, leading me onstage.

He walked up to the microphone, “Hey guys. I’m Kevin (still wearing the goddamned glasses) and this is Rinny and she’s gonna sing something she wrote for you guys. It’s called “My Road”.”

He looked back at me and I took the mic from him. He sat down on a stool and began playing, I began singing.

“The roads ahead of me,
Are both beautiful.
One with rises begging to be explored the other
With white lilies daring to be picked.
They're both screaming to me!
But how do I choose?
One promises safe success the other
Fun and excitement. Where will
Thy lead? For a slight minute
I'm drawn to safe success but like a hand,
Fun and excitement grabs me by the shoulders and I'm following
That path.

I see creatures that guide me to a creepy
House with blackness as steep as the midnight
Sky did I make the right choice?
I don't know then the wind whispers to me
"There is always time for fun but more importantly there is always time to be taken seriously."”
We finished and the audience went wild. My heart was beating out of my chest and I felt like I could take on the world. Brendon stepped up to the mic again, “So did that kickass or did that kickass?” the audience roared again and he turned to me. “Told you so.”
I didn’t respond. Instead, I leaned up on my tiptoes and pressed my lips against his. The crowd awed. He pulled away with a smile that could splice his face in half.

“Thank you so much, Brendon!” I squealed.

“So, does this mean you’d like to... hang out sometime?” he asked nervously.

“Hell yeah!” He smiled and kissed me again.
♠ ♠ ♠
For XxRockerXxBabyXx!